Planting large pots: ideas for pretty arrangements of flowers, grasses and green plants

Since it is still too early to plant out most types of plants, you can devote your free time to planning beds and of course potted plants. If you think about the compositions in advance, you can get started as soon as the time is right. Larger planters are particularly eye-catching and can be used to design the terrace, a larger balcony or one or two seating areas in the garden. But what could you plant with large pots to create a beautiful mix of plants in which all the varieties used feel comfortable? How about the following ideas?

General tips for pot design

To ensure that the combination really comes into its own, can thrive well and doesn't appear chaotic, you should pay attention to a few things, regardless of whether you are planting in zinc, wooden or clay pots:

  • Only combine plants with similar, or better still the same, location and care requirements. They should fit together.
  • Don't be afraid of colors. In order for each plant to come into its own, it should ideally differ from the others in color and texture (sometimes normal leaves, sometimes grasses, sometimes flowers).
  • Different heights ensure dynamics in the arrangement.
  • Consider the available space. Each plant is still growing in height and width, so you should give it the space it needs right from the start instead of planting too many plants in too small an area, which leads to a lack of space.

Plant large pots – ideas for beautiful arrangements

To give you a little inspiration, we have put together a few examples that you can copy or use as inspiration for your own combinations. It's not just ornamental plants that are ideal for container planting. Even edible varieties such as herbs make a wonderful impression.

Colorful combinations with lush zinnias

The eye-catcher in this onecolored floral combinationare without question the zinnias with their large flowers in strong colors. They are decorated with verbena and magic bells, while green plants are also used to fill gaps in the large pot. This includes ivy, for example, but in principle you can choose anything that has the same location and care requirements as the flowers.

  • Verbena (Verbena)
  • Zinnia (Zinnia)
  • magic bells (Calibrachoa)
  • green plants to fill gaps and add texture and height

Summer planting for pots with herbs

Depending on whether your pot is in the center and viewed from all sides or on a wall, plant lemongrass in the middle or at the very back as a background for this arrangement. This will be the highest element in your arrangement. You can then use leadwort for decoration (not edible!) and fill in the gaps with rosemary and basil. The arrangement not only looks pretty, but also repels unwanted insects and can be used to season your dishes. A perfect arrangement of summer plants for containers!

  • Basil
  • Bleiwurz
  • Rosemary
  • Lemongrass

Basil requires frequent pruning in order to grow luxuriantly. At the same time, you keep the herb in check, otherwise its size will quickly gain the upper hand. The plants like it sunny. Water regularly.

Plant large containers – Use the height of long containers

If the plant pots you have selected are particularly tall, we recommend theseto use heightand adding hanging plants to the arrangement. This gives the whole thing dimension and makes it look all the more interesting. In this example, the pea plant serves this purpose and hangs loosely from the edge of the bucket with its pearl-like shoots. There are also beautiful liver balm and magic bells as well as hanging ivy, ferns and an evergreen solitary plant to fill it out. The station wagon should not be placed in direct sun. Partial shade to light shade is a better choice.

  • pea plant (Curio rowleyanus)
  • Leberbalsam (Ageratum)
  • magic bells (Calibrachoa)
  • green plants such as ivy, ferns or sugarloaf spruce (Picea glauca conica) for example

An idea for late summer and sunny places

In this pot there are plants with reddish, yellow and orange nuances that bring autumn into the mood. The combination is perfect for beautifying the terrace for the last weeks of the season and is suitable for partial shade or sunny locations outside. The following summer flowers are:in the flower pot:

  • Buntnessel (Coleus), orange variety
  • Hardworking Lieschen (Impatiens)
  • Torning (Torenia)

The coleus serves as the tallest specimen and will decorate the container until the first frost. To fill the gaps, use the other two flowers, preferably in matching colors such as orange and yellow. The special thing about the torenia is its hanging habit, which means the plant grows over the edge of the pot and then falls down. This creates several levels with a casual, romantic effect. These plants are quite moisture-loving, so you shouldn't neglect watering.

Large zinc bucket for the terrace

It will be rustic and rusticwith a zinc bucket, which can be planted just as well as large containers. If you don't have one available, you can of course also use a normal plant pot. Since the zinc tub in the example has a rectangular shape and is low, flowers and plants of approximately the same height were chosen, but you could also play with the heights. What is included in this arrangement?

You might also be interested in:Planting a zinc tub: What can go in it & what needs to be taken into account

  • green coleus (Coleus)
  • Hardworking Lieschen (Impatiens), white
  • pennywort (Lysimachia numisaria)
  • Red parrot leaf (Alternanthera)
  • Lantana (Lantana), rotorange

Here you will finda few tall plants for containers.