The pretty Christmas rose is adorning more and more homes and outdoor areas. No wonder, because it brings life into the bare season by withstanding temperatures like no other plant. This winter flower can easily spend the winter season in the garden, but can also decorate the balcony and terrace in a pot. But what should you pay attention to when it comes to care? For example, is watering when there is frost a good idea? And how do indoor care measures change? We summarize the most important things and explain how you can care for your Christmas rose in winter!
The right care in the winter season outdoors
The beautiful flower is undoubtedly hardy. Nevertheless, they are in autumnfreshly planted Christmas rosesstill sensitive to low temperatures, which is why you should consider frost protection in the first winter so that the plant can get used to the cold. A simple protective fleece is completely sufficient for this.
Otherwise it isregarding Christmas rose careThe following should be taken into account in winter, regardless of whether it is white or the special red Christmas rose:
Caring for the Christmas rose in winter – the right location
Where is the best place for a Christmas rose? It's not that difficult to find the perfect place for these undemanding plants. Choose a location for the Christmas rose outside that is protected from the sun in summer - partial shade under sparse trees or bushes, for example.
For the winter season, this offers the advantage that the fallen leaves provide protection from the cold for the roots. The soil is ideally clayey and calcareous. She needs lime to form many flowers. So if foliage predominates in winter, this is probably due to a lack of lime.
How much water does the Christmas rose need?
It is logical that the plant needs a lot of water during the hot summer months - after all, this applies to most plant species. But what about in the cold season? Should you water regularly when caring for Christmas roses in winter?
Yes, plants can dry out even in cold weather, so water regularly if there are long dry periods (rain or even melting snow should provide the flowers with enough water, so you don't have to worry about it in this case). However, under no circumstances should you water the Christmas rose when there is frost.
Tipp:If you lay out a layer of mulch, you can avoid large temperature differences when watering, which would stress the plant.
Use fertilizer during winter season
Christmas roses are very undemanding when it comes to nutrient requirements. Only work when plantingorganic fertilizerand give it lawn clippings, leaves or compost every now and then throughout the year, but this is best done outside the winter season so that non-rotting parts of the plant do not cause fungal diseases due to the high soil moisture.
Why are the flower heads suddenly hanging?
You're just looking out the window to enjoy the view of the beautiful flowers when you suddenly notice: Christmas rose has flowers hanging! Why are my Christmas roses drooping? Have I done something wrong regarding care?
The Christmas rose hangs its head for a very simple reason: To prevent the plant from freezing to death, it withdraws water from its leaves and stems when it gets colder. This is a natural protection against the cold, which also creates that hanging look, as if it was just about to dry out. You will see this phenomenon more often in winter.
Are cuts necessary?
Sooner or later, of course, the pretty flowers wither and you are faced with the big question: Should you cut faded Christmas roses?
Yes, you should remove wilted flowers regularly when growing your Christmas rosemaintain in winter, but not the green of the plant. In contrast to the flowers, you let this wither on its own because the plant currently needs it to survive. So cut the leavesnotab!
How to care for the Christmas rose in the pot
The Christmas rose is hardy, tooin the pot, but only with a certain amount of winter protection at double-digit temperatures below zero. The roots are more exposed to the cold in a pot, so without protection it can happen that after a while you find your Christmas rose frozen. The pot ideally stands on a polystyrene plate and is also protected on the sides with bubble wrap or wrapped with jute. This means the Christmas rose can spend the whole winter on the balcony.
Under no circumstances should you keep the Christmas rose indoors because it doesn't do well in the heat. So if you were given a potted plant as a gift, at least find a cool room for it. The stairwell (if you live in an apartment) is also a good location for winter. 10 to 15 degrees in a bright location is optimal for potted plants. Of course you can also use the flower for a few weeksDecoration in the houseKeep it before you treat it to slightly cooler temperatures.
Water if necessary, but without waterlogging and choose frost-free days for this. Gradually cut off spent flowers, but allow the foliage to wither.