The exotic houseplant, single-leaf (Spathiphyllum), is a graceful houseplant appreciated by flower growers. The plant is relatively undemanding and rarely causes problems for the caring owner. The fact that the flower needs help is evident from various signs that should not be ignored. One of the most alarming symptoms is wilting of the leaf edges and tips. If you notice brown tips on the leaf, you must first discover the causes and then act. Read on as we explain the problem.
Description of the problem
As a rule, the problem with wilting leaves does not develop in a flash, but gradually, becoming more noticeable day by day. First, the plant begins to lose its gracefulness and acquire a painful appearance. In these cases, the leaves of Spathiphyllum droop and lose their original turgor, juiciness and shiny sheen.
Basically, photosynthesis is disrupted. As a result, the leaves become damaged and begin to turn brown. If the cause is not identified in time and the necessary measures are not taken, the plant's foliage will wilt and fall off quite quickly.
Why brown tips appear on the single leaf
The exotic origin of spathiphyllum leads to increased sensitivity to changes in the usual environment and to violations of the rules of care. Among the main causes that can lead to wilting of the edges and ends of leaves, florists include:
- inadequate lighting;
- inadequate humidity;
- irregularities in temperature;
- irregularities in irrigation;
- irregularities in the feeding regime;
- unsuitable pot;
- unsuitable substrate;
- Diseases and pest infestations.
Inappropriate lighting causes brown tips on the leaf
Spathiphyllum loves soft, diffused light. At home, the plant's light needs can be met by placing the pot on a windowsill in the southern, eastern or western part of the house. It is very important that the plant receives sufficient light, but it must be protected from direct sunlight. Direct sunlight is harmful to the delicate leaves of spathiphyllum.
Lack of humidity damages the leaves
Spathiphyllum is very sensitive to a lack of moisture in the air. Dry air dries out the foliage of this exotic plant, causing the plant to yellow and wilt. To prevent the leaves from drying out due to the dry air, florists recommend not neglecting regular spraying of exotics in hot weather and during the heating season.
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Avoid temperature fluctuations
Temperature fluctuations can be detrimental to your one leaf. The plants can fully develop at a constant temperature of around 23°C. Some novice flower growers often make the serious mistake of placing these exotics near heating devices. In very hot conditions, often accompanied by dry air, plants become sick and their foliage begins to yellow and dry out.
Improper watering can cause problems
Exotic Spathiphyllums need a lot of moisture, otherwise they will quickly dry out and turn yellow. In summer, plants should be frequent and plentifulbe pouredwithout the water stagnating in the pot. In winter it is desirable to limit watering and ensure that the substrate is always moderately moist. Drying out the potting soil is no less harmful to the plants than waterlogging.
Spathiphyllums should be watered with soft, temperate, warm water. Watering with cold water is a strong stressor for the plants and their root system. As a result of hypothermia, exotics can become sick, wilt and even shed their leaves.
Feed the plants properly
When cultivating spathiphyllum, it is very important to observe proper feeding. Both a lack of nutrients in the substrate and an oversupply of nutrients are perceived negatively by the plants. In both cases, the leaves may dry up, blacken or develop brown tips.
To avoid problems associated with incorrect fertilization, it is advisable to use complex fertilizers for ornamental and flowering plants or fertilizers specially designed for spathiphyllum. Fertilizers should be applied strictly according to the recommended schedule.
Pay attention to the correct pot size
A very common cause of problems with spathiphyllum is an unsuitable pot size. In a very narrow container, the roots intertwine and strongly squeeze each other. As a result of disruption of the root system, the above-ground part of the plant does not receive the normal amount of moisture and nutrients, which leads to wilting and dried leaves.
But even a very spacious pot can cause problems. In this case, the roots of the plant cannot fully utilize the space in the pot and the soil becomes waterlogged. This leads to the development of diseases of the root system and, as a result, to the wilting of tender exotics.
What kind of substrate is suitable for the plant?
The composition and quality of the substrate are very important for Spathiphyllum. These delicate plants prefer loose, slightly acidic soil that is rich in micro and macronutrients. In addition, the substrate should be permeable to moisture and air so that the roots have access to water and oxygen. For growing spathiphyllum, a mixture of:
- 2 parts potting soil;
- 1 Teil Blatthum;
- 1 part sand.
In the soil mixture it is desirable to add charcoal, which enhances the antibacterial properties of the substrate. Before laying the substrate at the bottom of the pot, be sure to ensure good drainage.
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