These houseplants, which require little water, are perfect for the indoor garden!

Don’t be confused – all plants need water. However, there are also species that only need to be watered rarely in order to thrive. So these plants are not very sensitive if you forget to water every now and then. Today we present 17 robust houseplants that require little water and do not require extensive care. So perfect for indoor gardeners who are constantly pressed for time or travel often.

Care instructions for houseplants that tolerate drought well

Plants create a pleasant atmosphere in the home: they improve air quality and give the interior a touch of freshness. However, what turns most people off from having houseplants indoors is the care they require. Regular watering is a must for most plants. For those of you who often forget to water or are simply not at home that often, there are also houseplants that need little water.

The plants that can survive a lack of water are considered robust and easy-care houseplants. They also often have no special requirements in terms of location, humidity and temperature at which they thrive.

Such houseplants, which require little water, can usually withstand drought because they store water. They usually have fleshy leaves or special stems that act as water reservoirs. However, most drought-tolerant plants cannot tolerate waterlogging and should never be watered too often. As a rule of thumb: only water these houseplants when the first layers of soil are already dry.

Below we have put together the most popular easy-care plants for the home. They vary from large to small, so that everyone can find a suitable type (or why not several) for their own four walls.

Succulents for the modern indoor garden

When you think of easy-care houseplants, succulents might be the first thing that comes to mind. They have succulent, thick leaves that can store a lot of water and therefore do not need to be watered constantly. How to properly water succulentsread this article.

The succulents are not only particularly robust, but also very decorative. The leaves of most species are arranged in rosettes and come in various colors. Cacti are also easy-care houseplants and look beautiful despite their thorns.


The aloe vera plant consists almost entirely of water storage and therefore does not require regular watering. The thick-leaved plants can vary in size depending on the species and their leaves can be either completely green or spotted with white. Aloe is still known as a medicinal plant and is widely used in the cosmetics industry. When caring for it, it is particularly important not to water the plant too much. If in doubt, it is better to water less and less often.


A succulent that comes in different shapes and colors is the echeveria. It grows from spring to autumn and penetrating watering is recommended during this period. Before watering again, you should allow the soil to dry out completely.

Ball cactus

Still known as the mother-in-law's seat, the ball cactus is one of the easiest houseplants for the home. With its spherical trunk with yellow thorns, the plant looks very exotic and often adorns window sills. The ball cactus is rarely, but abundantly, watered. A period of rest is required in winter, during which the plant receives very little water.


If you're looking for something exotic for your own four walls, an agave houseplant is the right choice. The succulent comes from the new world and enchants with its decorative leaves. You should water the plant once every 1-2 weeks when the soil is already dry. Please note that the leaves of the agave are poisonous and do not attempt to harvest its sap.

Large houseplants that require little water: the fiddle leaf fig

Large-leaved plants for the homeare back in trend. They not only look beautiful, but are also particularly easy to care for. Some species such as violin figs need little water and impress with their special leaf shape. The perfect location for this plant is full sun, ideally next to a window. However, you should note that under optimal conditions the plant becomes very large and needs to be repotted once a year. The fiddle leaf fig is therefore not suitable for small rooms with low ceilings because it can appear too dominant in the room.

Birch fig as a classic houseplant

Birch fig or Ficus benjamina is a classic for the home that requires very little maintenance. The plant grows up to 5 meters high, so the location should be bright but not directly exposed to the sun. The green leaves of the birch fig are slightly wavy and vary from light to dark green. You should water this houseplant moderately and only when the soil on the surface has already dried out a little. If it loses leaves, it is a sign of too much water.

Bow hemp for better air quality

Known under the botanical name Sansevieria, arched hemp is a particularly robust and easy-care houseplant. Its sword-shaped leaves, which grow upright, come in different colors and have different patterns. The plant also filters toxins and thus improves air quality. When it comes to care, arched hemp is also one of the houseplants that need little water. It has no location requirements, but it grows more slowly in a dark location. You should water very rarely and avoid waterlogging at all costs. If you have pets, you should also be careful because theyBow hemp leaves are poisonous.

