Monstera is an eye-catching and popular houseplant that brings uniqueness and exoticism to any home. The plant is prone to problems, some of which are related to the leaves. Most causes are due to the care of the plant. Monstera has brown spots, what to do?
Many causes of brown spots on Monstera leaves can be treated if you act quickly. Check out the most common causes and their corresponding solutions and care measures so you can grow your plant properly.
Monstera has brown spots due to overwatering
The leaves of the plant are sensitive to water. Monstera gets brown spots on the leaves when the plant is watered excessively. Make sure there is adequate drainage and do not use a heavy soil mix that will retain water.
If you give the plant too much water, the roots will no longer be able to breathe, and if root rot occurs, the whole plant will suffer, resulting in brown orblack spots on the leavesand stems.
Only water when the top layer of soil has completely dried out.What to do if root rot has formed? You can repot the Monstera and cut off the affected roots to prevent further spread. Keeping the leaves dry can also help prevent further spots from forming.
Direct sunlight causes leaf burn
Too much sunlight can cause brown spots on Monstera plants. Monstera needs filtered sunlight from above, which is sufficient for photosynthesis and further growth. Exposing your plant to direct sun will most likely burn it.Provide bright, indirect lightfor your Monstera. A bright window that is not directly illuminated by the sun is best suited. This will keep your houseplant happy and healthy.
Too much fertilizer harms the plant
Every plant needs nutrients, but when caring for Monstera, be careful not to over-fertilize your plant. If you give too much fertilizer, there will be a buildup of salts in the soil, which will result in damage to the roots and then to the leaves and trunk. If you have overfertilized your Monstera, what can you do to repair the damage? Very easy:Rinse the soil with filtered water,until it is clear and stop fertilizing for several months.
How much fertilizer does Monstera need? Fertilize every few weeks in spring and summer. The best homemade fertilizer for this plant is a combination of organic materials.
You can use kitchen scraps like banana peels and coffee grounds, which are great sources of nitrogen and potassium needed for healthy plant growth. Gelatin powder is an easy source of a little nitrogen boost that will help your plant grow strong and healthy foliage.
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Insufficient humidity causes the leaves to dry out
Humidity is an important condition that you need to consider when creating aWant to keep Monstera happy. Monstera plants need humidity above 40% to thrive, and they can begin to suffer when humidity drops. When humidity is low, the leaves become dry and brittle and begin to brown over time. If you notice brown leaf tips on Monstera leaves, this indicates low humidity.
There is a simple solution to this problem.Simply place the plant on a pebble tray filled with water and pebbles. The water evaporates, giving the plant the extra moisture it needs to thrive. Another possibility is thisUsing a humidifierfor the leaves.
What pests attack Monstera leaves
Pests can also cause brown leaves on a Monstera plant. Here are the most common ones.
- Spider mitesare one of the most common indoor pests. Spider mites damage leaves by causing them to brown, wilt, and fall off. You can remove the pests manually by washing the leaves with a shower warmer than 40°C. Apply a thick layer of soapy lather, which will help remove the pests.
- Aphidscause small brown growths on the surface of leaves and stems. Droplets of a sticky, clear liquid appear on the leaf veins. A common control method is spraying with a solution of soap and alcohol in water in a ratio of 1:1:4. Another option is to wipe the plant with a thick foam of laundry soap and after half an hour rinse with hot (45-50 º C) water.
- Thripseare tiny insects that look like small light spots on the leaves that gradually turn into large gray-brown spots. If the Monstera has this problem, replace the top 8-10 cm of soil. You can help the plant recover by cutting off severely damaged leaves.
Read also: Monstera deliciosa:Which care mistakes should you definitely avoid in order to grow a magnificent plant?