Alpine violets are one of the most popular flowers for cultivation in the house. They are ideal for bringing to the window in autumn and early winter color. As a rule, you should bloom for at least six weeks. You can find out from this article which alpine violet care is required in the apartment so that your flowers develop properly.
Alpine violets are estimated in white, pink and red tones because of their large, striking winter flowers. The rest period of the flower is in summer. Then it does not need any special care, but in autumn and in winter, when it blooms, you have to maintain it well. Follow ourTips for the right oneCare and the plants will benefit from it and reward them with their magnificent flowers.
Which alpine ming care is required in the apartment
How do I care for an alpine ming? The flower should start growing again after the summer rest phase in September. Bring the plant into the house, plant it, if necessary, and start pouring again when you see the buds of the new petals.
This petite flower requires certain growth conditions so that it can thrive well. It is a relativeeasy -care houseplant, however, it must not be neglected. We respond to the peculiarities of the flower and the requirements on the soil type, irrigation, fertilization, light, etc.
Observe appropriate lighting and temperature conditions
Your alpine violet needs a cool, bright place in autumn and winter to feel comfortable. Protect it from direct sunlight because it can lead to burns of the leaves. It is best to hibernate in a cool room at around 10-15 ° C.
If you hold the alpine violet in a warm room, the leaves yellow, the flowers use quickly and the plant goes into an early phase of rest. A cool greenhouse, a glazed terrace, a veranda or a windowsill that is aligned to the east or north is ideal. The flower must not be left outdoors if the temperatures are expected to fall below 5 ° C at night.
Irrigation needs of the Alpine violet
In order for you to properly maintain your Alpine violet, you have to water the flower properly. Keep the earth moist, but don't pour too much - this is a common mistake that kills your Alpine violet. If you want your plant to bloom again next autumn, you will have to let it "sleep" over the summer by watering less.
Let it dry out between the water. So, in autumn and in winter they only pour when the floor starts to dry out. How do you pour the plant correctly? Instead of pouring from above, which can spray water onto the leaves and tubers, which can lead to putrefaction, leave the plant in a sauce or flat bowl with water for about an hour until the compost is damp but not wet. Let excess water drip and ensure good drainage in the pot.
Which floor and fertilizer are cheap for good growth
Plant alpine violets in a mixture of leaf litter, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1. Choose a pot with drainage holes and make sure that the top of the tuber is just above the earth's surface. Make sure that the roots are not disturbed too much when planting. The onions can be planted individually in smaller pots or planted in groups in a larger container.
Alpine violets do not have to be fertilized. This can cause you to develop a lot of leaves than flowers. Fertilize every few months with a flowering house plant fertilizer. Organic material is perfect for your houseplants.
Some home remedies are also perfect as a fertilizer. Addition from coffee grounds to your Alpine violet is a great way to give it the nutrients that it takes for lush, lively flowers. Simply put a spoon -used coffee grounds into the earth or the compost of your Alpine violet every four to six weeks.
Common problems with alpine violets in the apartment
- The usual problems with the plant in winter are connected to the overgraduation or too high temperatures. If you notice yellow leaves in autumn or winter, this can mean that the room is too warm or that the plant has got too much water.
- It may also be that the plant has got too much sunlight. A poor flower is also attributed to high temperatures. If water is too much water, flowing flowers and leaves can also occur.
- Refill it that graywater can form under damp conditions on the stems or flowers. If you notice damaged leaves, the timely removal of dead leaves or flowers can prevent the development of mildew.
- It is also helpful to avoid spraying the leaves with water so that they can prevent fungal diseases.
Read too:Maintain alpine violets: How to take care of the beautiful autumn and winter bloomers all year round