When it comes to common plant pests, finding effective home remedies for spider mites can often be challenging. Although store-bought repellents work, chemicals contained in them can sometimes be harmful to pets and people. For this reason, you might want to go the natural route by trying the insect control methods using household supplies described below. This can be used to treat mild to moderate insect infestations on garden or house plants. So get rid of pesky herbivores by following some simple steps and tips.
Effective defense measures and home remedies against spider mites
Getting rid of spider mites is difficult, but doable with persistence. As already written, you can do this with either natural or chemical repellents. However, it is advisable to dispose of a severely infested plant immediately, replace it with a new one and make a fresh start. Additionally, heavy insect infestations are much more difficult to control and endanger all other plants. Thenatural insect controlusually happens in two ways. The first option is to isolate the plant and then spray the leaves and stems with pressurized water, such as from a hose or faucet. Spray as much of the plant as possible. This natural spider mite control must be repeated several times to be effective.
The second natural control is to introduce natural predators into the infected plant. You can find ladybugs and other parasitic mites that repel spider mites at specialized gardening stores or try them yourself.to attract beneficial insects such as ladybugs. When purchasing, make sure the insect repellent used is appropriate for the plant and season. Spider mites are actually not insects in the truest sense of the word, but rather eight-legged arachnids that are closely related to spiders and ticks. However, this is not so relevant to combat them, as similar measures against them can be just as effective. However, it is important to be able to recognize the different types in order to act correctly.
What types of spider mites and damage to plants can be identified?
Spider mites can usually be identified by the fine, silky web they spin on plants, as well as the general damage they cause to plant leaves. There are hundreds of different types, such asGrass mites in the garden, which are categorized as spider mites and attack indoor or outdoor plants. In addition, they are also colored in a variety of colors including red, yellow, green and brown. Some even change color throughout the year, while others are translucent. Spider mites most often congregate on the undersides of leaves and cause damage by sucking on the tissues.
The plant sap sucked out of the plant leaves by spider mites makes it easy to identify affected plants. Their leaves often look mottled, yellow, and dry, or are covered in pale yellow spots. In conifers, spider mites often cause older, inner needles to turn yellow and then fall off. Spider mites can also feed on chlorophyll, which causes small white dots to appear on plant leaves. Some of them even inject toxins into the leaves, discoloring and distorting them. So if you see one or more of these symptoms, especially in addition to some fine white spider webs on the leaves, you are most likely dealing with spider mites.
Outdoor plants most commonly affected include cucurbits, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, and a variety of landscape trees and shrubs. However, many houseplants can also be attacked by spider mites, especially those with thin, delicate leaves. You're most likely to see spider mite damage in warm, dry conditions.
Which defense methods and home remedies to use against spider mites?
Therefore, if you have realized that your plant is infested with spider mites, you should immediately isolate it and take measures to repel the spider mites. In general, house or garden plants affected by it appear to be in poor health. You canhowever, some home remediesusing the following instructions.
Using rubbing alcohol against spider mites
For a spider mite infestation, you can combine a mixture of one cup of rubbing alcohol and 4 cups of water and then apply the solution to your plants using a spray bottle. To do this, spray stems, flowers and leaves thoroughly. Rubbing alcohol repels spider mites by dehydrating them. However, when doing this, try spraying the mixture on a single leaf a few days before treating the rest of your plant. Some plants are more sensitive to rubbing alcohol than others.
Spray plants with water if spider mites are infested
Most species of spider mites thrive in dry, warm weather, and a very effective defense measure is to regularly spray your plants with strong jets of water. You should particularly aim for the undersides of leaves or needles. It is advisable to repeat such treatment regularly so that the mites cannot gain a foothold on the plants again. You canIndoor houseplantsYou can also place it in a sink or bathtub and clean it with a faucet that has a spray nozzle.
Use neem oil as a home remedy for spider mites
Used in cosmetics, neem oil is a natural product obtained from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). In addition, the use of neem oil is safe for humans and most animals, but the active ingredient helps in the fight against a variety of insects, pests and mites. Neem oil contains azadirachtin, an active ingredient that interferes with the feeding, molting, mating and egg-laying cycles of insects and mites. While neem oil is considered a safe organic pesticide for humans and warm-blooded animals, it is extremely toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Therefore, use it carefully to prevent runoff from entering streams and lakes where it can poison aquatic life.
What preventive measures to take against spider mites?
Most species of mites are most common from July to September when conditions are favorable. A notable exception is the spruce spider mite (Oligonychus ununguis), which is most active in cooler weather in spring and fall. In addition, the so-called spruce spider mite is a serious pest for various pine trees, causing yellowing of needles and gradual defoliation that can kill the tree. Houseplants are most likely to get spider mites in the winter months, so check your home plants regularly when the indoor air becomes dry. Otherwise, you can consider the following pointers:
- Potted plants that thrive in summer should be carefully checked for spider mites before bringing them indoors for the winter. The dry winter months are particularly favorable for spider mites. Therefore, it is best to try to check for mites before the plants move indoors.
- You should also check purchased plants carefully for spider mites before you bring them home from the garden store.
- Regularly humidifying the air in your room can also help prevent serious spider mite infestations. This is especially true if you also spray your houseplants regularly. This makes it easier for mites to be removed and washed away before they can gain a foothold.
- All types of plants that thrive in the garden or indoors are less likely to be attacked by spider mites if you occasionally spray them with water. Spider mites are very small and can be easily washed away.
- There are no plants that are completely immune to all types of spider mites, but in general, plant varieties with thick, hard leaf structures are less likely to suffer serious damage. Some houseplants that resist spider mites include money tree, rubber tree, bow hemp and lucky feather. Some garden plants that are very commonly attacked by spider mites are evergreen deciduous trees, elms, periwinkles, fruit trees, honey locust, maple, rowan, oak and roses.