The most popular trees for the garden include the ball trees - not only because they are pretty to look at. They are also quite compact and are therefore ideal for front gardens or small gardens, as are often the case with row houses. But so that you also keep your spherical shape, you have to cut the ball trees properly. We summarize what you should consider in our articles today.
Bogy growth by finishing
As you may know, trees do not naturally grow so spherical and with a high stem. The ball crown is created thanks to a gene mutation, which prevents the shoot tips from sprouting quickly and strongly (which is why trees usually get an elongated oval shape). However, this also means that the trunk cannot grow long and high. In order to achieve the right balance here, the so -called refinement comes into play: the trunk is preferred and cut off at the desired height at the top and then provided with the crown of a slowly growing copy. The trunk now only grows into the width and there is an emergencecompact tree.
When should you cut spherical trees?
In late winter, most hedges and shrubs are cleaned and cut back. You can use this right away to bring all your ball trees into shape. Plan the ball tree cut in Februaryor MarchOne, on a frost -free day. Especially when it comes to ball maple, however, you should choose the summer (August), because in spring it is bleeding.
How do I cut ball trees?
The pancake look that is created over the years (since the shoots grow more to the side instead of growing up), avoid a regular cut. So you should cut spherical trees:
Cut the trees properly
What you need:
- The right tool is important if you cut a tree. This avoids unnecessary wounds and reach smooth cuts into which pathogens cannot penetrate as easily as in cracked wounds. Use pruning shears or a sharp saw for fresh wood.
The first more radical cut:
- Radical cuts are usually unnecessary and are only carried out if the trees have worn severe damage or have been neglected for many years and were not cut into shape.
- The main branches are cut. They shorten them to about 15 to 20 centimeters. But before you cut it off, make sure that there are so -called eyes nearby. The trees then run out again on them.
- You can carry out such a radical cut.
Regular shape cuts:
- Regular shape cutsnow take place every three to four years. Instead of shortening the main tribes again, they now only stick to those branches that have formed on the main branches after the first radical cut.
- Also examine the crown as a whole. If this has been grown very densely before, you can light them up by cutting some of the inner branches too. In this way, make sure that there can later get enough light inside the crown.
This uniform cutting around the entire crown not only achieves that you shorten the trees in height, but also maintain a basis as a whole that promotes spherical growth. The same distances of the branches from the trunk cause the new shoots to grow approximately as long.
Slowing out the ball tree:
- Dead or sick branches and branches are cut. Remove the complete branch directly at the approach of the main key. Do not leave any stub.
A notice:With the ball maple, avoid cutting branches that are thicker than the thumb. The reason is the same as with the cutting time: its heavily bleeding property.
Cut spherical trees-overview with cutting tips
Although the cutting measures and times are largely similar in all varieties of ball tree, there are also a few exceptions for one or the other. In the following we have briefly summarized how they cut spherical trees, depending on the variety:
- Cut the trumpet tree: Rather unnecessary and unusual. However, if you cut these spherical trees, it is best in February or March.
- Cut in the ball tree maple: Is very cut, but does not often need to be cut to keep your shape. August is optimal, but if necessary, winter is also suitable as long as there is still enough time until spring and no frost can be expected.
- The spherical root line: This fast -growing variety is well -kept. In order to maintain the shape, shape cuts are not necessary, but from time to time radical cuts are recommended in the late winter to keep the sprouting shoots in the bridle. In old age, spherical robinia receive a rejuvenation cut.
- Cut the spherical plane: In the rare cases that a form cut or a care cut is necessary, choose the late winter for this purpose.
- Bulletic: If your ball ash has formed an umbrella -shaped crown, you should know that this is not too less often cuts, but its natural form, which you cannot change with a radical cut. Therefore, you should rarely cut these spherical trees and only if this is really necessary. There should always be a few years between the individual more radical cuts.