Build upheld bed from pallets: for strawberries, vegetables and Co.

Whether as a seating furniture, coffee table or bed, pallet furniture is still the last cry and a super cheap building material. Thanks to their robustness, the wooden pallets can also be used in many ways outside. When designing garden design, you can even turn it into a garden by building a raised bed out of pallets. There are different methods to do this, but today we show you three of the possible variants.

Helpful tips

Before we introduce you to the DIY projects, we would like to give you some tips on the safe use of the pallets.

  • Use thick work gloves and wear safety glasses to protect yourself from splintering.
  • If you want to breed edible plants in the pallet high bed, it is important to use a new range that has not been chemically treated. The best thing to do is search for pallets with stamp “HT” (Heat Treated). This means that the wood has been treated with heat instead of chemicals. Chemically treated pallets are called “MB”.
  • Avoid the use of old pallets that could probably be contaminated with chemicals. Wet wood is a good breeding ground for bacteria such as E.Coli, Salmonella and Listeria.

Advantages of theRaised bedin the garden

With a raised bed you garden at a high level. In addition to a comfortable working posture, there are many other advantages.

Because of its higher location, it can be better heated by the sun and therefore has a warmer floor temperature. This lets the vegetables mature faster and the harvest is plentiful.

Garden waste from your own garden, such as leaves from the trees, you can also work in the ground and use it as fertilizer.

It is also important to protect the plants against pests of all kinds. A wire grille is installed at the bottom to protect rams.

In order for the soil to be optimal for the plants, the raised bed is equipped in different layers. So you can look forward to rich harvest even with a natural floor.

Raised bed made of pallets horizontally attached

This idea actually needs very little effort. You don't have to take the palette apart, but simply put it on the floor to make a flat raised bed. With just one pallet you can't make a high raised bed, but it's a good start.

If you have several pallets available, you can simply stack them on top of each other. The height can of course be individually adapted to the size of the gardener, so that you can easily sow and harvest. Put a self -made wooden box on it that has been tailored to the dimensions of the pallets. The filling height can be approx. 30 cm. This creates a practical table high bed without contact with the ground.


  • Order in the garden - the plants are planted in the column columns, which ensures clarity
  • appealing optics - such beds always look well -groomed and original
  • Clean plants and strawberries
  • Less weed - boards do not grow the weed between the rows of plants


  • This type of raised beds takes up a lot of space in the garden and are rather impractical for small gardens
  • There is no weed between the rows, but between the plants
  • You still have to bend a lot
  • These raised beds are a perfect oasis for snails, ants,Assassand other vermin

Vertical variant

If you have little space available, you can take up the idea of ​​vertical gardening. A palette is simply filled with soil, planted and erected. Therefore, the vertical raised bed is ideal for balcony and terrace!


  • Looks original and beautiful
  • very space -saving
  • always clean salads and strawberries
  • No soil processing, no weeds
  • Mobility - you can simply place the raised bed in another place. Ideal when your flowers have to hibernate in the winter garden.


  • Such a raised bed is not suitable for all types of plants. Plants with upright growth and hanging shapes such as herbs are idealStrawberriesOr flowers.
  • requires more pouring
  • If the soil no longer contains nutrients, it has to be replaced - you have to take the basic structure apart and then put together again

You need:

  • A wooden palette (standard dimensions 120 x 80 cm)
  • Sack
  • Black garden fleece
  • Scissors
  • Holztacker
  • Plant earth
  • Seeds or seedlings

Place the garden fleece on the floor and place the palette on it. Cut the garden fleece and attach it to the side and down on the back with the tacker. The fleece should be taut. In this way, the back wall of the pallet high bed is created.

If desired, you can tackle sacks in the first step so that the earth does not fall out until the plants set themselves well. Now gradually fill the palette with soil. If no sack linen has been attached to the front, simply tip the earth over the palette. Distribute well and press on.

For more stability, you could screw a thinner pallet on the back.

Hochbet fromPalletplant

The palette is still planted while lying down. To do this, carefully insert young plants into the columns of the palette, at a distance of approx. 15 cm. Pour everything properly and leave the palette for a few hours. Alternatively, you can plant seeds directly. So that the plants need some time to root, we recommend that the palette remains about 2 to 3 weeks after planting. Then you can set up the palette and plant the top row.

You can also take two pallets and put them against each other in a V-shape. You have to stand apart for about half a meter. Pound a board for stability at the bottom of the two pallets. In the end it should look like a tent.

Build deep bed

The third option is to build a deep raised bed out of pallets so that you no longer have to get your back. You can simply connect and screw four or more pallets with the same height. You can also take a few angles. The columns of the pallets should also be roughly nailed with boards. Are you satisfied with the result? Then consider a 3 or why not build a 5 -seater bed! In L-shape, U-shape or at different heights? The decision is up to you.


  • Suitable for a larger number of plants
  • You can work while standing
  • saves space when growing certain plant species such as strawberries
  • Clean strawberries that are easy to harvest
  • No tillage (has positive and negative pages)
  • Pests have no chance
  • Warms faster than a bed on the ground


  • needs more water, can dry out quickly in hot summer months
  • Mice and voles also like to serve as a shelter

Small plant boxonePallette built

A simple guide is presented below. It is not a real loft bed (you can't work while standing), but it's a good start for DIY fans. It has the following dimensions: 120 cm x 48 cm x 40 cm

You need the following materials:

  • A suitable palette with 9 boards
  • a jigsaw
  • Cabbary and hammer
  • 4 cm and 8 cm screws or nails
  • Optional: split wedge and mallet
  • Optional: non-toxic color and brush

For the basic structure you need a wooden palette with nine boards. The palette is cut into three pieces of the same size. Place the palette on the floor and cut the battery saw between the third and the fourth wooden board. Cut in the middle for harmonious proportions. Turn the palette over and cut from the other side in the same areas.

From the part that should form the bottom of the plant box, remove the woodenzing and slats. The cubes are then installed as feet and the slats screwed on the sides.

With the help of a hammer you can also remove the wooden slats on the inside of the parts that should form the walls of the plant box. All outstanding nails should be taken.

Then screw the three parts together. Attach the wooden slats on the sides. Also assemble the wooden zone as feet. That could be a bit tricky. Run for very long screws through the wooden zone. The feet help with drainage and slow down the process of rotting garden waste in the plant box.

Last but not least, they tackle garden film, fleece or tarpaulin on the inside of the pallets. This serves that small vermin penetrates into the raised bed. To protect mice and voles, you can also lay a wire lattice on the bottom of the plant box. If you wish, you can also delete the whole thing.

withRank grilles for climbing plants

Another good idea would be to use a small palette to make a trellis for climbing plants. For example, you could plant cucumbers, zucchini, beans or pumpkins in the raised bed.

The best time to create a raised bed is autumn or spring. Anyone who is now convinced of the many advantages of a raised bed should no longer hesitate and get to work. A raised bed made of pallets is quick and easy! We wish you every success with your new DIY project!