Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits of all and can not only be eaten on their own, but can also be made into delicious jam or used in desserts. “If only I had my own strawberries in the garden…” you might be thinking. But what's stopping you? Strawberry plants are quite easy to cultivate and even beginners can cope with the task. A big advantage of these plants is that they don't require a lot of space and are generally quite undemanding. For this reason you can even use it on the balcony and in boxes or pots andPlant strawberries in a variety of ways. Today we will show you how you can build a so-called strawberry pyramid yourself. It also saves space and can be removed at the end of the season as desired or left for the coming year.
The fact that the strawberry pyramids save space because you can grow the strawberries vertically is not the only advantage. Since not all plants are planted at ground level, caring for and harvesting is also more comfortable since you don't have to bend or squat the entire time. Sounds pretty handy, doesn't it?
Build your own strawberry pyramid with staggered floors
This pyramid is made of wood and three floors that are stacked on top of each other at an offset from each other. It's a great option if you want to plant strawberries to save space, as you can grow them vertically this way. You can make the strawberry pyramid as you wishbuild from palletsor use new boards that you either cut to size yourself or have cut to size at a hardware store. You need dimensions for the strawberry pyramid as follows:
- for the lower box, 4 boards 80 cm long and 20 cm wide; 4 shelf studs cut to 20 cm
- for the middle box, 4 boards 60 cm long and 20 cm wide; 4 shelf studs cut to 30-40 cm
- for the top box, 4 boards 40 cm long and 20 cm wide; 4 shelf studs cut to 30-40 cm
You can also use narrower boards and then simply stack them twice on top of each other.
You will also need:
- screws
- drill
- Holzleim
- plenty of potting soil and strawberry plants
- optional wood varnish
Strawberry pyramid made of wood – building instructions
If you want to build this strawberry pyramid yourself, start with the largest box. Take one of the boards and screw the prepared shelf cleat to one end. Then attach the second board to these shelf studs at a right angle and continue like this until you get a square and thus the first box. In the other two boxes, the shelf studs are longer than the boards are wide. Lay them out so that they line up with the boards on one side and stick out on the other.
Once you have screwed the other boxes together, you can paint them as you wish and, as soon as the paint has dried, take them into the garden and stack them on top of each other. Stack them offset from each other (the tops of the top box are centered on the boards of the bottom box) and with the long side of the studs facing down. You then screw the shelf studs to the boards of the lower box. Then you can fill the pyramid with potting soil and plant it.
This pyramid is also quite space-saving in terms of area, as it makes better use of the height. The model becomes even more practical if you add wheels to it. This means you can move it at any time, despite its heavy weight. You need:
- Bar for the middle at the desired height
- a plate for the floor
- 4 small boards that extend from the center beam to the corners of the panel
- 4 long boards to form the edges of the pyramid
- Boards for the individual floors between the edges
- 4 The role
- Wood glue or metal brackets
- Screws and drills
- saw
- Strawberry plants
- Potting soil
- optional wood varnish
Make your own strawberry pyramid – this is how it works:
If you would like to build this strawberry pyramid yourself, start with the base. Mark the center point on the plywood board, pre-drill a hole and then screw the beam from below to this center point. Then measure the distance from the beam to each corner and cut boards that length. Then you can stick them upright to the beam and to the board (or you can use metal brackets for a better hold). If you choose glue, you can fix the individual elements using screw clamps until the glue dries.
Next you will need the long boards for the pyramid edge. To do this, measure the distance between the short boards and the beam slightly below its tip. Remember that the bottom end needs to be cut at an angle so that the board can also be tilted. The same applies to the other end, except that the bevel is cut on the long side. Once you have cut the first board, you can use it as a template for the other three. Then glue or screw these boards in place.
Once the glue has dried, you can turn the pyramid over and attach the wheels to the bottom of the plate. To do this, pre-drill holes before fixing them with screws. Now cut the boards for the individual compartments. To do this, think about the distance between them and mark these distances on one of the sides of the pyramid. Then you can measure the distances and transfer them to the boards, cut them to size and screw them between the pyramid edges. Don't forget to pre-drill holes beforehand so that the boards don't splinter. If you want, you can now paint the wood. Then fill the pyramid with soil andplant your strawberries.
Small, space-saving pyramid for strawberries
This model is similar to the first variant, except that the individual boxes are not placed diagonally on top of each other, but rather straight. Additionally, the top corners of each box are cut off, creating an interesting design. For four levels you will need boards in the following dimensions:
- For the bottom box: 4 boards – 3.8 x 14 x 91.5 cm
- For the second level: 2 boards for the side walls - 3.8 x 14 x 106.5 cm; 2 boards for the facade walls - 3.8 x 14 x 55.8 cm
- For the third level: 2 boards for the side walls - 3.8 x 14 x 78.7 cm; 2 boards for the facade walls – 3.8 x 14 x 28 cm
- For the top box: 2 boards for the side walls - 3.8 x 7 x 43 cm; 2 boards for the facade walls – 3.8 x 7 x 9 cm
You also need:
- screws
- drill
- saw
- Shop messer
- metal angle
Strawberry pyramid – blueprint
If you would like to build this strawberry pyramid yourself, first screw the boards of the base box together. You will receive a square. Then take the boards for the side walls and cut the top corners at a 45 degree angle. Then screw all the boards together for the other levels. This time you will get rectangles. Place the second level on the base box and the third level on top of it in a transverse position. You do not need to screw these levels on as they are sufficiently stable due to their own weight. However, if you want to be on the safe side, you can still do this with the help of metal angles. However, things are different with the top box, as it is lighter. The angles are mandatory here so that nothing slips later. Then you can fill the pyramid with soil and plant it.
Build a simple strawberry pyramid yourself from squares & grow strawberries vertically
If you want to make it particularly easy for yourself, you can also opt for a simple variant by simply building squares of different sizes for the strawberry pyramid yourself and then stacking them on top of each other. Each next square is a few centimeters smaller. First set up the largest square, fill it with soil, then place the next large box in the middle of it, fill it with soil and so on. You can decide for yourself how big and high you want to build the strawberry pyramid.
Round pyramid in the garden with a border
Withsimple bed borders, which are available from different materials, you can also build a strawberry pyramid yourself. This can be square or round as shown in the example and also of any size and height. Find a suitable place in the garden and then proceed as with the square version above: fill and stack one level after the other. To do this, pierce the circular shape into the ground with a spade. Insert the bed border into this crack and then fill it with soil.
Then form a slightly smaller circle in this circle. You can use a spade again or stick the bed border in straight away, which is easier this time because the potting soil is loose. This way you make as many layers as you want. If you look closely in the picture, you will also notice a practical accessory. A sprinkler was incorporated into the middle, which...Watering made a lot easier.
Raised bed-like planting method for strawberries for comfortable harvesting
Large pyramid made of concrete blocks
Metal idea