Lavender has simply breathtakingly beautiful flowers that not only impress with their color and quantity, but also exude a pleasant scent that also conveniently drives away annoying insects. And because of its color, the plant can be wonderfully combined with other plants to create interesting color contrasts in the lavender bed.
However, since it requires location conditions that not every plant species can cope with, the question arises: Which plant is suitable for lavender? We have put together a list where you can find a few ideas so that you can combine your beautiful lavender with other plants, both in the bed and in the pot on the balcony.
Make the lavender bed rich in species
Lavender needs a lot of sun and that's why you should choose plants thatfull sunlighttolerated even in the hot summer. Which ones are suitable if you want to combine lavender in the garden?
Combine lavender and grasses
The following specimens can be used for a bed with grasses and lavender. On the whole, pretty much all varieties and types of ornamental grasses are suitable, as they can usually cope with drought and direct sun and also prefer poor soils. It is best to find out more about this in advance.
- Blaushwingel (Cinderella fescue)
- (Giant) feather grass (Stipa)
- Pennisetum grass
- Pampasgras
Combine lavender with other plants – put together an edible herb bed
The selection of suitable herbs is quite large, as many of them alsocome from the Mediterranean regionand therefore have the same location conditions. So if you want to combine lavender with other plants and create a fragrant herb bed, you can choose the following:
- Heiligenkraut (Santolina)
- Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
- Light-bellied birds (Silene dioica)
- Lippenblütler (Lamiaceae)
- Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
- Rosmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis)
- Sage (Salvia officinalis)
- Thymian (Thymus vulgaris)
- Ysop (Hyssopus)
- Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
Which flowers and perennials go well with the lavender bush?
There are flowers and flowering perennials as well as non-edible herbs that make wonderful planting partners for lavender. These are:
- Brandkraut (Lamiaceae)
- Currykraut (Helichrysum italicum)
- Duftnessel (Agastache rugosa)
- Real sea kale (Crambe maritima), edible
- Torch lily (Kniphofia)
- Fetthenne (Sedum)
- Frauenmantel (Alchemilla)
- Common Mugwort (Artemisia)
- Mullein (Verbascum)
- Lupine (Lupinus)
- Girl's Eye (Coreopsis)
- Marguerite (Leucanthemum x superbum)
- St. Mary's bellflower (Campanula medium)
- Carnation (Dianthus), various varieties
- Phlox
- Rittersporn (Delphinium)
- Veil herb (gypsophila)
- Scabies (Scabiosa)
- Sunflower (Helianthemum)
- Spinnenblume (Cleome spinosa)
- Stockrose (Alcea rosea)
- Storchschnabel (Geranium)
- Scabious flower (Knautia)
- Wollziest (Stachys byzantina)
- Ornamental garlic (Allium)
- Zistrose (Cistus)
Meadow flowers love the sun and, like lavender, prefer poor soil, so you can choose all varieties here.
Roses in the lavender bed – is that optimal?
Maybe you've already had the ideathe rose bedPlant with lavender and fill in gaps, for example. But the question arises as to whether rose and lavender really go together. Have you ever heard the theory that lavender plants protect others (including rose bushes) from aphid infestation? This was thought to be true for a long time, but it actually is. Although both types of plants love the sun, they have different needs in terms of nutrients, soil conditions and irrigation and therefore do not fit together.
Do hydrangeas and lavender go together?
The combination of the impressive hydrangea flower colors and the lavender also seems like a dream in the imagination. But what about these two copies? Unlike roses, do they go together? Unfortunately we have to disappoint you here too. Those tooHydrangeas are quite moisture-loving, which would give the Mediterranean subshrub less.
If you don't want to miss out on the color combination, you could use a few tricks to ensure that you both like it. Simply place the lavender in the sun so that the hydrangea can benefit from its shade. Add a barrier between both bushes so that irrigation water for the bush does not reach the lavender bush. Or use one of the two plants as a potted plant and place it next to the other.
In principle, the companion plants mentioned above for lavender can also be used for balcony design, as long as the plants selected are also suitable for keeping in containers. HimselfGrasses are suitable for this. This also applies to the lavender variety, because not everyone feels comfortable in a pot. Also keep in mind that the pot must be large enough so that the subshrub can thrive despite the combination partner. The following variants are also possible if you want to combine lavender with other plants for the balcony, for example:
Which flower goes well with lavender in a pot?
- cloves
- Lichtnelken
- Veil herb
- White ornamental sage
- Wollziest
Which herbs to plant together?
You can also combine lavender and herbs in a pot, box or bucket. Usually all of the above-mentioned variants are also suitable for pot cultivation.