Hardy ornamental grasses for pots that decorate the terrace and balcony and get through the winter without any problems

Grasses are a really attractive and welcome accent in the garden. There you can transform bare walls into beautiful eye-catchers, make the garden pond more authentic or even serve as a privacy screen. But these beauties are not just reserved for the garden, as there are also numerous varieties of ornamental grasses that can also be wonderfully cultivated in pots. This way you can get the desired privacy protection on the balcony or terrace, make the flower boxes more interesting or simply enjoy a special kind of potted plants in addition to the classics. But which ones can easily survive the cold winter months in their containers? We'll introduce you to hardy ornamental grasses for containers that you can consider and explain how best to protect and overwinter them in the winter.

To what extent are grasses that are described as hardy actually protected?

It is true that grasses that are considered hardy can survive the winter without any problems. However, this applies to outdoor locations and “real” soil, because this is more protected from cold and frost. In pots, however, they are much more exposed to the cold because it affects the roots from all sides. For this reason, the term should not mislead you. A certain oneNeed winter protectionStill hardy ornamental grasses for pots.

For this purpose, the pots can be placed on polystyrene plates or on cardboard to insulate them from below. Fleece and foil can also be used all around.

Winter-hardy ornamental grasses for pots – which varieties are suitable?

Chinese reed (Miscanthus sinensis) delights with reeds in winter

Don't attach any importance to your grasses showing color even in winter, that isMiscanthus is ideal. It loses its leaves in the cold season. All that remains are the reeds, which also offer a beautiful sight. You can choose between 20 varieties, all of which can survive the winter if you choose the right location (full sun to partial shade) and protect the plants. However, not all of them are suitable for container care or they would not survive the winter in them.

Most varieties grow up to 150 cm tall, but there are also those with a maximum height of 3 meters. Would you like something a little more extreme in a large container? Then giant miscanthus with its growth height of up to 5 meters is just the thing for you!

Pennisetum grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides) – Compact and with beautiful flowers

Hardy ornamental grasses for pots arealso the pennisetum grasses, which are so popular because of their pretty inflorescences, among other things. There are no less than 80 varieties of pennisetum grasses, but they do not grow taller than 150 cm. Also perfect for small areas such as the balcony. It is also very practical that these grasses also feel comfortable indoors and can therefore also be cultivated as houseplants. So this is the perfect and easiest way to overwinter the plants. And you also get a nice decoration for the dreary winter months.

Plant pots with grasses –Pampasgras (Cortaderia)

Should your container planton a south balconyor somewhere else in full sun? Then pampas grasses are exactly the right variants, because they not only love such locations, but also need them to become resistant to the winter cold. However, keep in mind that not all varieties are actually winter hardy, which is why you should inquire beforehand. There are also more compact varieties, but also those that can reach 2.5 meters high.

Fescue (Festuca) also for flower boxes

They are very compact and therefore also suitable as grass for the balcony boxcushion-like and sphericalgrowing fescue varieties. They score points with their very good winter hardiness and interesting leaf colors, which vary depending on the variety. Should your grasses be hardy?andbe evergreen? The fescues will fulfill your wish! Depending on the variety, these grasses usually grow to a maximum height of 50 cm. Perfect winter-hardy ornamental grasses for pots!

Hardy ornamental grasses for pots – sedges (Carex)

There are numerous varieties of sedge that are perfect for container planting. You get really robust grasses for pots that retain their green color even in winter. Depending on the variety, they grow to a maximum of 50 cm tall and they don't grow too wide either, so even larger boxes can be easily planted. The ideal location varies depending on the variety from shade tofull of sun. So you can easily find the right strain for your needs.

zebra reed ((Miscanthus sinensis zebrinus)with effective leaf coloring

The name suggests that the leaves have a striped look that is really beautiful to look at. But that's not all that this type of grass impresses with. In winter, pretty ice crystals form on these interesting leaves before the plant sheds the leaves. It is a variety that thrives wonderfully in pots and is robust and with its maximum height of 160 cm it is also relatively compact - perfect even for small balconies. You have the choice between different sub-varieties, some of which are less frost hardy than others. However, all of them are characterized by their striped leaves.

  • Blue oats (Helictotrichon sempervirens)
  • Moor-Reitgras (Calamagrostis x acutiflora)
  • Rohr-Glanzgras (Phalaris arundinacea)
  • Rohr-Pfeifengras (Molinia arundinacea)
  • Snow-white grove ledges (Luzula nivea)
  • Wimper-Perlgras (Melica ciliata)