Concrete is wonderful for beautifying the garden according to your wishes. Custom planters, bird baths, candle holders and decorations are quick and easy to make at home. Housewives can also pour concrete because it is almost as easy as baking cakes. Take a look at our beautiful ideas for concrete garden decorations and see for yourself!
A 25 kilo bag of fine concrete costs around three euros at the hardware store. You need to decide in advance how much concrete and water you need to mix the mixture. You can easily find out by filling the selected molds with water and mixing this amount of water with concrete in the correct mixing ratio. Everything is on the package. First add the water to the bucket, then add the fine concrete and stir vigorously. In any case, the mixture should not be too thin - it is best to achieve the consistency of a sponge cake. You still need suitable molds, gloves, simple cooking oil, a brush, a spatula and protective pads.