Planting zinc buckets: tips and instructions for a mini garden that also fits in the house or on the balcony!

A zinc bucket is a beautiful decoration element, especially when it is in full bloom. In the following you will find some great ideas on how you can plant your zinc bucket and what you should pay attention to when planting. Zinc buckets are not particularly large, unlike z. B. a zinc tub. Therefore, the possibilities of planting are somewhat limited. Here you will find some planting ideas, tips and tricks for small zinc buckets that we have collected for you!

How to put a garden in a galvanized bucket

The cultivation of plants in a galvanized bucket is so simple and incredibly practical. At theCreation of bucket gardensThere are three important things to consider:

  • Fresh earth
  • Plenty of sun
  • Plenty of water

You can use any type of container as a planter as long as it has good drainage, but galvanized buckets are ideal!


  • Step 1. Be sure to drill several holes into the bottom of your galvanized bucket, otherwise the drainage will not work properly.
  • Step 2. Fill the bucket about 3/4 with fresh earth.
  • Step 3. Add your plants and distribute them so that you have enough space for growing.
  • Step 4. Make sure that your plants are always well irrigated and fertilized, then you should enjoy them all summer!

Plant zinc bucket: What can you grow

You can plant your zinc bucket with different plants and as it asDecoration for your gardenUse balcony or kitchen. Here are some useful and colorful ideas for you!

The zinc bucket herb garden

As I said, zinc buckets are not particularly large, but they are very decorative. So how about planting zinc buckets in different sizes, each with a plant, in this case with a delicious kitchen herb? Place your zinc buckets in a nice formation in the garden, on the balcony, in the kitchen and enjoy your herbs. Be sure to plant lavender - it smells well and blooms beautifully.

Before you create your herb garden, you should find outWhich herbscan be planted together. The employees of your local garden center are usually very helpful in answering questions. We also researched for you and found out which herbs tolerated. After we have made sure that these herbs can be planted in the same galvanized buckets, we choose the following herbs:

  • Thymian
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Rosemary
  • sage
  • chives

The rock garden with succulents in mini format

Fortunately, there are very small plants with which you can plant zinc buckets and that fit very well! Fill your zinc bucket with sand and earth and plant a few mini succulents and cacti. In between, put stones and finally cover the floor with pebbles. Your rock garden in the zinc bucket is ready.

Planting zinc buckets with colorful flowers

How to put paint into your zinc bucket: hang your zinc bucket on a bar and plant it with hanging, colorful, blooming plants such as magic bells, blue bells or petunia. Cult your zinc bucket and plant itwith green plantsLike the bubic head or the spider plant. Onion plants need less space - why not a spring -flowering zinc bucket with z. B. design violets, daffodils and hyacinths.

Are galvanized vessels foods

Some people shy away from planting herbs or vegetables into galvanized pots because zinc is harmful to health. It is true that zinc can be poisonous if it is consumed or inhaled, but the risk of growing vegetables near it is very low. In many areas, the drinking water supply was and is handled by galvanized pipes. Compared to this, the amount of zinc that can get into your vegetables via the roots of your plants is insignificant.

The bucket needs drainage holes

Whether you should drain holes for drainage in your zinc bucket primarily depends on where you want to set it up. If you want to set it up outside where it gets rainwater, you should definitely provide drainage holes so that excess rainwater can run out and the roots do not rot by waterlogging. However, if the zinc bucket is to be in the apartment, you can do without the drainel holes, but should then water with a lot of sensitivity.

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