Pulling dates from pits: With these tips and instructions it works without any problems!

A special feature of the date palm is that it can be both male and female - in order for it to bear fruit, 2 plants must fertilize each other. Discover how to grow dates from pits below!

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Note the following:

  • Although date palms typically bloom in late winter or early spring, they can take up to four years to mature.
  • If you live in a cool place, consider potting your date palm and bringing it indoors in the winter.
  • This plant cannot reach the traditional height of 30 meters in Germany.

Date palms – flowering time

It takes not one, but two date palms to produce fruit. There are palm trees that only bear male flowers and those that only bear female flowers. In nature, the wind carries the pollen to the flowers, but in the home environment this is done by hand. The female-flowering date palms only bear fruit in the eighth year. Its flowers appear in February and the fruits are picked at the end of the year.

Plant a date palm yourself – instructions

Foto: Mikhail Shulpin/ Shutterstock
  1. Collect the pits from dates. The pits of fresh dates purchased from the supermarket can be used to grow a healthy date palm. You should buy dates that are not pitted. After removing the fruit and removing the seeds, wash it well to remove any remaining fruit residue. Soak them in a bowl of cold water for at least two days. Change the water daily while soaking. Discard any seeds that rise to the surface.
  2. After soaking for 48 hours, gently press the seeds into a container or bowl of potting soil. Stick them 2 – 3 cm deep into the soil.
  3. Place the kernels in a well-lit area and mist frequently to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Keep in mind that it can take up to four months for the seeds to germinate, so please be patient. When the seedlings are only a few centimeters tall, it's time to plant themrepot into a larger pot.

Repot seedlings

Foto: Artography/ Shutterstock

A good time to grow seedlings in pots is when they are about a year or two old. Now pots with a diameter of 10 to 12 cm are sufficient. Clay is better than plastic because the porous walls allow gas to escape from all directions. Roots also need oxygen and fresh air to survive.

After winter dormancy, the roots develop again in spring, making this the ideal time for repotting and subsequent relocation. Now you can use regular, easily accessible potting soil, which is best mixed with a little sharp sand - three parts soil to one part sand - for best results.

Caring for date palms properly – light

Date palms, which are native to the deserts of the south, require a spot that is fully lit for at least six hours per day. A little shade won't hurt them, but wind and cold can kill them.

How you should water date palms

Date palms, like many other palms, become more drought resistant as they age, but still need water during fruit formation. Also, make sure you water your newly planted tree regularly, but not so much that it becomes completely waterlogged.

Also interesting:Packing palm trees properly for the winter: With these tips you can do it in a flash!

Get fertilizer

In addition to watering, fertilizing is also important for the long-term health of the trees. Apply composted manure in winter or early spring. A palm fertilizer containing potassium is another option.

Humidity and temperature

Photo: Aybige Mert/Shutterstock

Keep this heat-loving palm away from humid conditions – a warmer climate is ideal. To thrive, date palms need temperatures of more than -6°C. The temperature must be at least 1°C for pollination to take place. To thrive, the fruits require hot, dry weather with warm nights.


Palm trees require soil that drains quickly. An acidic soil is ideal. Excessive rainfall can stunt the growth of date palms, which prefer dry soils.

Tipp:Dates can also be planted in pure sand as the seed contains enough nutrients to nourish the seedling until it is transplanted into nutrient-rich soil.

You can germinate your date seeds using paper towels and a zip-top bag! Check out this TikTok video!

@creative_explainedHow to grow dates!#date #lifehack #howto #diy #plantsoftiktok #datenight #homemade ♬ original sound – creative explained

Also read:Hardy palm trees down to minus 20 degrees: Frost-resistant species that are suitable for your garden

Cover image: Mikhail Shulpin/ Shutterstock