Monstera deliciosa: What care mistakes should you definitely avoid in order to grow a magnificent plant?

Monstera plants not only bring a touch of tropical atmosphere to any room, but they also have air purifying properties that make them a must-have for every home. Although the window leaf, as the monstera is also called, is one of the easiest houseplants to care for, it is not immune to problems. Find out here which care mistakes you should definitely avoid in order to prevent your plant from dying and to make your Monstera thrive.

Unfortunately, many plant owners make common mistakes that can cause their beloved houseplant to wilt. We've compiled the most common of these to help you avoid them in the future.

Common mistakes when watering

  • Overwatering:Overwatering can cause a number of problems and is one of the most common mistakes that kill houseplants. It results in root rot, yellowing leaves and a musty smell coming from the soil. For this reason, it is much better to underwater than overwater. You can add more water later, but it is very difficult to reverse overwatering. To avoid overwatering, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering the plant again. If the soil does not dry in time, you will need to improve the pot's drainage holes or replace the soil with a well-draining mix.
  • Watering too little:It's easy to forget to water your Monstera, especially when you're busy doing other things. But if you give your plant too little water, it will react with brown leaf tips and leaf edges. So look for dry soil and a much lighter pot and wilted or drooping leaves. These are all signs that your houseplant is suffering from underwatering.

Not providing enough light

Another care mistake that many plant owners make is putting the Monstera in the wrong placeLocation in the apartmentto provide. If you notice that your plant has leaf discoloration or smaller leaves that are not dividing and the plant is not growing as quickly, these are obvious signs that it needs extra light.

The best location for a Monstera deliciosa is near a window where it will receive filtered, indirect light. Be careful, however, as direct light can be too harsh on the plant's leaves and can cause burns.

Choosing the wrong pot size

To choose the right pot size for your plant, you should consider the sizeyour Monsteraand consider the amount of root space it needs to grow. Because it grows so quickly, you should increase the pot size annually by making the new pot one to two sizes larger than the old one.

If you notice that the plant is not growing or its roots are starting to grow out of the drainage holes, you should transplant it. A pot that is too small can restrict growth and lead to stunting or root rot. A pot that is too large is also not recommended as water can collect at the bottom and lead to overwatering and root rot.

Fertilize too much or too little

Fertilizing your plant is important to give it the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive. However, the right amount of fertilizer is even more important, as too much or too little fertilizer could harm the health of your plant.

Over-fertilization canyellow leaves or brownCause leaf tips and cause root burn.

Be sure to choose a balanced fertilizer and fertilize the plant every two to four weeks during the growing season and avoid fertilizing during the winter months. Dilute the fertilizer according to the instructions on the package.

If you find that you have over-fertilized your window leaf, you can save it by watering it several times to remove the excess nutrients from the pot. Cut off any burned roots and transplant the monstera into a new pot with fresh, well-drained soil.

Lack of humidity

The Monstera deliciosa is native to tropical forests, which means it thrives in environments with high humidity. Therefore, if you want a healthy and magnificent plant, you should definitely not neglect the level of humidity in your home. The low humidity in the room causes the leaves to lose more water and curl up.

To increase the humidity around your Monstera, you can consider the following measures:

  • Using a humidifier
  • Place a bowl of water near the plant
  • Group the Monstera with other plants
  • Spray the window leaf regularly with water.

Monstera deliciosa: ignore pests

Check your plant regularly for a pest infestation, as ignoring the problem will result in the plant's health deteriorating. The most common signs of a pest infestation are holes in the leaves, sticky residue or white webs on the leaves.

To keep your Monstera pest-free, try some natural remedies like wiping the leaves with a damp cloth and spraying the plant with neem oil.