Hyacinth withers and then? Tips on how to give your potted plants the care they need

With their attractive flowers and wonderful scent, potted hyacinths are a popular gift in spring. When they have faded, you should not throw them away straight away. With a little attention, you can keep your houseplant so that it continues to produce many fragrant flowers in the future. Read on to learn some care tips if your hyacinth has faded!

What you should know about hyacinths

The hyacinth is a small genus of perennial plants native to the eastern Mediterranean. They typically bloom in spring and are famous for their beautiful, fragrant flowers that range from soft blues to rich pinks.

Note that these are perennial bulbs that can be planted in the ground outdoors. However, due to its aesthetic appeal and unique patterns and designs, the hyacinth has quickly become a popular choice for people who want to grow it indoors. It is one of the most popular plants that can be planted in potting soil and is easy to grow.

But you should know that you should take proper care of these plants if you want them to bloom. Even after the hyacinth has faded, it needs a lot of attention.

Indoor hyacinth blooms and then what?

After at least three to four months of flowering, you will notice that the plant goes into a dormant state. A clear sign of this is when the leaves begin to die back.

  • If you notice that a majority of the flowers have turned brown, it's time to remove the entire flower stalk. This process is called “Deadheading” is called and is very important because the plant still uses energy to support the brown flower stalk. This uses up important resources and prevents the plant from recovering quickly.
  • By removing the damaged or dying flower stems, make it easier for the plant to redirect its resources for better growth. Remember that when you remove the flower stalks, the foliage will still be a rich shade of green. There's no reason to cut it off - let it die on its own.
  • However, it is also important not to bend or break the leaves, if you cut off the head, as this can cause problems with energy storage. The plant is then unable to store enough energy for the next flowering period.
  • You also need to replenish nutrients for your plant. To do this, you need to provide them with high-quality fertilizer. It is better if you buy a fertilizer for houseplants because this will allow your hyacinth to accumulate even more energy.

Also note these care tips

A common mistake that many people make is that they tend to overwater their hyacinth. Always check the soil with your fingers before watering the plant. If the ground is wet, you may want to wait a bit longer.

  • Do not water the plant too much or the bulbs may rot. If the soil is too wet, the plant may suffer from root rot.

Over time, the leaves also turn brown, wither and die. Don't worry about it - this is the plant's natural life cycle.

  • Once the leaves are gone, you need to cut the plant down to the ground. Make sure you leave the roots and bulb standing.

Then you need to place the pot in a cold and dark place. You need to filter out the light that your plant receives.

  • For this purpose you can put a black paper bag over the pot. If you don't have one, you can also use a regular paper bag from the supermarket. This will keep the light out. Your plant will need some time to recover. Don't touch your hyacinth until spring. Then, as you gradually expose it to light, it should begin to produce new shoots.

Of course, this is just one of the many problems you may have with your hyacinth. Here are a few others.

Hyacinth withers - what to do if brown spots appear

The hyacinth is susceptible to frost damage, and if you keep it on a patio or somewhere with an open window in the spring, this could become a problem. One of the clearest signs of this is the appearance of brown spots on the stem and leaves.

If your plant is frozen in the spring and looks weak and damaged, there's a pretty easy way to fix it. If you keep the hyacinth outdoors, bring it indoors. If it is near an open window, close it immediately. Move them away from colder rooms. That's all!

How can you turn hyacinths into a beautiful decoration in a jar for Easter?You can find out here!