Feigenbaum gets yellow leaves: What are the possible causes and the best solutions

Does your fig tree get yellow leaves? If so, you don't panic yet! This article will help you understand the causes and find the best solutions!

Figs trees (Ficus Carica) and their sweet fruits are becoming increasingly popular with home gardeners all over the world. They were once limited to the regions around the Mediterranean, today they can be found wherever the winter are mild. And although they are relatively pest -free and easy to care for, the question often arises - why are fig tree leaves yellow? The answers often seem to be contradictory, but these two terms combine them all - false care and stress.

Fig tree gets yellow leaves - why and what can they do

There can be several reasons for yellowing fig leaves. The most important of them are:

  • Stress due to too little or too much water
  • Lack of nutrients
  • Figs mosaic virus and pests
  • Shock when transplanting

We will now look at each of these problems individually so that they understand why they appear and how they can fix them!

Too much or too little water

Your fig tree has yellow leaves - the problem could be related to the water. Both too much and too little water have a negative impact on the condition of the tree and prevent it from working normally.

Now ask yourself how much water your tree needs? Here is the answer!

How do you pour a fig tree in the garden? If you have a fig tree in the garden, you water your root ball sufficiently - similar to a heavy rain. Let the floor dry out a little in the next few days, but keep checking it. As soon as you feel that it is only slightly moist, it is time for further thorough irrigation.

How do you pour a fig tree in the bucket? Since they evaporate a lot of moisture over their large leaves, pots potted need good, regular irrigation so that the root ball is always soaked, but no waterlogging is created. How do you recognize the golden middle? There should be no water in the saucer under the bucket, except for high heat.

It is also important that you provide your fig tree a sufficiently large bucket, because it takes a lot of space so that his roots can develop well and bear fruit. It is better to choose a bucket that is one size larger than smaller. The minimum is 20 to 30 liters per bucket.

  • Notice: Figs are sensitive to calcareous water. Therefore, always use rainwater or filtered tap water.

Feigenbaum gets yellow leaves - еin signs for lack of nutrients

In order to develop their full potential, the cowardly needs potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. These fabrics serve as building blocks for the trunk, the leaves, the roots and the delicious fruits of the tree. However, studies show that a lack of these substances leads to chlorosis, or in other words, that the plant cannot develop green pigments. This is also the reason why the fig tree gets yellow leaves.

This problem can be remedied with the correct fertilization. Fertilize the fig tree every two weeks with a high -quality liquid fertilizer from April to August to stimulate its growth and leaf formation.

  • Notice: The use of fertilizer will not make the yellow leaves green again. You have to wait for the old and discolored leaves to fall off and be replaced by new, healthy green leaves. Then you will get a green plant again.

Figs mosaic virus and pests

While the fig tree does not occur so often that it gets yellow leaves due to pests or diseases, it is known that the cowardly mosaic virus can deform it. When infection with the virus, he gets yellow leaf spots, whereby the entire leaf turns yellow with progressive illness. The virus often occurs in figs that are exposed to stress. It can be caused by the weather that is too wet or overgraduate.

In order to avoid the occurrence of the disease, it is therefore important not to water the plant too much. In the case of potted plants, the risk can be minimized by putting a drainage layer in the pot and ensuring that excess water flows well. If the cowardly finds optimal conditions again, it will again form normal new leaves.

Pests also cause stress for the cowardly and can lead to yellowing of the leaves. The most frequently appearing are spider mites and wool lice.

  • If you determine an infestation with spider mites, rinse the plant and spray it with lime -free water several times a day.
  • Against wool lice, prepare a mixture of 1 liter of water, 15 ml of core soap and 15 ml of distillery and spray the tree with it. Repeat the process every two to three days.

Feigenbaum does not bear fruits: which are the most common causes and the simplest solutions?You can find out here!

Shock when transplanting

Your fig tree gets yellow leaves - a shock when transplanting can be the cause!

If you decide to transplant your fig tree from a bucket into the fresh earth of your garden, it may happen that the leaves are yellow through the shock. As with most organisms, a change in the environment in fig trees causes stress that you cannot protect them. Usually the shock state takes a few days while the plant adapts to the new location. After this time, the tree begins to develop new green leaves and the loss of the previous ones is balanced.

Regular cropping is another important factor to keep the fig tree healthy. When and how you do thatFind out here!