How to protect cherries from birds? Keep annoying flocks of birds away from fruit trees in the garden

It is quite frustrating to discover robbed cherry trees in the orchard, which is why it would be useful to be able to protect cherries from birds. Although this can often be challenging for many gardeners, there are effective methods to keep unwanted visitors away from cherry trees. Depending on the situation, this may be a combination of preventive measures so you can look forward to a better cherry harvest in early summer. Here are some simple steps and tips you can follow to keep hungry “thieves” away from your garden fruit trees.

What should you do to protect cherries from birds?

The ripe red fruits are a preferred food source for numerous bird species in early summer, which is associated with a lot of damage. Even if some cherries remain intact on the tree, feathered visitors can damage many of them when eating them. So they remain inedible, rot or becomeinfested by insects, which could lead to more damage to the garden area. Even if you don't have a particularly large orchard, if problems like this arise, all your efforts and plant care may have been in vain. Although birds are also beneficial to cherry trees as they eat many insects, this can do more harm than good.

Luckily, cherries can be protected from birds by being strategic. You can distract them from the trees, for example, with a bird bath or an alternative feeding place. There is also the option of using a physical barrier such as bird netting to protect your cherry trees from attacks.

There are also clever tacticsRepellents like scarecrows, ultrasound devices or decoys, which, however, require a little more attention. If you have a huge cherry orchard, defending it can sometimes be a real challenge. Nonetheless, it is advisable to consider some of the following options.

Cherry trees provided with bird netting

One of the most effective steps you can take is to protect the fruit from predators using tree netting. If you have a fine mesh net you can use it to create a barrier, although you should pay attention to the size. Also make sure that the cherries are stored well behind them so that they remain out of reach of the beaks.

This may also prevent other unwanted guests such as rodents from climbing the trees and causing damage. To protect the canopy, you may also need to build a frame around the top of your tree. This creates a gap between the net and the tree branches.

Protect cherries from birds with deterrents such as decoy cherries

Another common method of deterrence is to add an artificial bird of prey that would deter starlings, sparrows or other bird species. Decoy birds such as owls or falcons, which you can use to harass fruit-eating visitors, are suitable for this. However, it is also likely that over time the pests will get used to your repellent and no longer perceive it as a danger.

This can be prevented by repositioning the corresponding decoy every now and then or daily if necessary. This way, the birds will remain uncertain as to whether your mimic predator is a deterrent or actually real. In addition, it would be even better to change the decoy by using different types of birds of prey.

Use irritating sounds such as noisemakers or ultrasound devices

Many species of birds can be scared away with loud noises such as bursting balloons, pyrotechnics or frightening sounds. In addition, there are also electronic devices that use ultrasound by producing sounds at a specific frequency that only birds can hear. Although opinions about this method are not the same, many people report that it has a noticeable effect on the birds.

The best course of action is to check the effects to find out which remedy is best for your situation. Recorded bird calls from birds of prey could also prove to be oneeffective measureprove if you want to protect cherries from birds. The most important thing is to try out different strategies and adapt your defenses accordingly to achieve better results.

Hang reflective objects near cherry trees

Many shiny and reflective objects, such as old CDs or tapes, can be confusing to birds. This allows the eyes of birds of prey and other predators to be imitated, causing them to stay away. So try adding hanging pieces of reflective tape, aluminum foil, DVDs and other mirrored materials to tree branches or garden fences. Since feathered visitors will also get used to it in this case, you should reposition these objects as often as possible to achieve the desired effect.

Provide bird feed or birdbath and protect cherries from birds

Although these methods are more for...Attracting the birdslead, they provide an alternative way to distract from the food source. This is also a humane way for a bird lover to care for feathered visitors without letting them get to cherry trees. If your fruit tree is one of the few food sources for native bird species, you can provide them with another option with a feeder or birdbath.

This will at least reduce the damage caused, although in this case you should also monitor the situation. The most important factor in this method is distance. Therefore, try to place bird food or water sources a safe distance from cherry trees so that the fruit does not become the birds' dessert.