Hydrangeas are a beautiful enrichment for every landscape, but how often should hydrangeas pour so that they develop their full potential? You will find out in this article.
How often do you have to water hydrangeas
Newly planted and established hydrangeas
Pour newly planted hydrangeas: If you grow Hydrangea, it is important to pour them until you have established yourself and then irrigate you regularly, especially in extremely hot weather or in dryness. They should be set in well -permeable, moisturizing soil. They should not be planted in a place where there is a standing water, mainly not after rain. Soilhorts should be irrigated at least 3 times a week after planting to develop a strong root system. You have flat roots, so mulch is an absolute must! Use 5-8 cm hardwood mulch (not the stained red stuff) to store moisture and add organic fabrics to the soil.
Irrigation of established hydrangeas:You can also use drip hoses or seepage hoses in the landscape. They help to bring the water to the roots, what kind ofHardensia is the most important. Depending on the type of hydrangea, it requires different amounts of water. Hydrangea macrophylla usually needs the most water. Hydrangea arborescens and hydrangea quercifolia usually need less water.
Here you can see an example of a hydrangea with hanging leaves that must be cast immediately.
Hortness, which must be irrigated
3 hours later a day after she was cast
After watering, the leaves sprout again and the plant looks much better.
Potted and room hydrangeas
Hardensia in the pot - how often pour: If you plant hydrangea outdoors into a pot, a light ceramic pot is best suited to store the moisture. Dark colors absorb heat faster. Make sure that there is a drain hole! The hydrangea should be watered thoroughly at least 3 times a week. Always pour the plant around the whole pot, not just in one place. The water should come out on the bottom of the pot. Never leave the hydrangea in the water, because this leads to the roots.
Irrigation of hydrangea for the interior: The same rules also apply to hydrangeas that are bred in the house. Depending on your cultivation area, you may be able to plant a hydrangea that you got on a special occasion like Mother's Day. Pour them in the same way, but it is important that you get more light than if you are outdoors. Place them near a light window in a cool room to achieve optimal results. Don't let them stand in the water. You prefer at least 4 hours of morning sun so that the plant gets the best color and flower. With the right irrigation you will have Hydrangea, on which the neighborhood will be jealous!
Interesting fact: A little -known fact about hydrangeas is that you need a lot of water. The “Hydra” part of your name refers to your seed capsules, which look like Greek water vessels.
What do you need if you want to change color from your hydrangeas? TheFind out here!
Pour hydrangea - what else you should consider
If you use a liquid fertilizer and the plant is dry, pour at least 4-6 hours before fertilizing to prevent the fertilizer from burning. Use a long -term fertilizer whenever possible.
- It is best to pour at the base of the plants to prevent mold or mushrooms from forming on the leaves.
- Pour deep and thoroughly 3 times a week if you plant a plant.
- If possible, use a long -term fertilizer.
- Mulch the plant to store the moisture.
- When the leaves hang, it is time to pour the plant.
- When the leaves turn yellow and turn brown, look for standing water or a blocked drain hole.
How do you properly maintain hydrangeas, how do you fertilize and cut them? All thatyou can find out here!
Pour the hydrangeas with vinegar - how and in what cases
As acid-loving plants, hydrangeas need a pH of 5.5 or less in your soil. So if your hydrangea shows signs of chlorosis due to a pH that is too alkaline that prevents you from picking up the nutrients correctly, a supply of well-used vinegar will help you to recover.
How to use vinegar for hydrangeas?In order to incorporate the vinegar into the hydrangeas, without damaging them, it is best to mix it directly with the irrigation water. Add 1 to 4 tablespoons of vinegar, either white, apple or wine vinegar, per 5 liters of irrigation water. Mix the mixture well and then use a atomizer to water the base of the plant.
How do you know how much vinegar you have to use?It depends on how much you need to reduce the pH of the soil. To measure this, it is easiest to buy pH measuring strips that are cheap and easy to purchase and with which you can control the acidity of the floor. Remember that the goal for healthy hydrangeas is to keep the pH at 5.5.
You can also use vinegar as a homemade fungicide for plants. In this case, you have to prepare a mixture with a higher concentration: a tablespoon of vinegar on a liter of water. With this mixture, the affected plants are sprayed twice a week and after each rain, because when the heat comes and the humidity increases, the fungi have ideal conditions to multiply. When you have completed the treatment and remove the mushrooms, do not spray vinegar on the plants. This also acts as a defense for many pests.