Fresh cut flowers from the garden – which flowers are suitable?

Everyone loves it,fresh cut flowersto place in a vase on the table. So what could be nicer than getting them from your own garden? Find out here which flowers you can plant in the garden so that you can later create a bouquet of them.

Fresh cut flowers arranged in a bouquet can make the house particularly friendly and colorful. Since purchasing bouquets can become very expensive over time, many gardeners resort to using their own flowers in the garden. And with the right planning, you too can ensure there are enough flowers to last you throughout spring and summerfresh cut flowerscan be used for the vase.

Choose a suitable place to plant the flowers

The best place to plant flowers is one that receives six to eight hours of sun a day. Also, choose the location so that you can easily reach the flowers to cut them without stepping on others. The bed should ideally be slightly raised and accessible on all four sides. Since the garden needs to be watered daily on hot days, you should make sure it is accessible to water by hand. A small gravel path or flagstones are a great way to access the garden without hurting the flowers.

Fresh cut flowers – Choose the right flowers

You should choose the flowers for your garden depending on the climate of your region. This will also determine the right time to plant the flowers. You can choose between those that grow from bulbs and those that grow from seeds. They can be annual or perennial flowers. To ensure you have flowers for many months, you can plant or sow them at different times.

In addition to colorful flowers, also consider some green plants that can complement the bouquets. For example, tall grasses, gypsophila or even rosemary are suitable for this. Use your own imagination when choosing plants and flowers and you will definitely be able to create unique bouquets.

There are an incredible number of flowers that you can plant in the garden and that also look goodfresh cut flowerssuitable.

Fresh cut flowers – five examples at a glance

  • The hyacinth

The hyacinth grows from a bulb. The pretty, cluster-like flowers are perfect for a bouquet. They come in pink, red, orange, blue, purple, yellow and white. The flowers can grow up to 30 cm high, making them an eye-catcher in the bouquet.

  • Fresh cut flowersfrom anemones

There are many different types of anemones. They are popular for the garden. They also come in different colors such as blue, white, dark pink, purple or purple and their flowers are similar to those of the daisy. Anemones will stay fresh in the vase for up to a week if they have been cut correctly.

  • Peonies

The size and the wonderful scent of the flowersthe peoniesmake this flower perfect for the vase. The flowers come in various shades of pink, red, purple, white, cream and yellow.

Fresh cut flowers – helpful tips

  • Dahlias

Dahlias are one of the most popular garden and cut flowers because of their wonderful flowers, which can bloom in white, pink, purple, yellow or orange. They also grow from onions. The flowers can be both delicate and large.

  • zinnias

Zinnias grow from seeds, grow very quickly and have different flower colors such as yellow, white, bright red or delicate pink. The great thing about them is that they not only look good as cut flowers, but they also attract butterflies.

Create your own colorful and stunning flower garden and bring the beauty of nature asfresh cut flowersinto your home.