A thunderstorm or simply rainy weather is approaching and they are everywhere in the house, on the terrace and even on the skin: the so-called thunderflies, which, to make matters worse, also bite. What are these insects, why do they appear at all and under what conditions? Are there any remedies for thunderflies that can be used as a preventive measure or to help with an infestation? We summarize the most important things and explain how to get rid of thunderflies.
Before we focus on how to get rid of thunderflies, let's explain why they appear in the first place. The insects are also called thrips, fringed wings, thunderbirds or, incorrectly, thunder midges and appear as soon as a storm is approaching. More precisely, it is the humid air that causes a plague of thunderflies. What exactly does the weather have to do with the appearance?
Well, storm animals prefer to live on plants where the pests feed on the sap. Since they are not particularly good at flying despite their wings, they are rarely found elsewhere. Until Mother Nature forces them to, so to speak. You know the so-called plankton, tiny sea creatures that simply flow through the water? Thrips move in a similar way. They are “transported around” by the air currents and therefore belong to the so-called air plankton. At temperatures above 20 degrees they rise and “fly” for kilometers from one place to another.
Now if oneThunderstorm is approaching, updrafts arise and the electric field strength changes, which probably also causes the insects to begin to sink. Thunderflies land on skin, clothing and other unwanted surfaces. So they are not attracted to us or consciously seek us out, but rather have little influence on it. It is not uncommon to even find thunderflies in the house, where they enter via the wind through the window or are brought in through plants.
Can thrips bite?
Yes, thunderflies can actually bite. However, they do not do this out of aggressive behavior or because they need the blood to reproduce, for example like mosquitoes do. Actually, this happens by accident. Nonetheless, inflammation and swelling can occurItching occurswhen thunderflies bite. Extremely rarely, however, a storm animal bite leads to rashes and even if they do, these usually heal on their own in a few days, just like the tiny bite wound.
However, it is of course extremely annoying, which is why you would like to do something about the pests and prevent an infestation. How to get rid of thunderflies?
Interesting: How long do thunderflies live? Their lifespan is one to two months depending on conditions. For this reason, it is a better idea to do something about them instead of waiting for them to go away on their own.
Getting rid of thunderflies – first steps
The fact that the animals cannot fly and are quite sluggish proves to be very practical if the pests have invaded your interior. They can be easily and conveniently vacuumed away with a vacuum cleaner. You should then dispose of the bag so that they don't crawl out again. Alternatively, you can also use a simple microfiber cloth to wipe away the thrips.
Since, as already mentioned, storm animals live on plants and feed on them, there is a good chance that they have already infested your plants. This is why you should check them out. If you notice an infestation, you canGet rid of annoying thunderfliesby simply showering the plants in the shower or bathtub.
Fight thunderflies with home remedies
You can use natural remedies to combat an infestation on your plants. You can use the following tricks to get rid of thunderflies in a nature-friendly way.
- Neem oil against thrips
You can use neem oil to get rid of thunderflies by diluting it with water and then spraying it on the plants. The oil ensures that the pests cannot cling to the plants. At the same time, it takes care of your green friends.
- Remove fringed winged insects from plants with soapy water
Soapy water also makes it difficult for insects to cling to plant parts. This is an easy way to protect your plants without harming nature. But use natural soap toto make the lyeand spray or rub the leaves with it.
- Fighting with the help of predatory mites
You can also do it in the gardennatural enemiesUse against storm animals, i.e. those that feed on them. Predatory mites prove to be very effective in the fight against thrips and are easily distributed on the plant if you want to get rid of thunderflies.
Notice: If all else fails, you can also use an insecticide. Since this also harms nature, it should only be used in extreme emergencies!
Getting rid of thunderflies: Preventive measures against thunderstorm animals
- Thrips are attracted to bright colors and are particularly fond of the blue color. You can use this in two ways in the fight against insects: avoid clothing in such colors, as you will attract the animals, or use blue consciously by using blue glue boards as a thunderfly trap. They are also effective in yellow color.
- To make it difficult for the fringed winged birds to enter your house, you should definitely provide it with fly screens. However, keep in mind that these animals are extremely tiny and can therefore fit through most meshes (if you were wondering why you have storm animals in the house despite the fly screen, that may be the reason) why you should choose nets with finer meshes.
- What helps against thunderstorm animals on the skin? In humid thunderstorm weather, simply avoid regions where fringed winged birds are more common (e.g. grain fields). Also, avoid the above-mentioned colors when it comes to clothing to prevent thunderflies on the body. Darker clothing is a better choice.
How to save damaged plants after a stormfind out here.