Herbs in a flower pot – useful care ideas

Which delicious spices are best used asHerbs in a flower potsuitable? Whether you have a large plot of land and only one windowsill, you should definitely consider a garden of flower pots to grow delicious spices. This way you will have the wonderful smelling onesHerbs in a flower potright within reach.

Suitable places in the home for herbs in flower pots

You don't need a big property to look after the pretty, useful and most importantly deliciousHerbs in a flower potto find a suitable place. Most spice plants make excellent potted plants that you can grow on your patio, balcony, fire escape, on the steps of your front door or even on the windowsill.

Enough sunlight for the herbs in the flower pot

The most important condition for your deliciousHerbs in a flower potTo grow well, there is a lot of sunlight. Therefore, you should choose a place for them that receives direct sunlight for at least 8 hours a day. You should also choose the sunniest place for the spice plants inside the house. However, don't expect them to thrive there as well as outside. Also, don't overdo it when it comes to caring for the delicious spices.Avoid fertilizers because most aromatic plants will offer you the greatest scent and taste when grown in nutrient-poor soil. You should also be careful with watering. Some spice plants need dryness to grow well, while others love moisture. Choose loose soil through which excess water can drain easily and offer the roots of the delicious spices enough space to develop well.

Spices in the garden

Perennial herbaceous plants can survive outdoors throughout, provided they are suitable for your region and live in a pot that is large enough, i.e. at least 19 liters of soil, and has good drainage. Choose for the If possible, use plastic flower pots for delicious spices, as those made of clay or ceramic could break due to the cold in winter. Another way to ensure that perennial spice plants survive the winter is to take them out of the pots in late summer and plant them in the garden. This means that the delicious spices still have enough time until winter to develop a new root system with which they can survive the cold. If you only want your perennial spice plants for one year, simply remove them from the pots at the end of summer and throw them away.

The best delicious spices for the flower pot

TheBasilis a popular annual spice plant that grows best in direct sun and moist soil. Six weeks after sowing, when a root system has formed, the plant can cope with short dry periods. Basil can easily grow together with thyme, parsley and other types of delicious spices in the same pot, provided it contains at least 19 liters of soil. For smaller pots, choose more compact types of basil.


Chives are a grassy, ​​perennial plant whose hollow leaves form groups. It is actually a small onion, but is grown for its leaves and flowers and not for the bulb. Those toofragrant pink to purple flowersare edible. The chives should be planted in well-fertilized soil with good drainage. Although it can also grow in partial shade, it prefers direct sunlight. The chives are also ideal for pots and can easily survive the winter.


Both the spicy leaves and its dried and ground seeds are used from coriander. You should also provide this annual plant with soil with good drainage. Coriander grows best in the sun, but can also cope with a little shade. Since it produces long taproots, you should get a flower pot for it that is at least 30 cm deep.


Tarragon is a classic French herb that is used to season fish and many other dishes. Plant it in a sunny spot in a soil mix with good drainage. It tolerates drought well and should therefore not be overwatered. Tarragon can grow in partial shade, but prefers direct sunlight.


Lavender is a perennial, bushy shrub that feels most comfortable in direct sun and in soil with good drainage. Water the plant rarely and avoid fertilizer. Its winter hardiness depends entirely on the variety. Therefore, inform yourself beforehand.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm has been one of the most popular, delicious spices for ages, and it spreads quickly and independently through seeds in the garden. It is perfect for your pot garden, especially because there is no risk of it taking over your entire garden over time. Plant them in sun or partial shade in moist, rich soil with good drainage.

Lemon verbena

The lemon verbena, or simply called the lemon bush, is a tropical shrub that is usually grown as an annual plant in flower pots. Plant the delicious spices that have already been grown in the nursery in containers that are filled with a potting mix and offer good drainage. Avoid fertilizing because lemon verbena grows best with just a few nutrients. She also loves the sun.


Marjoram is a relative of oregano, but has a sweeter and milder scent and taste. Just like most othersdelicious spicesThe marjoram should be in the sun and needs soil with good drainage. This perennial plant is best overwintered indoors in cooler regions.


Peppermint is an energetic plant that can quickly take over the garden. It is therefore better to plant it in a pot. It can grow in different types of soil and the intensity of the sun does not play a major role. Peppermint produces most of its leaves in rich soil. It is a perennial plant, but winter hardiness depends on its species. So check which one you have chosen, or rather, find out more before you buy.


Oregano is a fundamental seasoning in Mediterranean cuisine. The plant represents a shrub that does best in the sun and in soil with good drainage. The following applies to oregano: the more sun it gets, the spicier the taste of the leaves becomes. Moist ground doesn't suit him.


Rosemary is a Mediterranean evergreen shrub that loves hot, dry and sunny places. In order for it to grow well, it is important that the soil in which it is located can dry quickly. It copes very well with dry periods. If you are growing rosemary indoors, keep the soil moist but never wet.


Sage is particularly popular for seasoning poultry meat. It grows best in the sun in moist soil, but in which water does not accumulate. Sage is perfect for adding some structure to the potted garden. Not all, but most types of these herbs in flower pots are hardy.


There are different varieties of these delicious spices. However, everyone loves the sun and soil with good drainage. Thyme doesn't like moist soil at all. So be careful not to overwater it.