Autumn plants for balconies and gardens: These hardy flowers and grasses are perfect for pots and balcony boxes!

Summer is almost over and soon we will welcome autumn with its magnificent colors. The right time to choose the right autumn plants for your balcony and garden. We list the most beautiful hardy autumn flowers, ornamental grasses and perennials that are suitable for the container garden. And a few more one-year exceptions: Simply because they have crept into our hearts.

Autumn plants for the balcony and garden: The most beautiful autumn flowers

We ring in the end of the gardening season with colorful autumn flowers. With their delicate flowers in yellow, orange, fire red and - depending on the variety, sometimes pink or pink - they create a cheerful atmosphere even in the cold months.

Typical autumn flowers: Perennial, hardy species

1. The autumn astersare hardy perennials. Most varieties have well-branched stems that produce multiple flowers. The flowers prefer sunny locations with moderately fresh, humus-rich soil.

Particularly beautiful varieties: Garden carpet aster “Snowfurry” is a ground cover with whiteFlowers for the balcony box. The dwarf cushion asters “Jenny” and “Dietgard Rosa” form beautiful pink to wine-red cup flowers. As its name suggests, the “Herbstschnee” variety bears snow-white flowers.

2. Alsothe garden chrysanthemumsare among the most popular balcony plants. The winter asters are a real eye-catcher in the container garden on the terrace. They are slightly taller than the other chrysanthemum types (reach an average height of around 80 cm).

3. DieAutumn cyclamenare perennial bulbous flowers that are particularly popular for their compact and low growth. They are the perfect flowers for the balcony box.

4.The BergeniaNot only does it bear numerous pink flowers in autumn - the wintergreen perennial is also an eye-catcher in the winter months.

5. Alsothe Christ rose(Snow rose) is a wintergreen plant. It is extremely durable and can live for over 20 years if cared for properly. At the same time, the ground cover is perfect as a gap filler in the pot or balcony box.

Special case: Beautiful annual autumn flowers

1. The flowering periodthe student flower(Tagetes) starts in May. The perennial bloomer enchants with its double yellow flowers until the end of autumn.

2.The marigoldblooms from June until permanent frost. Marigold is much more than just a beautiful plant: it provides food for numerous insects during the autumn months.

3.The magic bellsbloom from May to October.The beautiful flowersare available in a variety of colors and look great both alone and with other plants.

4. Due to the great variety of colors and shapes of the varietiesthe dahliastrue quick-change artists. So every hobby gardener can find the right one for their garden or balcony. The only disadvantage: the dahlias are not winter hardy

Other flowering autumn plants for pots and balcony boxes

In addition to autumn flowers, there are also numerous other flowering autumn plants. These include the hardy heather species. The most popular autumn plants: common heather and bell heather differ in appearance. The first has a low growth habit that visually resembles a broom. The second bears numerous small, bell-shaped flowers. In the bud heather, the flowers remain closed and, as the name suggests, resemble buds.

The beach silverwort also presents its small, delicate flowers all autumn long and exudes a gentle scent into the garden. It is a bee-friendly plant that attracts bees and butterflies.

  • Beach silverweed
  • Snow Heath
  • Bell Heath
  • Knospenheide
  • Besenheide

Autumn plants for the balcony and garden: ornamental grasses and other decorative plants

It's not just the autumn flowers that provide color in the pot. Certain ornamental grasses also turn attractive yellow-gold to burgundy shades in autumn and become impressive companions in the pot. And the others, which retain their green color, form the perfect background to the colorful flowers. By the way, there are also many ornamental grasses - such as the flat grass, which still bloom in September.

Hardy grasses in pots

Late August to early September is the right time to plant ornamental grasses. This gives them enough time to establish their roots. At the same time, the sprouted young plants are the perfect planting partners for autumn flowers and foliage perennials. Of course, proper care plays a crucial role. This includes, among other things, frost protection and regular watering on frost-free days.

  • Flat ear grass
  • Switchgrass
  • Blue fescue
  • Pheasant tail grass
  • Pennisetum grass
  • Miscanthus

Other decorative autumn plants for containers

The third group of autumn plants consists of various ornamental plants that have an extremely decorative effect. These can be easily staged on the balcony or terrace.

  • Zickzackstrauch
  • Fetthenne
  • Strachel wire plant
  • Silberblatt
  • Purple bells
  • Ornamental cabbage
  • Fat man
  • Houseleek

Autumn plants for the balcony: What should you consider when planting?

At thePlanting the traffic light, the pot or the balcony box, you quickly forget that the autumn plants have different requirements than the summer bloomers. The sun in autumn can no longer cause damage. Even flowers and grasses that normally prefer semi-shady locations can thrive on the sunny, south-facing balcony without any problems. You should also determine the watering according to the new season. Typically, most flowers and perennials are watered as needed. It is fertilized once, directly after planting. Even hardy plants need frost protection in the container garden. After the first night frost, the pots and balcony boxes are wrapped with fleece. By the way, if you want to prepare the pot for spring, you can also plant the bulb flowers right away. These do not require any nutrients and can easily spend the winter outside in the pot. They only sprout again in spring.