The knight's star is a plant with magnificent flowers that quickly conquer the hearts of all flower lovers. And while other houseplants impress with their splendor of leaves, the amaryllis (Hippeastrum), as it is also called, this very flower that always entices you to buy it. Because many people don't know how to continue caring for it after the flowering phase or what is necessary to get the amaryllis to bloom again. The flowering phase is only promoted if the amaryllis care is correct in autumn and today we will summarize what you should consider.
The importance of the rest phase for the knight star
In autumn, immediately after the growth phase from May to July, the amaryllis is in the dormant phase and this should by no means be underestimated. Only if you “allow” it to go through this resting phase will you be rewarded with the long-awaited flowering in winter. But you can and should help the knight's star to enter the rest phase, which you should ideally start doing in August. If not, do so as soon as possible.
Initiate the rest phase in August
In principle, all you have to do is change your amaryllis care in the fall to imitate the seasons as they are known in nature. In this case that means that:
- Stop watering them so often.
- no longer fertilize.
From August onwards, gradually reduce the watering. At the end of the month, stop watering completely. You no longer need to fertilize the plant from August onwards, because fertilizer stimulates growth and that is exactly what you want to avoid so that the knight's star can rest. You don't need to change the location. Ideally, your plant should be in a semi-shady place in the garden that is pleasantly warm.
Should you cut the amaryllis?
You will notice that the green leaves begin to wilt in the fall due to the changed Amaryllis care. We admit, it's not exactly a pretty sight and you'll probably be tempted to cut it off. However, this would deprive the plant of important nutrients, which is why we advise against it. Instead, let nature take its course, as this way the nutrients contained in the leaves can reach the flower bulb, which will benefit later flower formation.
Amaryllis care in autumn – what happens from September?
Now it is important to guarantee the amaryllis a temperature that allows it to enter the dormant phase. This is best between 10 and 15 degrees, although the new location should be dark. This is the moment when the plant should completely stop growing and you can also cut off the leaves. From now on you no longer need to worry about the Knight's Star and leave it to its own devices for the time being.
When will you “wake up” the knight’s star again?
Just as you helped the amaryllis to fall asleep, you should of course also get it out of its dormant phase. After all, you are currently playing the role of Mother Nature. All you have to do is,repot the flower bulb. The fresh substrate wakes it up, so to speak, so that it can then begin the growth phase. The right time for this is November. Also do the following:
- Choose the right size pot: there should be no more space between its edge and the very edge of the bulb than a thumb.
- The bulb itself is not completely buried: a third or maximum half is above ground.
- From now on, the pot is best placed in a warm and bright place (e.g. the windowsill).
- Always keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid waterlogging.
- Don't fertilize yet. As soon as the first leaves appear, you can start fertilizing the plant as usual and in this way get the amaryllis to bloom again.
Also read:How to overwinter Amaryllis & get them to bloom again
Amaryllis care brief instructions – the most important things summarized again
If you follow the tips mentioned on Amaryllis careAmaryllis care tipsIf you stick to autumn, the magnificent flowering should occur from around mid-December, so that you have beautiful decorations available at Christmas time that should bring joy all winter long. Below we briefly summarize the most important things:
Ab August:
- Gradually reduce watering and stop completely
- Stop fertilizing
- Only remove wilting leaves when they are completely dry
From September:
- Cooler location between 10 and 15 degrees
- Dark location
- Cut off leaves
- Not fertilize or water more!
Ab November:
- Repotting the flower bulb: the circumference of the pot is only slightly larger than that of the flower bulb; Plant the onion partially above ground
- New location in the bright and warm
- Keep soil moist
- Fertilize from the first leaf formation
Tipp: Now in autumn is also the perfect time to get new amaryllis plants. These are pre-maintained and delivered on timebloom in winter.
Here you will finda few ideas for the knight's star in a glass as a decoration for Christmas.