Autumn flowers for bees: 7 beautiful late bloomers for the balcony and garden

In spring and summer, bees and other pollinators find enough flowers to reward them with nectar and pollen for their important work. The nectar provides the insects with energy to fly and prepares them for hibernation, while the pollen provides the bee larvae with the proteins they need to grow. But the lean time for these beneficial insects begins in autumn. If you are in your garden oron your balconyBy growing a good mix of flowering plants as a nectar-rich food source, you can improve the chances of survival of these beneficial insects during the cold months. Here we present 7 of the most beautiful autumn flowers that bees, bumblebees and other pollinators like to fly to.

Which autumn flowers do bees and bumblebees like?

Many insects are still looking for food in late summer. That's why it's a good idea to provide them with food from nectar-rich, late-flowering plants. Choose single, open flowers where you can see the central part of the flower - where the bees have access to nectar and pollen. Different species of bees are active at different times of the year. Most bees are most active from March to September, but some emerge from hibernation earlier in mild winters, and bumblebee queens occasionally beginto nest in autumn, instead of hibernating, and establish a “winter colony”. To give pollinators the best possible chance of survival, it is therefore important to plant flowers from late winter to autumn - all year round if possible.

The insects that you can attract to your garden include the field bumblebee and earth bumblebee, honey bees, hoverflies, painted lady butterflies, the large fire butterfly as well as the swallowtail and brimstone butterflies.

Asters are typical autumn flowers

Flowering time: July – October

Asters belong to the daisy family and usually bloom in late summer and autumn. They are ideal for mixed beds with grasses and other perennials in the prairie garden. The bright, daisy-like flowers are a colorful eye-catcher and provide a rich source of nectar and pollen for late-flying insects. Many varieties are also suitable as cut flowers.

Most asters thrive best in sunny locations, but others tolerate partial shade or shade quite well. The colorful autumn flowers can also be grown well in pots and balcony boxes. Remove wilted flowers regularly to keep them looking good and producing more blooms. After flowering, cut the asters back heavily in late fall.

A particularly beautiful species from the Aster family is Aster dumosus, also known as cushion aster. It grows quickly and reaches a height of 20 to 50 cm. These compactly growing asters are ideal for balcony boxes. The recommended varieties of Aster dumosus include the dark pink-flowering 'Rosenwichtel', the white-flowering 'Apollo', the 'Blue Lagoon' with blue-violet flowers and the pink-flowering 'Herbstgruß vom Bresserhof'.

Open-flowering dahlias are particularly bee-friendly autumn flowers

Flowering time: June – September / October

Dahlias come in many different forms, including flamboyant cactus, water lily and pompom varieties. All of these varieties have densely double flowers that look spectacular, but they provide little food for bees and other pollinators because the insects cannot access the central part of the flower where nectar and pollen are found.

In contrast, open-flowering dahlia varieties are fantastic for pollinators. Because they have fewer petals, bees, butterflies and other insects have easy access to pollen and nectar, and the flowers are no less beautiful.

Here are some beautiful open-flowering dahlias for you to consider

  • DieDahlie ‘Bishop of York’produces bright yellow individual flowers all summer long, contrasting with the green-purple foliage.
  • DieDahlie ‘Bishop of Auckland’bears velvety, carmine-red individual flowers on almost black stems that contrast with the dark green-red leaves.
  • DieDahlia 'Topmix Rosa'bears pretty, single pink flowers with yellow centers that contrast with dark green foliage. The flowers last all summer and well into fall.

For best results, grow dahlias in full sun in fertile, well-drained soil. Regularly remove the wilted flowers and fertilize with a high-potash fertilizer to extend the flowering period. Dig up the tubers in the fall after the first frosts and store them in a cool, dry place until March before planting them out in late May.

Besenheide (Calluna vulgaris)

Flowering time: July – November

Calluna vulgaris, also known as common heather, is a bushy dwarf shrub that grows in moist but well-drained, acidic soil in a sunny to partially shaded location. The stems are covered with tiny green leaves and flower spikes. Their flowers are a magnet for bees. Cut off old panicles when they begin to wilt to encourage new growth.

