The hydrangea came to Europe from Japan in the 1820s, and its cultivation began in 1900. The original name of the genus was in honor of Princess Hortensia, sister of the Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles-Henry of Nassau-Siegen. European systematists later renamed the plant and gave it the name Hydrangea macrophylla (large-leaved hydrangea). The genus name is derived from the two Greek words hydor, water, and angeion, vessel, and emphasizes that the plant is very moisture-loving. If you have hydrangeas, you can enjoy their beauty not only in the garden but also in the house. Here we have some tips and simple DIY projects and ideas for decorating with hydrangeas.
How to cut hydrangeas for decorating
Every decoration with hydrangeas begins with cutting. Always cut the flowers first thing in the morning when it is cooler so that the flowers do not suffer too much. Normally you cut the hydrangea stems with leaves to a length of about 20 cm (you can always shorten them later). Hydrangea leaves are arranged in groups of two, and you should cut the flowers where two stems meet so that theFlower can continue to bloom.
- First cut the stem diagonally. This means the flower can absorb more water and stay fresh longer.
- Next, remove any leaves that are below the waterline. Otherwise they will begin to rot and contaminate the water.
- Finally, cut the stem to the desired length.
How do you make your cut flowers last longer?
Have you ever brought home a beautiful bouquet of hydrangeas only to have them wilt and die after a few days? If yes, then you are not alone. Hydrangeas are notoriously finicky flowers, but there are a few simple tips to help themstay fresh longer. With a little care, your blooms will stay fresh and beautiful for days or even weeks.
- Once you've cut them off, place them in cool water.
- Cut the stems diagonally. This allows them to absorb as much water as possible.
- Adding a little sugar to the water will help them stay fresh longer.
- Every few days, cut back the stems and change the water.
- Remove any leaves that would fall below the water line, as these can rot and contaminate the rest of the bouquet.
- Use a clean vase and fresh water, changing the water every few days.
Ideas for simple decoration with hydrangeas
If you are looking for an easy way to add a touch of elegance to your homeYou at hydrangeasprecisely. These beautiful flowers are perfect for decorating any room and are amazingly easy to care for. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
One of the easiest ways to display hydrangeas is in a vase on the coffee table or kitchen counter. Simply cut the stems diagonally and add some water. For an even more dramatic effect, you can put together several vases with flowers in different colors. You can also choose from itConjure up a summer arrangement.
Another great option is to float the flowers in a bowl of water. This looks particularly beautiful in a clear glass bowl, but any type of bowl will work. You can even get creative and add rocks or other decorations to the bowl before placing the flowers inside.
If you want something a little more unusual, you can arrange the flowers in a tall vase to create a stunning centerpiece. Add some greens or other accents as desired and enjoy your beautiful creation!
You can easily create a centerpiece for the dining room with hydrangeas. These lush flowersare cut offas soon as they are fully bloomed. The deep blue color of the flowers is particularly suitable for a fresh flair.
Use vintage bottles as vases if you want to create a unique atmosphere. You can use different shades of flowers to create a magnificent explosion of color.
An antique watering can adds to the rustic feel. Colors may vary due to weather conditions. Too much or too little water, sun, heat, cold and soil can change the color. The antique watering can is perfect as an outdoor display piece when not in useWatering plantsis used.
Frosted glass display of flowers for a clean and elegant look. Crisp blue and white go perfectly together. You can use an old piece of frosted glass for floral decorations.
Wicker bottle makes the flowers shine. Wicker bottles are elegant and stylish and bring the summer mood into the home.
Use vintage buckets for decoration with hydrangeas. It is perfect because it is waterproof and complements the flowers very well.
Painted glasses can be used to create a colorful atmosphere. With their magnificent flowers, hydrangeas are a great pick-me-up. They look beautiful in chalk painted mason jars. Yes, you can paint mason jars colorfully and enjoy the beauty of the flowers.
Mason jars can easily be used for decoration with hydrangeas. The flowers are also beautiful in clear mason jars.