Baking soda against fungus gnats: The home remedy as a useful insider tip against annoying flies

We all know them – the annoying insects that emerge from the potting soil of our houseplants and suddenly buzz around the entire room. Whether at home or in the office, the so-called fungus gnats are not exactly harmful, but they are very annoying. Luckily, we came across a home remedy that can help you get rid of the little flies. Read on to learn how baking soda works against fungus gnats and how to use it correctly.

How to get rid of fungus gnats with a home remedy

Fungus gnats are black flies that are two to four millimeters in size and multiply quickly in damp areas, among other places. Therefore, they feel comfortable in the substrate of houseplants and find a favorable habitat in our favorite plants. The small insects don't cause much damage, but are a nuisance when they fly into your face when watering or moving the pots.

There are now many methods for getting rid of fungus gnats, but most of them only work to a limited extent. However, we have discovered an inexpensive home remedy that can effectively eliminate the flies if the infestation is not too severe.

Baking powder is a very useful ingredient that is used in more than just baking. The home remedy is a real all-rounder and can be used both when cleaningas well as in the gardenprovide good service. However, only a few people know that baking soda can help against fungus gnats. And how does the home remedy actually work? After application, the fungus gnat larvae absorb the baking soda and then die. This means the problem can be solved right from the start.

There are two methods to use baking soda on plant soil to combat fungus gnats: either sprinkle directly onto the soil or spray the soil with a homemade plant spray.

Sprinkle baking soda on the soil

This fungus gnat control tip is really simple. All you need to do is sift a few teaspoons of baking soda through a sieve directly onto the soil of the affected plant and then water the plant. Make sure the powder is distributed in a thin layer and evenly and does not form lumps. When the baking soda is moistened, it reaches deeper into the soil, reaching the larvae and killing them. To make the home remedy work faster, place the pot in a warm, sunny place. Fungus gnats and their larvae do not like dryness.

DIY spray with baking soda against fungus gnats

The other way to use baking soda to combat fungus gnats is in the form of a spray. You need the following ingredients:

  • 3 teaspoons baking powder (or 1 teaspoon baking soda)
  • 1 squirt of mild soap
  • 1 liter of water

Mix everything well in a spray bottle and spray the soil of the affected plants.

Try this variant if the fungus gnats have not disappeared after sprinkling the baking soda. Make sure you use only a little soap and that it has a mild formula or you may harm the plant roots.