Summer is in full way outside. The fruit trees get the first fruits, the grass grows lush and all plants in the garden impress in strong green or with beautiful flowers. Almost everyone wants to have this bloom in the house, provide a little color and fragrance that refresh the boring atmosphere. And what could better fulfill this wish than a pretty flower. Especially thebalconyis a perfect place to start planting. So far so good. Now, however, the question arises in which direction the balcony shows and in relation to which plants feel comfortable when they are shot by the sun all day and what the shady areas prefer that the sun rarely. In this article you can find out which types ofBalcony plants for plump sunare suitable.
The southernBalconyare usually the most problematic for the plants. This is especially true if you are also glazed. It will be shot by the sun all day and the flower pots dry out quickly, the plants shrink together and literally burn in the heat. And it is truly not easy to control these conditions. But there are also types ofFlowers for the sunny balcony, who do not constitute direct sunlight and even resist them with ease. Of course, you also have to help you with it by pouring them regularly.
Balcony plants for plump sun - the Petunia
One of the most popular and most beautiful one -year -oldsBalcony plants for sunny balconyis the petunia. Their beautiful flowers appear in April and bloom until October. There are many varieties in a wide variety of colors, including Darkellila, yellow, red and white and even two -tone. The Petunia must be watered regularly, at least every two days. On the hot days inSommerShould they even be irrigated every day. You will thank you with beautiful flowers in great colors.
Balcony plants for plump sun - the Calibrachoa
The Calibrachoa is by no means less pretty. The trumpet -shaped flowers are much smaller than that of petunia. The colors of the flowers are incredibly strong and exist in all warm nuances and easily switch into the cold colors with pale blue and purple. Also thisBalcony plants for sunny balconylove the water. But be careful, because the Calibrachoa must not be overlooked because its roots quickly rot.
The hanging terrans are also flowers that tolerate a lot of sun. There are many different types with different colored leaves and more or less filling inflorescences. The geraniums can be hung at different heights and adorn several levels of their balcony area. Hanging flower types are also very practical if there is no more space for standing variants and the balcony railing is already occupied.
And so your balcony with a mix of many geraniums can look in summer. Simply splendid, isn't it? As you can see, a design in one color is as attractive as the use of several colors. As already mentioned, the balcony design is particularly lush and beautiful when several levels are used. So hang a few boxes on the railing while others are placed on the floor.
The special thing about geraniums is not just the wide variety of colors. The shape, size and type of flowers also differ greatly. There are variants with a few petals as well as those with a large number that form lush flowers. The flowers can also be larger and sometimes smaller. So take the time to look at all types of geraniums to find the best for your taste.
Balcony plants for sunny balcony - portula guns
The portules are especially a good choice if they want to design very colorful and happy flower boxes without having to water them every day. They are easily planted by seeds and bloom all summer in different colors such as pink, purple, pink, yellow, white and different orange tones. The flowers grow lush on small areas and create a beautiful flower arrangement. In the large flower box, these flowers can also be combined with other species.
Portula flower is usually offered as a mix of seeds. This means that you have no influence on the flower color, but a colorful mix is inevitable. However, you can change this next year. As soon as the flowers wither, they form new seeds that you can collect in separate containers depending on the color. Then next year you will have the opportunity to design the flower pots depending on the color if you prefer solid color arrangements.
The ordinary liver balm
The ordinary liver balm is also one of the right onesBalcony plants for sunny balconyAnd feels comfortable in a flowerpot in the sun. There are varieties in different shades of blue color and sometimes also in pink and white. The plant is characterized by its tiny flowers, which grow particularly lush and form a bush. The bright colors immediately catch the eye and are perfect for the color design of the outdoor area.
Balcony plants for sunny balcony - the Lobelia
The lobelia look with their little blue, white, pink or purple flowers like colorful clouds. They bloom continuously until August. You are an annual plants, which is why you cannot reproduce in a natural way for the next year. However, the effort of the annual new planting is extremely worthwhile, don't you find?
Diascia, der Elfensporn
The full sun also loves the Diascia, which is also called elf spur. It takes sufficient water in summer, because the floor must not dry out. The plant tolerates that at all. At the same time, waterlogging should also be avoided. Faded flowers are best cut off immediately so that new flowers can form. After the first flowering period, you can also cause a second one by carrying out a radical cut. That may seem too bad for them at first, but believe us, you won't regret it! If you stow the plants in the house in winter, you will still enjoy you in the following years.
The student flower
The student flower is mostly planted in the garden, but is just as suitable asBalcony plants for sunny balcony. It feels comfortable in flower boxes or larger pots and is extremely resistant to the summer heat. The strong, bright, orange, yellow and red colors stand out from afar and ensure a good mood. The plant forms seeds that you can collect and plant next year. So they enjoy them every year.
Balcony plants for sunny balcony - the drilling flower
You can also put the drilling flower outside in summer so that it can recover from the lack of light in winter. She will quickly get many new leaves and start blooming. Offer it a support for the long stems and fertilize them with a solution for flowering plants. The fertilization should also take place in all other flowering plants, especially with the one -year -olds. It is best to fertilize them a little with every watering to ensure a larger and long -lasting bloom.
Housing plants on the sunny balcony
You can also put some houseplants on the balcony, but only when the weather is permanently warm. You will feel a lot better there in summer than in stuffy space. Especially cacti and palm trees love the sun and become suitable as suitableBalcony plants for sunny balconyenjoy. Maybe you even want to combine the houseplant with some one -year balcony plants. To do this, simply plant them in the bucket of the houseplant. When the season is over, remove it again.
Creativity and sun for a nice balcony
It's not difficultBalcony plants for sunny balconyTo find and to turn it into a flowering paradise. You just need to know which plants you should choose and how best to take care of you. Even if many of them are only one -year -old plants, they will still delight them with bright colors all season.
If you have chosen a certain type of flower, it is also advisable to combine several colors of this way. To do this, you can use one color in each flower pot or alternate two or more colors in a flower box. Also very nice also looks a duchy of colors, as it was designed in the picture at the top. Petunia look particularly attractive on the outside of the balcony railing, where you can hang down. They also do very well in hanging pots.
A beautiful mix is created when they plant different types of flowers together in a container, be it a pot, a box or a bucket. In this way you can put together the desired colors as you wish. If you, for example, want to arrange an ombre effect from different shades of a color, but do not find enough colors for a type of flower, simply use other species.