Grow your own coconut palm from a coconut for a holiday feeling in your own home

Holiday feeling at home? This is what you can get with a real palm tree. And if you have a knack for plants or just want to try growing a palm tree yourself, you can also try it out with a coconut palm. Sure, you could just buy a large coconut tree, but then where is the excitement and hope and pride that you have managed to grow a palm tree yourself? Perhaps you have already successfully tried mangoes or other exotic fruits? Then it's best to get started right away! If you now feel like growing a coconut palm yourself, let our tips guide you and after a while decorate your apartment with an exotic houseplant that will put you in a good mood even on bad days.

Grow your own coconut palm - this is how it's done!

If you want to grow a coconut palm yourself from a coconut, you should allow for a lot of time. It can take around 8 weeks, but also up to 6 months, for the nut to germinate. Additionally, you must have oneGet coconut, which is also capable of germinating. You can find these in a delicatessen store, for example. If this long waiting time doesn't bother you, it's best to get started straight away as follows:

  • Prepare the pot with the substrate. Find out below what the best soil is for this purpose.
  • Moisten the substrate.
  • Remove the fibrous sheath.
  • Place the coconut in the substrate, which should be around 25 degrees warm.


  • Place the coconut in a container.
  • Pour hot water over the coconut until it is halfway submerged.
  • Place them in a warm place (about 25 degrees). In winter, for example, this could be the boiler room.

The second variant is considered the easier one for beginners because the necessary heat can then be better controlled. Whether after 8 weeks or after 6 months - as soon as the seedling is visible, special attention must be paid to ensuring there is sufficient moisture. Otherwise, you risk the seedling drying out. The coconut should remain in the water until the roots have managed to penetrate the shell. Only then is it recommended to place the seedling and the nut in the pot with soil. When you plant the coconut palm, you do not need to cover it with soil. Simply place the seedling with shell on the substrate. The conditions for location, irrigation and humidity should be met there. You can find out what these are in our next section below. Only if you fulfill these requirements as far as possible can you successfully grow a coconut palm yourself.

If the seedling has caught on well, it can finally be planted properly at some point. To do this, plant it and the nut in the substrate. But make sure that only half of the nut should be in the ground. The other half instead remains outside Earth. The shell should therefore remain as it nourishes the small plant. It will eventually resolve itself when it is ready. If you want to grow a coconut palm yourself but don't want to wait until the coconut germinates, you can also use pre-germinated coconuts.

Properly care for coconut palm as a houseplant

To ensure that the chances of success are as high as possible when you grow the coconut palm yourself, it is of course important to equip yourself with the right things or to create and guarantee the right conditions. We have put together for you what is most important.

The earth

You can prepare the substrate in advance. A mix of ordinary potting soil and sand is best. This composition guarantees a permeable substrate, which is very important for these palms. In addition, some clay can also be added, which serves to retain a certain amount of moisture. It is also important that the substrate is nutrient-rich to begin with. Later, fertilization twice a year is sufficient. This will prevent the palm tree from growing too quickly if you grow your own coconut palm. Otherwise there are no other special features for Earth.

The right location for the palm tree

It should definitely be very bright for coconut palms. While they can get by with a semi-shady location as young plants, the larger plants should definitely have at least 12 hours of light and as much of that as possible in the sun. As does everyoneother houseplantThe plant likes to be outdoors in summer. If you have a garden or terrace, this is the ideal location. The same applies to the balcony. If you grow a coconut palm yourself, you are also pampering it with fresh air.

The necessary temperature

It should never be too cold for the palm tree. The minimum temperature is 18 degrees and that applies to night temperatures. If colder nights are expected and the palm tree is outside, it is recommended to move it inside to spend the night. This can be strenuous and therefore annoying, especially with large coconut palms in heavy pots. A plant roller can be very practical here.

Is humidity important for the plant?

Of course, care also includes the right humidity. Don't forget that coconut trees come from tropical areas where the air is naturally very humid. That's why it should be supplied with moisture even in our latitudes. But how do you care for a coconut tree in relation to this? The best and easiest way to do this is to spray the leaves regularly using a spray bottle. The substrate will also contribute a certain amount to the moist air. The moisture is good for the plant and also prevents spider mite infestation.

Use the right water for watering

How do I water correctly? If you grow a coconut palm yourself, you should note that it needs plenty of water. At the same time, you have to make sure that you avoid waterlogging. It is therefore better to water frequently and normally, rather than rarely and a lot. You should remove any excess water in the saucer. Also, don't choose just any water, but rather room temperature. Palm trees love warmth! If your tap water is not too calcareous, it can also come from the tap, but it must be at room temperature. Otherwise, rainwater is also suitable, as it is known to work best on all plants.

Time to repot, but how?

If you grow the coconut palm yourself, sooner or later the first plant pot will become too cramped. The ideal time to do this is after about two to three years. Then of course a larger one should be found. A vessel that is elongated is best. The reason for this is that the roots grow straight down and not in all directions.When repottingthe roots should not be injured. This is especially important for very young plants.