Cutting the dragon tree: When to cut and what do you achieve?

Some houseplants are a sure way to improve the air in the house. Dracaena marginata, also called dragon tree, is a great air purifier. The plant is also extremely easy to care for. If you have this tropical beauty at home, you need to learn how to care for and prune it. Here are some tips on how to prune dragon tree so that the plant grows and thrives well.

What are the benefits of pruning?

Dragon trees grow quite quickly and if left unpruned they can reach heights of up to 3 meters, which is not quite right for a houseplant. Pruning your Dracaena marginata can ensure that it remains both beautiful and the right size for your home.

When a head is cut off the plant, two new heads grow. Even if you cut off the entire head of your dragon tree, new shoots will grow where the cut was made.The cut promotesnew growth and makes the plant appear more voluminous.

If your plant grows too large for your indoor space, trimming the branches can help keep its size exactly where you want it.

In April to May, your Dracaena plant will come out of dormancy. Pruning plants before they are ready to grow will keep them healthy. This also makes it easier to shape them into the desired shape.

Cut the dracaena in late summer when the growing season is over. Remove leaves and/or stems again in late August after the growing season is complete. From autumn to winter, the plants are in a dormant phase in which they do not produce leaves and grow larger.

How to cut the dragon tree?

How exactly should you prune your dragon tree? If you follow these tips and tricks, you canPrune houseplant like thisthat both the mother plant and the new, propagated offshoots thrive for a long time.

  • Make sure your pruning shears are clean and sharp because to keep your plants healthy you need to make clean, straight cuts. Jagged, uneven cuts not only look unsightly, but also pose a higher risk of the plant becoming infected with disease. Sharpen your knife or blade and clean it with a solution of bleach and water to rid it of bacteria.
  • Cutthe trunk of your dragon tree at an angle. This promotes new growth and minimizes the risk of the plant contracting diseases.

Step-by-step pruning instructions

  1. Use your hands to pull off any brown or yellow spots on the leaves. If you spot unhealthy leaves, you can simply remove them with your fingers. Tear off the leaves where the discoloration begins, leaving only the green areas.
  2. Often Dracaena species have a main trunk and a few additional trunks. If one of the trunks grows out the side and looks unsightly, cut it off with pruning shears. You can either cut it off at the base of the plant to remove the entire trunk or shorten the trunk to the desired height.
  3. If you want a small, round dracaena plant, use secateurs to cut off only the top part of the trunk. The cut depends on the desired height, but can also be ¼ to ¾ of the total trunk length.
  4. Look at the trunk to see the direction of growth and position the shears at a 45-degree angle on the trunk. Pull the scissors quickly to get a clean oneto make a cut. Cut the trunk to the desired height. Pruning dracaenas is a matter of personal preference. You can cut the entire trunk if you want to reduce the total number of branches, or you can cut it in half if you want a more compact tip.

When does the plant need to be cut?

Because dragon trees grow so quickly, it's best to prune them at least every year or two to keep their height manageable and their leaves full. You should only prune in the spring and summer months when the plant is actively growing. Avoid pruning your dragon tree during fall and winter dormancy as this can damage the plant and hinder further growth.

Propagate dragon tree

Ask a dragon tree lover: What's better than a dragon tree? The answer is of course: two or three dragon trees.When you prune your plant, you can use the cut parts to grow even more magnificent plants by propagating the cuttings.

It is very easy to propagate dragon trees. Simply plant the rooting end of the stem in water or moist soil. It will eventually take root and produce another magnificent sprout.