Date palms are one of the most popular exotic houseplants. If you would like to have such an exotic animal at home, then read on. Because we explain if you can grow a date palm from core. You don't have to spend a lot on it, because luckily even seeds from supermarket fruits germinate without any problems. Grow your own date palm – made easy!
Date palm: Growing it is incredibly easy and inexpensive
The genus “Palms” includes 14 species. The real date palm is one of them. Anyone can grow the tree, whose fruits we like to eat or make into delicious sweets, from Kern themselves. All you need are dates (from the supermarket or organic store). After eating the fruit, you should keep the seeds. Because they remain viable for up to 700 days. So even long after you have picked the fruit. It is therefore also possible to take packaged dates from the supermarket. January and February are also a good time to grow date palms because the fruits are picked at the end of the year. So you can now find fresh dates in stores.
If you want to grow a date palm yourself, proceed as follows:
1. Take a date and carefully remove the stone from the pulp. It's best to work with your fingers and not use a knife as it could damage the core. And interfaces are entry points for fungi and bacteria.
2. Then place the core in a container with rainwater ordecalcified tap water. Leave it there for about 24 to 72 hours. Change the water daily. Place the container in a sunny but warm place.
3. Fill a growing pot with growing soil and place it in a bright place in a heated room. Note that the palm tree does not tolerate temperature fluctuations well. So it's best to choose a room that is heated during the day and also in the evening. A heated winter garden or greenhouse with heating is also an option.
4. Insert the core into the substrate about 2-3 cm deep and cover it with soil. This is necessary because the date palm is a dark germinator.
4. Now patience is required. The seeds need around 3 to 4 months until they develop a root system and sprout. At first you will only see a single, large leaf. After a few months another leaf appears.
5. When the first shoots appear from the pot, you can repot the plant or plant it in the garden. This time, however, place it much deeper - about 20 cm deep in the soil.
6. That's why now is the right time to prefer the date palm because you have enough time for germination. Just after the Ice Saints, the young plant will be big enough to spend the summer months outside.
You should definitely keep this in mind when growing and caring for it!
Date palms are very easy-care plants and growing them is also incredibly easy. The most important thing is that you don't give up. You should also observe the kernels in the water. If you notice mold, then the core will not sprout.
Plant the seeds in a pot with good drainage. Use permeable substrate with a high sand content. Soil that is rich in magnesium proves to be optimal.
Allow the soil to dry out a little before watering the plant. If you want to plant the palm tree outside, choose a location in full sun. The soil dries faster in the pot than in the flower bed, so you can also place the potted plant in a sunny location or in light shade.
As far as fertilizing is concerned, the young plants are fertilized with magnesium sulfate every two years.
The palm trees can stay outside all year round in the southern areas of Germany, where the weather is mild in winter and temperatures do not fall below -6 degrees Celsius. It is important that it is protected from frost. It is best to wrap the plant and the pot with fleece.
In the other regions of Germany, the tree can only be left outside in summer, in a location protected from wind and rain. In the fall she then moves back to her winter quarters.
This back and forth is usually only possible in the first few years when the tree weighs little. You can then place it in a sunny spot in the winter garden and it can stay there.
For a date palm to bear fruit, you need two specimens. There are palm trees that only produce male flowers and those that only have female flowers. Fertilization in nature is carried out by the wind; at home, the pollen is put into the flowers by hand. This is the only way you cangood yieldsreceive.
The date palms, which produce female flowers, bear fruit only after the eighth year. They bloom in February and the fruits are harvested at the end of the year.
Also read:Pulling dates from pits: With these tips and instructions it works without any problems!