Build an insect hotel: ideas for your own flower, fruit and vegetable garden

Insects are tiny, but they play an important role in the environment. Without insects such as bees, beetles and butterflies, we will have to do without many types of fruit and vegetables. Precisely because the death of insects has become a major issue, it is worth being environmentally conscious in your own garden and welcoming pollinators outdoors. An insect hotel provides accommodation, nesting space and weather protection. The construction itself is extremely simple, so anyone can build an insect hotel from available materials. But in order for bees and bumblebees to really move in, you should adhere to a few basic rules. We explain what you should consider when choosing location and materials.

Building an insect hotel: What do you have to consider when choosing materials?

An insect hotel is not just an insect hotel. So that it reallyBeneficial insects in the gardenTo attract animals and create a species-appropriate home for them, it must be constructed according to certain criteria. Otherwise, bees and the like will not move in or, in the worst case, they will accept the nesting site, but the brood will die because the construction or materials do not meet their needs. These materials come into question:

1. Dry hardwoodlocal wood species, which does not splinter when drilled. Splinters can injure the insects, and cracks in the wood also cause moisture and can quickly lead to rot. Ash, beech or oak are ideal for building a bee hotel or a butterfly house. Also make sure that the wooden sticks are not treated with chemicals. The insects can smell them and will not move in. Soft types of wood such as pine or spruce are ideal for bumblebees. If you wish, you can impregnate the wood with linseed oil to protect it from moisture.

2.Hollow bamboo tubesare ideal as accommodation and nesting places for mason bees. To ensure that they really become a popular nesting place, you should leave one end of the 20cm long tube closed. Optionally, you can seal it with either the pulp or beeswax. Similar to the wooden sticks, you should always make sure that no splinters form during processing. You can also grind the input or output additionally.

3. You can attract beneficial insects to the insect hotel with grasses from regional seed mixtures. In any case, you have to replace the grasses more often. Fresh flowers will also attract pollinators.

4. Unsuitable materials: plastic, exotic wood species such as bangkirai wood, wooden cones and bricks. Paving stones, concrete or metal are also less suitable. You should definitely not use pallet wood for the insect hotel because pallets are treated with strong chemicals.

The right location

Depending on how large it is, an insect hotel will attract wild bees, beetles, lacewings and bumblebees. In order to do justice to all insects, you should adhere to several simple rules:

1. Choose a sunny, wind-protected location.

2. Hang the insect hotel at least 1 meter high.

3. Ask at theSelection of locationsure that the insects can find food and water near the hotel. Locations in a corner of the fruit or vegetable garden, in a flower bed or near the garden pond prove to be optimal.

4. Protect the nesting area from birds. If you have a large garden, you can protect the insects with a simple trick: build a bird house with a feeding place on the other side of the property. We'll show you two ideas on how to attract birds using household materials.

Plants and flowers that are considered particularly bee-friendly include pumpkins, cucumbers, apple, cherry and peach trees, berry bushes, and some seasonal flowers. If you don't have a kitchen garden, you should plant early and late-blooming wildflowers outdoors so that the insects can find food all year round. The winter aconite blooms from January onwards. In spring, for example, crocuses, snowdrops and snow heather bloom. In early summer, field larkspur, meadow sage and red catchfly bloom, in late summer - the camomile, panicle knapweed and wild carrot. The flowering season for the fat hen, the ivy and the autumn anemones begins in autumn.

Butterfly house and wild bee hotel in one

The first insect house resembles a mailbox and is in principle very easy to build. Even inexperienced craftsmen can screw together a wooden box. Additionally, separate the house into two compartments: the upper “floor” serves as a butterfly house and provides accommodation for butterflies. Two to four slits are made on the front side of the box, and the inside of the box is filled with bark mulch. The lower “floor” remains open at the front. Here several 15 cm - 20 cm long bamboo tubes with different sized openings are stacked on top of each other.

Wild bee hotel on the planted wall

In the next example we will explain to you how you can repurpose a former birch wood basket. Remove the lid and basket base, drill holes in the basket and use a screw and wing nut to hold the ends together. Fill the basket with a drilled log and bamboo tubes. Hang the finished insect hotel on the garden wall planted with ivy. This means that the insects are safely protected from wind and cold indoors and at the same time have access to food.

Insect hotel for ladybirds, butterflies and lacewings

The next insect hotel offers overwintering opportunities for three types of insects: wild bees are housed at the top, in the middle box you can arrange dry materials such as straw or bark for the lacewings, and ladybirds find accommodation at the bottom.

Attract spiders and beetles

Spiders protect us from mosquitoes and flies in the garden. Build an insect hotel with lots of small wooden sticks and leave voids between the wooden sticks. Such hotels can also attract beetles. You can also plant the insect hotel with succulents.

Build an insect hotel and protect it from birds and pests

Have you built an insect hotel and want to protect it from pests and birds? On the other side of the property, build an insect hotel with plants that the flies like. Then arrange cotton on the top that the birds will use for their nests. Don't forget to add materials to the hotel regularly.

Tree branches for beetles

Arrange several tree branches with moss in a picture frame. They will attract beetles.