One of the easiest and most effective ways to add life, character and design to any room is with houseplants. However, the cute foliage is usually present in bite-sized pieces. While they're great for brightening up bookshelves and window sills, they'll make the bare spots in your home seem even emptier. Which leafy indoor plants can you use to beautify your home?
This is where houseplants with large leaves come into play. Due to their huge leaves, these plant species have their own unique character. Any area can benefit from the presence of large-leaved plants. Large-leaved plants not only look beautiful, but also help purify the air by absorbing harmful particles.
Leafy plants for the room: which types?
If you are worried about how to care for a large-leaved plant, you should know that caring for it is not so different from caring for other types of plants. However, you should make sure that you have enough space for the plant. This applies to all houseplants, but especially to those with large leaves. A good percentage of these plants thrive in bright, indirect light - if you have a room with south, east or west windows, you will create the best conditions for them to thrive. Plants should be near the window, but not in front of it, to avoid burnt leaves. Turn these plants every three weeks to ensure both sides receive enough light.
Paradiesvogelblume (Strelitzia)
Strelitzia is a popular houseplant because of its large, attractive foliage. This tropical shrub has beautiful, colorful flowers that look like floating feathers. These flowers only appear on the periphery of the plant when it receives direct sunlight. The dark green leaves of the bird of paradise plant can grow up to 45 cm long and 15 cm wide. Thick layers of leaves extend outward from the central stem. This houseplant usually sprouts a new leaf once a month. A large pot of acidic, nutrient-rich soil that drains well is essential for these plants.
Fensterblatt (Monstera delicious)
The window leaf is a popular houseplant for good reason: it is both attractive and easy to care for. Anyone who wants to fill a vacant space with a fast-growing plant that also purifies the air around it should consider this option. Theshiny, heart-shaped leavesdivide in the middle as the plant ages.
Elefantenohr (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Despite their widespread use in winter gardens, elephant ear plants also make magnificent and showy houseplants. Depending on the species, elephant ear plants can have leaves up to 90 cm long. Because of its toxicity, this plant should be kept away from pets and children. The soil should always be slightly moist. When the top inch of soil dries out, you should water. The plant thrives best in partial shade.
Round-leaved basket marant (Calathea orbifolia)
Large, somewhat spherical leaves with bright, whitish-green lines characterize the Calathea orbifolia variant. On the underside of the leaves you can see a silvery-green hue. Calathea comes in a wide variety of shapes. Because their leaves change color as light moves across the sky, these plants are often called prayer plants. Native to Brazil, these tropical plants require high humidity to prevent tips from browning and a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.
Also interesting:Calathea leaves drooping: How to save your exotic wicker marant!
Fragrant dragon tree (Dracaena fragrans)
This adaptable plant can survive in almost any environment, although its leaves are not elephant-like, but rather long and narrow. They look best in direct sunlight, but moderate to weak, indirect light is also sufficient. Impatient plant loversbecome this plantbecause of their distinctive, high profile and rapid height growth. Water every seven to ten days when the soil is completely dry. The dragon tree thrives well in normal houseplant soil.
Rubber tree (Ficus elastica)
There are many varieties of the rubber tree, a common houseplant. The most striking feature of this tropical houseplant is its huge, shiny leaves. In its natural environment, the rubber tree can reach a height of up to 15 m. However, with careful indoor cultivation and the use of pruning and root limitation, its growth and shape can be controlled. For optimal indoor growth, this tropical plant requires full, indirect sunlight. The rubber tree is mildly toxic to humans, dogs and cats. For optimal plant growth, the plant should be watered regularly during the growing season. The beautiful potted plant needs soil with good drainage.
Kentiapalme (Howea forsteriana)
The Kentia palm is an easy-care houseplant that requires little attention. Their deep green, arching fronds resemble palm trees and can tolerate dry periods. They bring a touch of classic beauty to any room and look particularly beautiful in a sunny corner. This plant adapts to its environment. They are adapted to a wide range of lighting conditions and have no particular soil preferences. To prevent the leaves from burning, you should protect them from direct sunlight.
Note the following:Pests such as mealybugs and spider mites, as well as potassium deficiency, are common problems Kentia palms struggle with.
Also read:Caring for the single leaf: How to plant, water, fertilize, etc. the beautiful peace lily!