How you can get rid of annoying insects from your balcony or terrace with effective home remedies for wasps

Although many of the stinging insects are essential to the ecosystem, people often have to use their own home remedies against wasps and bees. They can pose a real threat once they start entering homes to seek shelter or food. Wasps and other stinging pests are a common nuisance in summer. They are usually active during the day before returning to their nests at dusk. These insects are most active in the second half of summer and early fall, when their colonies are largest. To deal with this problem, you can follow a few simple steps and make a reliable insect repellent yourself.

Use effective and tested home remedies against wasps

If you spot a wasp nest in the area of ​​your home or see them flying around the living area, there is a possibility of a wasp infestation. While some species of wasps are typically aggressive when humans approach their nests, they are actuallyBeneficial insects for the garden. Many species of wasps feed on other insects that are considered pests for plants. This means that wasps are great for controlling pests that would otherwise snack on your flowers and tomatoes. According to National Geographic, some farmers even use them to protect crops. And contrary to popular belief, wasps do pollinate plants, just not to the same extent as bees.

Despite all the ways wasps can benefit your garden, they are dangerous for people with allergies, for example, as the insects could sting and cause an allergic reaction. Stinging insects send more than half a million people to the emergency room every year. If you already have a large insect infestation, it is strongly recommended that you do not take care of it yourself. Instead, call a licensed pest control professional to do thisRemove wasp nest. Fortunately, there are things you can do to deter wasps from building a nest in the first place. Try one of these six methods.

Use a mixture of clove, geranium and lemongrass oil against wasps

According to scientific tests, the combination of essential oils from clove, geranium and lemongrass can successfully repel wasps. Mix several drops of each oil with water and dish soap in a spray bottle and coat areas on the outside of your home or balcony where wasps like to build nests. This can be under eaves, canopies and other overhangs and crevices. These insects build different types of nests in different places. While field wasps tend to build hanging nests, other wasp species tend to build their nests underground or in empty spaces such as hollow trees.

Since it would be impractical to completely cover all of these areas with essential oils, target areas where you have found ancient nests in the past. Wasps don't like the scent of essential oils and some can even kill them. Prepare 5 ml of lemongrass, peppermint or citronella oil with 100 ml each of vinegar and water. Place the mixture in a sprayer with a hose end and spray over the nest entry points.

Use a combination of water and soap to drive away wasps from your balcony or terrace

According to experts and pest controllers, small wasp nests can be successfully controlled with a mixture of water and dishwashing liquid or soap. To do this, simply dilute some dish soap in hot water to create a solution that will suffocate them. Pour the solution over the wasp nest through the opening. Make sure you keep a sufficient distance from the wasp nest or wear protective clothing until the nest is soaked. Leave it for about six hours and then check to see if there are any live wasps left. The soap clogs their breathing pores (called spiracles) that keep them alive.

Use apple cider vinegar and peppermint oil as home remedies against wasps

Together, apple cider vinegar and mint give off a strong odor that is very repellent to pests like wasps. Mix these ingredients in a spray bottle and apply to wasp-infested areas. In addition, peppermint can also be quite effective in repelling wasps. You can try applying it as described above, or you can purchase organic repellents based on mint oil to attack established nests with.

Make your own wasp traps

Mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar, then add a cup of sugar. Then take two plastic bottles and cut them open at the top. Connect the bottles with tape and place them near the wasp nest. The sugar will attract the wasps, but the vinegar will kill them. Over and beyondWasp traps work, by luring the insects into a container with a tempting treat like sugar water and then preventing their escape. You can make one yourself in about five minutes by cutting off the top of any bottle and turning it over in the bottom or cutting a small hole in the top.

However, if such an insect trap is not for you, you can also buy one online. However, it is also possible that traps will not completely solve your problem, as you may catch wasps passing through your garden or balcony, and not just those building a problematic nest. If you use a trap, it's best to try to locate the nest and place the trap near the entrance.

More tips for getting rid of wasps

The home remedies for wasps described above may be cheap and easy to prepare. However, if you don't take proper precautions, some home remedies can put you at risk of being stung by a wasp. Most only offer a short-term solution to a complex wasp infestation problem. The lack of appropriate tools and the use of incorrect methods can make the situation even worse. To prevent things from getting worse, contact professional wasp removal and control services for the clear, permanent solution to wasp problems.

Keep food and trash covered to avoid attracting wasps. Make sure you close the lids of your garbage cans tightly. You can also compost indoors if you find that yourCompost pile causes problems. As invaders, stinging insects are attracted to sweets and proteins and therefore to people. Therefore, pour sweet drinks into cups if you want to enjoy them outside in summer. Wasps are known to climb into cans and sting when an unsuspecting person takes a sip.

In general, keep sugary drinks and all foods out of reach if possible. It is also recommended to seal small cracks in windows to prevent wasps from entering the house. The best time to do this is in late fall, after most of the workers have died, or in spring, before nests become active.