It's not that easy to find the right films for those precious pre-Christmas evenings. After all, it is probably the busiest time of the year and free sofa time is a rare commodity. That's why we dug deep and filtered out a few particularly beautiful productions. Much joy!
These new films and series are worth watching in December 2024
„Joy“ (Netflix)
For whom:Fans of true stories and scientific events that made history
What's it about:Theis about the scientist Robert Edwards (James Norton) and the surgeon Patrick Steptoe (great as always: Bill Nighy), who work together with the young nurse and embryologist Jean Purdy (Thomasin McKenzie) in England in the 1970s against all resistance from the state, establishment and church achieved a historic breakthrough: the birth of the world's first test-tube baby and the groundbreaking possibility of artificial insemination from that moment on.
Why watch:Something different than the typical Netflix Christmas kitsch and somehow fitting because a child prodigy is born. What's great is that it's told here from the perspective of the young embryologist Jean Purdy - a pioneer of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), which has hardly played a role in history so far. (Joined on November 22ndNetflix)
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„Single Bells - 12 Dates till Christmas“ (ZDF Neo)
For whom:Fans of series like “Christmas at Home” and chaotic, romantic dating storylines
What's it about:The comedy series from Belgium is about 30-year-old Mina, who is the only one of her sisters who shows up to the family's Advent celebration without a permanent partner. Her mother Annie is so upset about this that she quickly organizes a blind date for Mina. What the family doesn't know: Mina already has a casual but secret flirtation with Jens, who doesn't want to get involved in a permanent relationship.
Why watch:Because the family story is heartwarming and so is the search for the right love. Including silly situational comedy, for example during a chaotic game night. A perfect overall package for pre-Christmas bingeing... (Joined on December 4thZDF Neo)
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“The Sticky – Revenge is Sweet” (Prime Video)
For whom:Fans of underestimated, bizarre heroes who suddenly rise above themselves under tragic circumstances and stand up for justice
What's it about:About maple syrup farmer Ruth Landry, who rebels against the corrupt maple syrup empire in Canada. With a spectacular robbery...
Why watch:Canada in winter is wonderful when there is no snow here... But also because the black humor is soothing and the cast is top-class: with Margo Matindale in the lead role as the angry maple farmer and Jamie Lee Curtis as the mafia boss... What's also exciting is that the series is based on a real incident from 2012. (Joined on December 6thPrime Video)
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“Every Year Again” (ARD)
For whom:If you appreciate Charly Hübner, road trip romance and city-country collision, you've come to the right place.
What's it about:A long-distance bus trip is fun... or not. But somehow also reassuring to travel back home on the same bus every year. Felix (Klaus Steinbacher) and Hanna (exciting newcomer: Sinje Irslinger!) do the same, and they couldn't be more different. Or the single mother Kathrin (Maria Simon). Everyone has to carry their own packages, but on this trip they are all on the same bus...
Why watch:Comedian and screenwriter Tommy Wosch has really created a funny road movie with extremely entertaining dialogues. Christmas feeling on top! (Joined on December 6thARD)
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