Cacti are exotic and beautiful plants that are loved and appreciated by many people. However, if you have small children or pets, prickly cacti are not the best choice. But fortunately there are also cacti without spines that are easy to grow.
Stingless cacti are pretty and very easy to care for and are also very suitable for beginners. Here we present you a list of spineless cacti that you can grow in pots or in your garden. We also give tips for proper care in this article. Try creating a little oasis at home or sprucing up a cute rock garden with cacti. Please note the appropriate growing conditions.
Astrophytum asterias is a small plant
The Atrophytum asterias is a thornless cactus. This cactus can be grown in a small pot because it only grows to about 5 centimeters high and 10 centimeters wide. The plant is also very suitable for rock gardens. The flowers are yellow and open in spring and are 6.5 centimeters in diameter. The cactus can tolerate mild frosts down to -2º C. Good care for this plant includes direct morning light and regular watering. A diluted, balanced fertilizer can also help promote flowering when given in summer.
Astrophytum care requires patience as this plant is slow to flower and you may have to wait several years before seeing flowers.Hold those cactiWater regularly during the growing season and allow them to dry out between waterings. Fertilize lightly and repot annually to help them grow better.
Lophophora williamsii is easy to care for
This cactus is quite easy to care for and has strong roots. Lophophora williamsii is a cute, spherical, spineless cactus. The small, pink flowers emerge from the center of the cactus. Lophophores thrive best in a fast-draining soil that is about two-thirds sand. Water abundantly in summer when temperatures are above 32°C. These cacti benefit from warm weather and bright light. They need a dormant period in the winter, so water lightly only once in 5-6 weeks and store in a dry, cool place.
Important NOTE:The plant contains mescaline, which produces hallucinogenic effects when consumed.It is therefore not recommendedto grow these cacti, if you have children or pets that might eat the plant.
Astrophytum myriostigma is suitable as a houseplant
This is a thornless, easy-care cactus that tolerates neglect and infrequent watering, making it an excellent houseplant. The plant is also known as bishop's hat. If you keep it in the garden, only water it when the soil is completely dry. Astrophytum myriostigma prefers high temperatures between 21 and 29 °C during the day and cooler temperatures between 10 and 18 °C at night. Protect this cactus from temperatures below -5°C and only water it when the soil is dry. The plant loves full sun. Once it is 6 years old it begins to bloom and the flowers are fragrant and look like they are made of silk.
Also read:Flowering houseplants: You probably don't know these yet!
Cacti without spines: Epiphyllum oxypetalum
The Epiphyllum is a beautiful hanging cactus. It grows quickly and can be grown both in a pot and in the garden next to a tree. The plant needs a lot of light, but can also tolerate partial shade. It does not tolerate frost. The stems can grow up to 1 m long and produce large white flowers that are among the largest in the entire Cactaceae family. They are very aromatic and open at dusk in spring and summer. Well-drained soil with perlite and orchid bark is good for this plant. It usually doesn't need much water, especially after 2-3 weeks when the soil is dry.
Stingless cacti: Hatiora gaertneri
Hatiora gaertneri is a shrub-like species, one of the prettiest and most popular species. The plant has hanging green stems and blooms with scarlet flowers in spring and summer. In order for the cactus to develop well, it needs a bright place, but you should avoid direct sunlight as the leaves can burn. The cactus can tolerate the cold, but not the frost.
How to properly care for this cactus? Keep the soil evenly moist, but not too wet, as the plant grows. Water sparingly for a month after flowering. Then the plant rests. Stems will shrivel or wilt if the roots are too dry, and yellow stems indicate overwatering.
Schlumbergera truncata blooms in winter
Schlumbergera truncates is also a hanging cactus and is also known as the Christmas cactus. Its stems reach a length of up to 1 meter. This cactus blooms in winter with white, pink or red flowers. Keep it in the shade or partial shade and remember that the plant is very sensitive to cold; it also needs to be protected when the temperature falls below -9ºC.