Tall-growing potted plants that you should definitely consider as a privacy screen

Plants in pots not only look beautiful on the terrace or balcony, but can also have another use, namely a protective one. Tall potted plants in particular can serve as privacy screens and also offer a certain level of protection from winds. If that's exactly what you're looking for in a potted plant, you've come to the right place because we've listed some specimens that can grow quite tall.

Which plants can be used as privacy screens for terraces and balconies?

Tall potted plants are not only attractive, but also useful. Depending on the type of plant and the final size of the plant you choose, you can use it not only as a solitary plant, but also with othersCombine flowersand put together interesting, decorative arrangements. In order to serve as a privacy screen, a height of at least 120 cm is recommended. We have a few ideas for sunny and non-sunny locations for you, with flowers or even evergreen and hardy versions that protect you from view even in winter.

Tall growing pot plants that are hardy and evergreen

The following plants are evergreen and hardy and protect from view even in winter:

The Firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea) as potted plants for outdoors

The firethorn is mainly due to itsbright berries in autumnwell known and will delight you with colors even during this time. The plant can grow to a height of 2 to 3 meters.

The loquat (Photinia fraseri) for hardy container plants, flowering

The red medlars are popular potted plants that do not grow tall, but also impress with their white flowers. Also very attractive are the fresh shoot tips, which always appear red before turning green. The plant can grow up to 3 meters high.

Tall-growing potted plants – the barberry (Berber Juliana)

The barberry flowers bloom in yellow in May. The 2 to 3 meter high shrubs arehardy potted plantsfor the blazing sun, which impress with particularly dense growth. With barberries you also get quite undemanding potted plants.

Dwarf silver cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera)

Dwarf silver cypresses are tall-growing potted plants that can grow up to 4 meters high, are evergreen and are particularly impressive with their conical growth. Placed next to each other, you get perfect privacy protection with several copies.

Tall potted plants – the tree of life(Thuja)

Also evergreen and as a privacy screenThuja is suitable, which is often also chosen as a hedge plant. But it also looks good on its own in a pot. The varieties 'Rheingold' and 'Sunkist' are particularly suitable for container planting and are recommended. The former grows more spherically, while Sunkist has a conical growth and also differs slightly in color. However, both can grow up to 4 meters high.

Tall plants for containers for the summer season

If you don't care about having a privacy screen in winter, you can also choose variants that are not evergreen, but will still survive the winter as they shed their leaves and then do their job again the next season. Which ones are recommended?

The panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)

This flowering shrub is not only popular for the garden, it can also thrive in a container and reaches a height of 2 to 2.5 meters. If you would like to use shrubs to provide privacy, you can consider this hydrangea. We certainly don't need to mention that the flowers are simply a dream. In addition, the leaves grow very densely and are therefore perfectly protected from view.

The dwarf lilac (Meyer's syringe)

All small-format varieties are in principle suitable, but we would particularly like to recommend the dwarf lilac 'Palibin', which, although it is one meter high, is not a very tall container plant, but is still very popular and can be combined with other plants (e.g. tall grasses). The normal dwarf lilac grows slightly higher (120 to 150 cm). Either way, you will be rewarded for your good care with rich and fragrant flowers.

The Beautiful Muscle (Spiraea vanhouttei) for partial shade

The magnificent spar is somewhat more compact with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters and lush flowers in summer. They are quite undemanding in terms of location, which makes them perfect as flowering pot plantsfor the shadow. The flowers look like feathers and appear for a long period between June and September.

Tall potted plants for espaliers

If you are looking for climbing plants that can climb your trellis from the container, then these areon Clematisand the climbing rose is optimal.These specimens can grow up to 3 meters high and decorate the privacy wall with dense foliage, but also with magnificent flowers in summer. They are ideal as potted plants for the terrace in full sun (preferably on the west side).

Other hardy plants as privacy screens from neighbors

The following specimens are also tall-growing potted plants that will easily survive the winter in the pot and will enhance the terrace and balcony:

  • Chokeberry 'Viking' (Aronia x prunifolia‘Viking’)
  • Bamboo
  • Bergkiefer (Pinus mugo)
  • Miscanthus (Miscanthus)
  • Chinese winterflower (Chimonanthus praecox)
  • Japanese maple (Maple palmate)
  • Common boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
  • love pearl bush (Callicarpa bodinieri)
  • Lovely weigela 'Purpurea' (Weigela florida‘Purpurea’)
  • snow forsythia (Abeliophyllum distichum)