Eucalyptus dries up: causes and solutions so that they save the exotic plant!

Eucalyptus is an exotic plant that requires special care for its cultivation. Your eucalyptus dried up? Identify the causes and look for the solutions of the problems to save your plant. We will help you by communicating the main causes of drying up the plant, as well as the right measures you should take.

As with most plants, there are problems with eucalyptus if it does not get enough water, nutrients and light and thus begins to dry up. There is a suitable solution for each of these problems. So if you are not afraid, do everything you need to save your dried eucalyptus. Read on!

Eucalyptus dried up: solve water problems

Although eucalyptus plants are dryness tolerant, they need water to be able to thrive well, especially if they grow in a pot. If the plant gets too little water,she loses leaves. Pour your eucalyptus plant when the top five centimeters of the earth are dry.

However, note that you do not oversee eucalyptus, because overgradingCan go to root rotand lead other problems. A sign of overgrading is yellowed leaves. When you see yellow leaves, you may have watered the plant too much or exposed it to too much moisture. Secure a saucepan with drainel holes and well permeable soil for your eucalyptus plant and always let the excess water run out of the pot.

Lack of nutrients leads to withered leaves

Eucalyptus is a stronger and requires many nutrients for your lush foliage. In the case of insufficient nutrients, the leaves begin to wither and look small and unhealthy. The best time for the application of the fertilizer is in spring during the growth period. A balanced fertilizer should be administered at least once a month during the growth period.

This tree demands potassium, but does not like phosphates. So pay attention to a tailor -made fertilizer that contains little nitrogen. During winter, when growth slowdown or standing up, no fertilizer is required.

Moisture problems damage the exotic plant

Eucalyptus plants thrive well with a humidity of 40 % and usually do not require any additional humidity in normal conditions. However, additional moisture may be necessary at excessive dry locations to protect the leaves from drying out. If there is too much moisture, the leaves of your eucalyptus plant are yellow. If you hold the plant in the house, place it in a less damp place. If you breed the eucalyptus plant outdoors, do not set it up near other plants and water features.

Bad soil weakens eucalyptus plants

Use high -quality potting soil for your eucalyptus plant. Bad soil can affect the roots so that it does not transmit the nutrients properly and the plant suffers. The most important thing you have to consider in the earth is the good drainage so that there is no excess water around the roots of the plant. Clay or perlit can help improve the drainage and give the roots a lot of space to grow.

Wrong lighting leads to loss of leaves

Place your eucalyptus to a place where it gets enough light, because if there is too little light, the plant can lose leaves. Eucalyptus plants usually need full sun when they grow outdoors. When plants pot, some shade is required in the hottest hours of the day. A eucalyptus plant should also get a lot of light, indirect light inside

Eucalyptus dries up in the event of incorrect vascular size

Eucalyptus has big roots, so the plants need large pots when they are bred inside. Check regularly whether the roots have enough space to grow. A 3-liter airspot is a good size, large enough to easily handle the plant, and small enough to overturn it; For a few years, eucalyptus can be overturned into a 20-liter pot and from there into a 45-liter container.

The plant can kill pest infestation

Pests such as B. Beetles, beetles, white flying and wasps can cause damage to the leaves of the plant. In some cases, the damage is so great that the plant can die. What to do in the case of pest infestation of eucalyptus? If you determine an infestation, treat your eucalyptus plant with neem oil or wash it off with mild detergent solution.

Mushroom diseases often occur in eucalyptus

The most common diseases for eucalyptus are mushroom and bacterial rot, especially root rot. They lead to brown spots on the leaves. It can be advantageous to remove all infected plant parts. If it is root rot, the disease is often more difficult to diagnose because the first damage occurs below the floor surface. In the case of root rot, remove the infected roots and convert the plant into fresh earth and a new pot. Constantly check your plant so that you can prevent diseases in good time.

Cut back dried eucalyptus

If your eucalyptus has dried up, check the causes and take the necessary measures as described above to save your plant. It makes senseThe dried parts of the plantcut off. Cut down dried leaves and stems and continue to maintain the plant so that you can revive it. But if the whole plant has been dried up, then you have to replace your eucalyptus.