The most beautiful Calluna varieties that bees appreciate in autumn include:

  • Calluna vulgaris ‘Dark beauty’has bright red flowers. The flowering period ranges from around September to mid-October.
  • ‘Tib’Bears beautiful purple flowers from August to October. The leaves turn from dark green to bronze in winter.
  • ‘Alicia’Blooms with white buds from early September to early December.
  • ‘Robert Chapman’has golden yellow leaves that turn copper brown in winter. The common heather produces purple, bell-shaped flowers from July to October.
  • ‘Spring Torch’also has a very long flowering period - from August to November. The plant has purple-pink flowers.

Japanese autumn anemone (Anemone japonica)

Flowering time: August – October

Japanese anemones are a stunning sight in late summer and early fall. The semi-double flowers in delicate pink or white float on tall stems above attractive foliage.

Autumn anemones thrive in sun or partial shade and can also cope with dry soil. The autumn flowers can be easily planted in pots.

Prune after flowering and remove dead leaves and stems in March. Mulch annually in spring or fall. The Asian beauties are rhizomatous and have a tendency to spread widely throughout the garden. Therefore, divide larger clumps every few years to keep them under control. The best time for this is in autumn or spring.

Autumn anemone varieties that are among the most beautiful late summer and autumn perennials are:

  • Anemone tomentosa ‘Serenade’(pink flowers)
  • Anemone japonica 'Prinz Heinrich'(purple pink)
  • Japonica anemone 'Honorine Jobert(white)
  • Anemone japonica 'Queen Charlotte'(light violet-pink)

Tall sedum (Hylotelephium)

Flowering time: July – October

Sedums (Hylotelephium) are perennials from the thick-leaved family that produce small star-shaped flowers from summer to autumn. They are sometimes included in the Sedum genus.

Sedums thrive best in a sunny spot in well-drained soil. They look best in the front part of a bed, but also look good in pots.

  • Purpur-Fetthenne ‘Purple Emperor’is grown for its ornamental foliage, which darkens as it matures. In summer it produces masses of pink flower buds that open white. The flowers look beautiful in the winter garden with a hint of frost.
  • Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy'has succulent, light green leaves and contrasting salmon-pink summer flowers that turn orange-red in autumn. Like most sedums, it is a valuable source of nectar for pollinators, especially butterflies.
  • Magnificent fat leaf 'Carl' (Hylotelephium spectabile)produces flat, bright pink flower heads on upright stems in autumn.

Argentine verbena (Verbena bonariensis)

Flowering time: July – October

Argentine verbena (Verbena bonariensis) is a unique plant prized by prairie garden enthusiasts as well as butterflies and pollinators. The tall stems extend gracefully over many other companion plants and grow up to 2 m tall. They produce clusters of bright purple flowers throughout the summer months and well into October. If you're looking for elegance and style in fall flowers for bees, Verbena bonariensis is a must.

Plant Verbena bonariensis in moist but well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered location. Leave flowers to form seed heads for birds, and in mild regions, cut the plant back before it sprouts again in spring (in colder regions, plants may not survive the winter). When the plants are happy with their location, they will self-sow, but you can also propagate them from cuttings.

The low-growing variety is particularly popular with hobby gardenersVerbena bonariensis 'Lollipop'. With a maximum height of 60 cm, 'Lollipop' is suitable for smaller gardens and containers as well as for the front part of borders.

Plant spring onions

A great way to help bees in the spring is to plant bulbs in the fall. Early bloomers provide bees with a source of pollen and nectar when little else is blooming.

By planting flower bulbs in containers, you can ensure you don't miss out on their colorful blooms, especially when placed along the walkway, next to the front door or on the patio. Choosing varieties that are rich in both nectar and pollen is a livelihood for the first bumblebees, some of which emerge from hibernation as early as February. Plant spring flowers that bloom for a long time, such as early-blooming crocuses (February to March) and primulas (February to May). Through theCombination of flower bulbsnot only create eye-catching pots, but also attract various pollinators.