Dipladenia pyramid: important care tips and correct growing conditions!

Dipladenia (Mandevilla) is grown as a hanging climbing plant. It is sensitive to frost and is grown as a houseplant in winter. If you are looking for blooms in your home, then Dipladenia is the right choice for you. Their tendrils can reach a height of up to 5 m. You can find out how to care for the Dipladenia pyramid so that the plant develops well in this article!

How to plant Dipladenia?

Planting it in the garden is not recommended because Mandevilla is not winter-proof. Grow the plant in containers or balcony boxes. In summer through fall you can keep them outdoors, but in winter bring your Dipladenia pyramid indoors.

  • The planter should not be too small and it should have drainage holes.
  • Appropriate drainage is necessary because it can drain away excess water or rainwater. Use coarse gravel and clay shards as drainage material, with drainage forming the bottom layer. Insert a small fleece to separate the gravel and substrate. Apply the substrate to the fleece andthen plant the Mandevilla, fill the pot with soil and water.
  • Don't forget a climbing aid.
  • Consider that all parts of the plant are poisonous.

General tips for cultivating Dipladenia

To ensure your Mandevilla grows healthily, follow these care tips:

  • As for the soil, any good all-purpose potting medium will do, but for best results, use a clay-based compost. Add grit to create a well-draining compost.
  • Which locations are suitable for the plant? Place Dipladenia Pyramid in a bright but shady spot.
  • When is the good time to repot? You can repot your houseplant in February or early March.
  • Suitable Growing Conditions: Warm, humid conditions are required in spring, with daytime temperatures of 21ºC and nighttime temperatures of 18ºC.
  • A temperature not lower than 15º C is required for overwintering. If the plant is kept in cold conditions, it is likely to lose most of its leaves.
  • It is recommended to water moderately during the growing season and give a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. However, water sparingly from October to February, then moderately until April when growth becomes vigorous. Mist daily in summer.
  • As for the cut,the Mandevilla needs pruning, to be kept in good shape because it grows very large.
  • After planting, you need to form a framework of stems by selecting three to five strong, young shoots. Cut out excess or weak shoots.

Appropriate growing conditions for Dipladenia pyramid

As for the locationIf possible, you should choose a warm, sunny place for the plant that is protected from rain and wind. Also ensure good ventilation. This applies to both an extension on the balcony and in the apartment. In summer, avoid direct sunlight and shade the location if necessary.

Which soil is suitable?The Mandevilla needs fresh, permeable and nutrient-rich soil that is loose and humus. You can use conventional soilUse for balcony plantsor a commercial compost-based potting mix mixed with sand or fine gravel. A mixture of peat moss, clay, some coarse sand and leaf moss is also very good for the plant. A pH value between 6.0 and 6.5 is recommended.

Tips for repotting. If the pot or container is heavily rooted, the Mandevilla should be repotted - usually every two years and ideally in spring. When repotting, choose a pot that is just slightly larger than the old one. A container that is too large will cause the plant to focus primarily on growing new roots, which will have a detrimental effect on flowering. Before repotting, remove dried, rotten and diseased root or plant parts.

Watering the Dipladenia pyramid.The plant needs sufficient water during the growth and flowering phase. Water moderately and not too much. Watering every 8-10 days is sufficient, but it should be done more frequently in summer. Mandevilla does not like waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, make sure that you remove the water regularly.

When to fertilize?Dipladenia is a heavy feeder, especially during the flowering period. From April onwards, add a moderately concentrated, organic liquid fertilizer for flowering plants via the irrigation water every 1-2 weeks. Fertilization should no longer be carried out from August onwards, as the Mandevilla then enters the dormant phase.

What kind of pruning does the plant need?Annual pruning is recommended for strong growth and lush flowering. Like most summer flowers, Dipladenia blooms on the young shoots, which requires regular pruning. This plant is very tolerant of cutting. If you don't prune it, the Mandevilla will quickly develop flower congestion. For pruning you should choose a dry day and, most importantly, wear gloves. In addition, the secateurs should be as sharp as possible. It is best to prune in early spring, from the beginning of February to March. Because the later the cut, the later the flowering. Radical pruning is also possible for rejuvenation.

As for wintering,The Mandevilla stays outside in the summer, but as already mentioned, you should bring it inside in the fall. Consider that the plant is an evergreen plant. Therefore, the wintering place must be bright, draft-free and with temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. It shouldn't be warmer, otherwise the Mandevilla will have a delay in flowering.

Also read:Overwintering Dipladenia: What mistakes do you have to avoid?