Dwarf pepper – easy-care houseplant with decorative foliage

If you particularly like houseplants for their decorative leaves, dwarf peppers are definitely the right choice. They also require little care and are only watered sparingly. Stagnant moisture in the root area must be avoided at all costs, so it is best to only water the plant once a week. The perfect location is bright, but definitely not in full sun. The species with colorful foliage like it a little brighter, but the blazing midday sun should be avoided anyway.

The houseplant from the past – the rubber tree

The rubber tree was one of our grandmother's favorite houseplants for a reason. It is particularly robust, easy to care for and grows profusely. The perfect location is out of the blazing midday sun, but still bright. After the top layer of soil has dried out, you should water the plant generously. The diving method is even more suitable, in which the entire globe is submerged in water for half an hour. The rubber tree has no other care requirements. Please note, however, that because the leaves are slightly curved, the houseplant attracts a lot of dust. Regular dusting is therefore recommended.

The bottle tree looks interesting

If you are looking for an interesting and easy-care houseplant, then take a look at the bottle tree. Also known as elephant's foot, this plant resembles a palm tree and has a thick bottle-shaped trunk, from which it gets its name. Unlike other houseplants that require little water, the bottle tree stores water in the trunk instead of in the leaves. The leaves themselves are narrow and grow hanging downwards like a clump. A sunny location in the apartment is best suited for the elephant's foot.

Pfennigbaum care – little water but lots of sun

Penny tree, money tree or thick leaf is an easy-care houseplant that is considered indestructible. It can transmit total drought because the thick-fleshed leaves store large amounts of water. From March to August you should water the penny tree moderately once a week and even less frequently from September to February. The leaves are small, round and have a red color on the edge. They are reminiscent of small gold coins and gave the plant its name. Choose a bright location where there is direct sunlight and you can't go wrong.

Lucky feather for every location

Similar to bow hemp, the lucky feather grows upright. The plant's vertical stems are adorned with thick, green leaves that turn light or dark green depending on the lighting conditions. This plant stores water in its stems. However, it cannot tolerate a lot of moisture. However, if the soil becomes extremely dry, the plant sheds its leaves to conserve its reserves. This is also a clear sign that you should water the lucky spring. But don't worry, the plant will produce new leaves after a short time.

Plants that need (almost) no water – tillandsias

Tillandsias are one of the plants that need almost no water. They are also not planted in soil and draw their necessary nutrients from the air. That's why tillandsias are still known as air plants. In nature they grow on rocks and therefore need a bright location out of direct sun. Even if they are not watered, the air plants still need moisture or water. Instead of watering them, you should just mist them with a mister. In this way, the tillandsia leaves become moist, which promotes their growth.

Cobbler palm thrives in low light conditions

Robust houseplants like the cobbler palm are the perfect choice for those who don't have time for complex plant care. Still known as a cast iron plant, it is considered indestructible. The cobbler palm is also one of the houseplants that needs little water and can also thrive in very low light. The leaves of the plant grow lushly and can add a natural touch to the unused corners in the living room.

Decorative houseplants that require little water – miracle shrubs

The miracle bush or croton is a particularly decorative houseplant with colorful leaves. The foliage has different shapes in different types of plants and sets atmospheric accents in the interior. In order to show its most beautiful colors, the miracle shrub needs a bright location out of direct sunlight and little water. Water the plant occasionally and make sure that it does not become waterlogged.

Orchids require little water

Orchids look very delicate, but they are actually really hardy houseplants. A popular variety is thisPhalaenopsis Orchidee, which fascinates with its different colored flowers. When it comes to care, this type of orchid requires very little. They thrive in a partially shaded location. You should water the plant a maximum of once a week. The pot should also have good drainage and no water should collect in the base pot.

Japanese sago palm fern

The sago palm is actually not a palm tree in the classic sense. The plant is commonly used to produce a type of starch that is eaten in Japan and some countries in Southeast Asia. In terms of care, the Japanese sago palm fern doesn't require much. The houseplant is watered when the first layers of soil are already dry. It is also important to water the substrate instead of the foliage and trunk. Like many other houseplants that require little water, the sago palm thrives best in a bright location out of direct sunlight.