Overwintering Dipladenia: cut back and repot in autumn & winter care for the tropical plant!

Brazilian Dipladenia is known for its beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers and long, glossy leaves. Because it is typically grown in tropical and subtropical climates, the plant can be prone to frostbite during the colder months of the year when grown in areas with temperate temperatures. So how should you overwinter and prune Dipladenia? We've looked at the best way to do this. In this post we will share them with you.

You can start preparing in the fall by overwintering and cutting back your Dipladenia.A cutbackprepares your Dipladenia well for the winter and also brings it into a more compact and space-saving form. If you don't have a lot of space indoors, this is a big advantage. When pruning, the plant is shortened by a third in both height and width.

Also read:Cutting and overwintering Dipladenia: tips and preparation for winter quarters

Bring the plant in from outside

The first thing you need to do is dig up your Dipladenia plant from your garden. To do this, take a shovel and carefully dig up the plant by the roots without damaging them. It's best to outline the perimeter of the plant with the shovel beforehand so you know how big the root ball should be (this will also determine the best size for your pot).

Repot into a pot

Next, transplant the plant into a brand new pot. Be sure to shake off excess soil from the root ball so the plant will fit comfortably in the new pot. Now place the plant in the pot and fill the bottom of the pot with about two centimeters of high-quality soil. Leave about 1 to 2 inches between the edge of the pot and the top layer of soil. Make sure the soil is well-drained.

How to prune Dipladenia

It's always best thatPrune plant, before putting them up for the winter. To do this, cut the vines back a few centimeters and remove all dead branches and leaves. Remember that the plant grows slowly during the winter months. So you shouldn't prune them too hard as this can stunt their growth in the spring. As a rule, it is sufficient to cut the plant back to around 9 to 12 centimeters.

  • Wash and disinfect a pair of hand scissors in a solution of one part chlorine bleach to nine parts water.
  • Cut off new growth at the tips of mandevilla stems to force branching so the plant grows bushier and more compact.
  • Cut long, uncontrolled stems back to the desired length, making the cut about 1/2 inch above a leaf base.
  • Remove dead, diseased and broken mandevilla stems. Cut just above a healthy leaf base or to where the branch connects to the parent stem.
  • Cut diseased stems about 4 inches outside the diseased area to ensure the problem is completely eliminated. Disinfect the secateurs immediately after cutting and discard the diseased material.
  • Cut all Dipladenia stems back to the ground in winter if the vines are extremely matted or overgrown. This type of pruning may seem drastic at first, but the plant will sprout again in the spring and bloom the same year.

Note: Be aware that when you prune the Dipladenia or push back the branches, a little sap will come out. This milky white sap is toxic and can be quite irritating to the skin. Therefore, wear plastic or rubber gloves when cutting the plant and always wash your hands and disinfect your cutting equipment afterwards.

Take care of any pests

After you have pruned the plant, you should give it a quick inspection for pests. You may also have noticed pests while pruning. If an infestation occurs, you should treat the plant with neem oil or another suitable pest control product if necessary. Look for small black, brown, or white spots on the underside of leaves, as well as holes in the leaves. You can also wipe the plant with rubbing alcohol or, if the infestation is small, rinse it briefly with lukewarm water.

Dipladenia overwinter in the right location

To overwinter your Dipladenia properly, you need an ideal location, the right approach and appropriate care during the cold season. We will address all of these points in the following sections. Whetheron the balconyor in the garden – it gets too cold outside for the Dipladenia in winter. That's why you have to bring the climbing plant into the warm in autumn so that it can overwinter in the pot. The ideal winter quarters are a cold house, for example a frost-free greenhouse or a cold winter garden. Here the plant gets enough light and the temperatures are not too warm.

Suboptimal winter quarters for your Dipladenia would bein the warm apartment, for example in the living room or in the dark basement. If the plant is too warm in winter, it may not bloom next year. The temperature in the basement or garage is correct, but it is too dark for the sun-drenched plant. Overwintering here is only possible with a plant lamp.

How to care for the plant in winter

After pruning, the Dipladenia is ready for its winter quarters. It should be as bright as possible and at a constant temperature between 8 and 10 °C.Is fertilizednot in winter. Water the plant only moderately and as needed when the top layer of substrate has dried. To ensure comfortable humidity, mist your plant regularly with a spray bottle. Unfortunately, your Dipladenia provides an ideal home for pests such as mealybugs (Pseudococcidae), spider mites (Tetranychidae) and scale insects (Coccoidea) in winter. In order to recognize an infestation early enough and be able to react accordingly, you should check the plant regularly. If the Dipladenia has survived the winter well, it should not be overwintered prematurely. Do not put them back outdoors until May at the earliest, when temperatures are consistently above 8°C.

Tip: It is not uncommon for your Dipladenia to lose its leaves in winter. In spring these should grow back and the plant will sprout again.

Also read:You must avoid these 5 mistakes when overwintering Dipladenia!