Coffee against wasps: How to use used coffee grounds against insects and what other home remedies help

Are you fed up with wasps lurking everywhere? If you sit outside for just 10 seconds, they'll attack you in droves and just won't leave you alone. Whether in the garden, in the park or on the beach – the nasty flying insects are everywhere. What can you do? Can you use coffee against wasps? Since staying indoors isn't an option, we've put together a few tricks and home remedies to help you get rid of those pesky insects at home and on the go.

Wasps are unpleasant enough on their own, but when you have children, it's even more so. A bite can come as a nasty shock to a baby or toddler, and older children tend to scream and cry at the mere sight of insects. Luckily, there are a few tips against wasps that can help.

Coffee for wasps – this is a great home insect control remedy that requires very little equipment. The constantly rising smoke can keep wasps away from you! If you have a drip coffee maker, there's no need to waste fresh coffee - you can simply burn the leftover coffee grounds instead.

Burn coffee against wasps – that’s how they do it:

  1. Remove the coffee grounds from your coffee maker and place them in an aluminum foil pie plate. Place it in a cool, dry place until completely dry.
  2. Place the foil plate with the coffee grounds on a flat surface, such as a table, outside. Make sure that no animals or children have access to this area.
  3. Add a few drops of grill lighter fluid to the coffee grounds. Do not saturate the coffee grounds, otherwise they will burn too quickly.
  4. Light the liquid with a long match to avoid burns. Allow the lighter fluid to burn until the coffee grounds begin to burn and smoke.
  5. Smother the fire with a large, damp towel by placing it over the plate. The coffee grounds should continue to smoke and smolder. The smoke from the coffee grounds drives away wasps and mosquitoes.

How can you remove wasps in roller shutter boxes? Thefind out here!

Can coffee help against wasp stings?

Unless you use frozen ice cubes with coffee, coffee alone won't help with a sting. It is important to firstly remove the stinger and secondly to cool the affected area quickly. Ice cubes work well for this purpose, even without coffee ingredients. If the area swells significantly or you experience shortness of breath as a result of the wasp sting, seek medical attention immediately.

However, there are other home remedies you can use to treat wasp stings:

  • Meat tenderizer powder:Mix unseasoned meat tenderizer powder with a little water. Then apply it to the sting area with a cotton ball and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. The meat tenderizer contains a chemical called papain that can break down wasp venom to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Backnatron: A paste made from baking soda and a little water can also break down or neutralize the poison. Apply it to the puncture site like you would the meat tenderizer and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Teebeutel: A cool, wet tea bag can help fight inflammation and reduce swelling. Run it under cold water and place it on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes.

What helps against wasp stings? Theyou can read about it here!

How to keep wasps away with home remedies

Rub coins together:It is said that wasps hate the smell of copper. So empty your piggy bank and rub a few copper-plated coins between your hands. You can also spread the coins around the table.

Basil and garlic:These are other smells that wasps supposedly can't stand. Place a pot of basil on the table or scatter a few cloves of garlic. This should be enough to keep the insects away. You can also crush some garlic and/or basil leaves and add them to a spray bottle with water. Let them soak for a while and then spray the scented water on the areas where you don't want wasps.

Citrus fruits and cloves:This trick is also a great home remedy against wasps: Cut a lemon or lime in half and pepper it with cloves. This is also a fun activity to try with kids and a wonderful air freshener. This has been used as a traditional insect repellent for centuries. It not only works against wasps, but also against flies and mosquitoes. The scent is believed to mask the smell of people and food, preventing wasps and other insects from searching.

Cover your food:You may think this is a no-brainer, but it's important to remember: Leaving your bowls, food containers, and plates open is an invitation for wasps. So try to cover your food and drinks as much as possible.

Other effective home remedies for waspscan be found here!