Are you wondering if crane flies can sting or bite? Do you want to know whether they are pests or beneficial insects? Are crane flies dangerous for humans or can they even harm our garden?
Unfortunately, summer also includes many pests and annoying stinging and biting insects. And while we're familiar with ticks, mosquitoes, and flies, there's one common garden resident that many aren't so sure about. We're talking about the gnats (Tipulidae), which can be quite intimidating with their impressive size and appearance of mosquitoes - especially if you don't really know whether they, like their smaller relatives, bite and are dangerous. Can gnats sting or bite and are they pests or beneficial insects? We clarify!
Are crane flies dangerous?
What are crane flies actually? These insects are a subspecies of mosquitoes, which are further divided into their own species. For this reason, they can also grow in different sizes - depending on what they are. They also have a mouthpart in the form of a stinger like mosquitoes. The big question, however, is whether gnats bite like their close relatives, the mosquitoes, or whether they can cause other damage in the garden.
Can gnats sting or bite?
Many people wrongly believe that these peaceful insects mean us harmthe mosquitoes we know. And the size of the gnat makes it seem even more frightening to us. So we can't be bitten by them for two simple reasons:
- The mouthpart is not suitable for piercing human skin. It is far too hard, making it simply impossible for a fly to bite.
- Blood is not on their menu at all. What do crane flies eat?
This type of mosquito only feeds on nectar and drinks normal water. The annoying mosquitoes, on the other hand, suck the blood because of the proteins it contains, which they need to form their eggs (which is why only the female mosquitoes bite).
The adult insects therefore pose no danger. The only thing that can be quite annoying is that they are not particularly shy and often fly against us humans. This is of course unpleasant for those who already have no sympathy for insects.
Do the insects harm in other ways?
Otherwise, they could also be described as beneficial insects due to their nectar-sucking properties, as this is how they pollinate garden plants.
Other benefits of this type of mosquito include:
- They serve as food for other animals.
- The larvae play an important role in decomposing fallen leaves and needles and are therefore an important part of the ecosystem. Since some species also hatch in water, they work up rotten wood and leaves there.
Mosquitoes also lay their eggs in stagnant water.This wayyou can prevent this.
is an exceptiona plague of gnats and, more precisely, the presence of numerous larvae of gnats. These live in the soil and feed on roots. When planting vegetable plants outdoors, damage can quickly occur to the young plants, which can even cause the plants to die or at least be severely affected. Since this happens relatively rarely, it is unnecessary to take action against the larvae or insects in general and instead let them make their useful contribution to nature.
Mosquitoes don't sting, but what's the point in combating them?
If these large mosquitoes bother you, you don't have to resort to radical control straight away. To keep the troublemakers away, it is usually enough not to turn on the lights in the evening (at least not when opening the patio door) or, when sitting outside, to set up a light source that lures the insects away. Fly screens also keep pests out of your home.
A mosquito coil (which you probably know as an anti-mosquito coil) is also good for temporary protection when you just want to enjoy a quiet evening on the terrace.
What can you do against gnats? They sell these home remedies:
- Sage leaves, which you grind and set on fire in a fireproof dish.
- Apple cider vinegaras an insect repellent for the skin by diluting it in equal parts with water and rubbing it onto uncovered skin. You can also put pure apple cider vinegar in small bowls in the apartment.
- Withessential oilsPrevent the gnats from entering by putting a few drops on cotton wool and spreading them on the windowsill. You can also try this outside on the patio or balcony table (or with an aroma lamp). The following are well suited: bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, mint and sandalwood.
- Protective creamYou can get essential oils by mixing one of the mentioned oils with a body lotion. Add one part fragrance oil to four parts cream.
Which smells work on mosquitoes?find out here.
How nematodes can help
Would you like to reduce the population? What helps against gnats? You can use nematodes that eat the larvae. Since the first larvae hatch in late summer or autumn, you have to tackle this in the autumn season at the latest. Nematodes are roundworms that feed on a variety of larvae and infect them with bacteria, causing them to decompose. As soon as these food sources have been destroyed, the nematodes also die, so you can get rid of them again shortly after use.