Actually every spider is poisonous because every spider sting is associated with a poisonous bite. A bite from a spider that is classified as venomous will cause a person either no reaction or short-term discomfort - there may be skin swelling or pain. None of the living spider species is so poisonous that a bite would cause serious illness or even be life-threatening. There are some species that are classified as poisonous spiders in Germany - slightly poisonous or poisonous. The animals only bite when they feel threatened and have no way out.
Poisonous spiders in Germany: thorn finger spider
The thorn-finger spider (Eutichuridae) can be described as the most poisonous spider species in Germany. The creepy crawlies have an elongated, oval body shape and grow up to 15 mm in size. A bite is initially painful, burning and stinging. In some cases, the bite site swells and turns blue-red. A bite from the thorn finger leads to nausea, headaches, vomiting and possibly an increased body temperature, especially for allergy sufferers and people with a weakened immune system. With cooling, the symptoms subside after at least three days. If this is not the case, you should consult a doctor. Children who have been bitten should also seek medical treatment for observation.You must be afraidBut don't be afraid of the thorn-finger spider: the bite of this native spider species is not really dangerous or even life-threatening.
The European Black Widow
The European black widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) is black in color, similar to most other widow species, and can be identified by the thirteen spots found on its abdomen (the species name is Latin for “with thirteen spots”). These spots are usually red, but can also be yellow or orange. Otherwise it is similar to the other species of the genus Latrodectus. The spider lives primarily in grasslands and can be a major problem in areas where crops are harvested by hand. The female of the species has a body length of about 7-15 mm, while the male is smaller, reaching 4-7 mm at best. Only the bite of the female spider is dangerous (for humans or livestock), as the male cannot penetrate the relatively thick epidermis. Like all Latrodectus species, L. tredecimguttatus has a painful bite that is fatal in rare cases. The spider bite itself is often barely noticeable, but symptoms such as body aches and headaches, skin rashes, stomach cramps and fever can occur.
Curly huntsman spiders come from the Mediterranean
The curled hunting spiders (Zoropsidae), which are also called false wolf spiders due to their similarity to wolf spiders, differ from the wolf spiders in that they have two rows of eyes, which are the same size as those of the Lycosidae. The spiders in this genus are quite large and nocturnal. They mainly hunt large spiders and behave quite aggressively. During the day they hide under the bark of a tree or under stones. In spring, the female lays her clutch of eggs covered with bluish crib wool and guards it until the spider children hatch. The spider is pale brown with a grayish tint. In the middle of the abdomen is a series of two or three black spots that look like poorly painted diamond shapes. The legs are also speckled black. It has eight eyes arranged in four groups of two (one above the other). This creepy crawly originally comes from the Mediterranean region and is used to milder climate conditions, which is why it prefers to stay indoors. Frillhunter spiders actively hunt their prey by taking them down. Like most spiders, they have enough venom to cause a temporarily painful bite, but not enough to cause serious damage. Short-term redness of the skin around the bite site and swelling may occur.
Poisonous spiders in Germany: the cross spider
These crawling creatures can be recognized by the typical white cross on the front of their abdomen. The larger females grow up to 18 mm. The garden spider (Araneus)is slightly poisonous.A spider bite can be painful and is comparable to a bee sting. However, the bite can only penetrate the thinnest layers of human skin. A reaction is therefore only noticeable if the bite is in a sensitive area, such as: B. in the crook of the elbow. Swelling may occur along with a burning sensation. Cooling with ice is enough to treat the pain and swelling. After about half an hour the symptoms should disappear.
The slightly poisonous water spider
Male water spiders (Argyroneta aquatica) are colored beige-yellow in contrast to the brown, smaller females. The former grow up to 15 mm in size. These spiders also have weak venom. However, it is unlikely that you will even see a water spider. The animals spend their entire lives in water, preferably in swampy and marshy waters. If you are bitten by a member of this species, it is sufficient to cool the bite site for treatment.