Make diaper cake yourself: step-by-step instructions and tips for correct assembly

Have you been invited to a baby party and think about a gift? Diaper cakes can be used as gifts for baby shines or as decoration. It is a stack of rolled or folded diapers that look like a traditional step cake. This practical idea is the perfect gift for freshly baked parents. We show how you can do a diaper cake yourself.

Every baby shower needs a diaper cake! A diaper cake is often given to the expectant mother by one of the guests at her baby shower, or she is designed by the host of the baby shower as a table attachment for the dining table. If you ask yourself how to make a diaper cake, this guide for a baby diaper cake is just the right thing for you. It's simple and funny to make a diaper cake. You need a little patience to roll all the diapers, but it's exciting. Take a look at our instructions!

What is a diaper cake from

A diaper cake is built from diapers and decorated with decorations such as flowers or stuffed animals.You can do the cakeBuild up rolled diapers from two or three layers that are wrapped with a tape that looks like icing on a cake. You can make the decoration according to your preferences. Be creative and create a unique cake!

What you need for the cake

To start making a diaper cake, you have to put together a few simple materials and give your imagination free to make you make an interesting cake yourself. Here are the materials you need for the diaper cake.

  • 50 diapers
  • 51 rubber bands
  • 2 extra large rubber bands (for wrapping the lower two levels)
  • 1 cake base
  • 1 large bottle of lotion or a paper towel
  • Wide ribbon
  • Decorations

Diaper cakes are surprisingly easy to make in a few steps. You probably have the most material you need at home and can individually design your diaper cake with decorations of your choice. Here we show the steps how to make the diaper cake.

  • Since you will set up the diapers on the sides, you have to roll them up into small bundles. Wrap the diapers one after the other by starting with the front of the diaper and rolling it up back. Attach with a rubber band.
  • Take the cake base and put a heavy bottle with Babylotion or shampoo in the middle. You can also use an empty paper towel or wrapping paper roll.
  • For the first stage, lay a layer of rolled -up diapers around the bottle and attach the diapers with a large rubber band on the outside. Use as many diapers as necessary to fill the entire floor evenly. The number of diapers that you need for a diaper cake depends on how big the finished cake should be and how many layers you plan.
  • Place the second layer on the first and reduce it by at least one round diapers.
  • Repeat the process for the third layer and, if necessary, for other layers that you want to add. The structure of the diaper cake is to stack all stages one above the other.
  • Secure each stage by tying a piece of cord in the middle of the level in the same place as the rubber bands.
  • Once you have the shape of a step cake, you can decorate the cake! To hide the rubber bands, cut a piece of band in a reasonable length and wrap it around the rubber band areas on each level.
  • What kind ofDecorations and decorations fitTo your diaper cake? This is the funny part! You can design a topper for the tip of the cake that fits the topic of the baby shower. Above all, they need something that can be placed on the cake at the top to cover the opening. You can use a rubber duck or a teddy bear or another baby toy on the top of the cake and then add a rain band. In this last step you can be as creative as you want! You can decorate the cake on a specific topic or add many small decorations. A homemade gift for a baby party can be made so funny and creative!