These 10 humidifier plants help against dry air through heating!

Dry room air in winter can have negative effects on your health and lead to your skin becoming dry and cracked. Other frequently occurring symptoms are dry nasal mucous membranes, irritated eyes and dry lips. AhumidifierIs a way to solve the problem, but did you know that houseplants can also increase the humidity? Here we show you 10 of the best humidifiers that improve the indoor climate in a natural way and are also very easy to care for. Since they are often plant species that thrive in moist environments, they absorb water over their roots and then emit moisture over the pores on the underside of their leaves or fronds. This process is referred to as evapotranspiration.

These are the best humidifiers plants

Note: The air humidity should be kept between 45 and 55 percent. Too much moisture can form a breeding ground for bacteria, mold and mildew.

Areca-Palme (Goldfruchtpalme, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

NASA research has shown that the areca palms are one of the most efficient air purification plants and also an excellent humidifier. In fact, an 180 cm high areca palm evaporates almost a liter of water in 24 hours. The ARECA palm from Madagascar is quite easy to care for and grows faster thanother palms. The plant needs bright but filtered sunlight. Pour once or twice a week. The more light it gets, the more water it needs. From November to March, the water requirement is rather low.

Sword fern (Nephrolepis)

The sword fern is considered one of the oldest still existing plants - it was found as a fossil.According to studies by NASAIt filters the most pollutants out of the air and is ideal for humidification. The plant comes into its own in a flower traffic light or on a flower stand. This plant has to be sprayed and poured frequently to stay healthy, but it will reward you with additional humidity in her home. Medium, indirect sunlight is preferred for healthy growth.

Grünlilie (Chlorophytum Comosum)

The green lily is one of the most robust humidifiers that you can find. It has long, thin, light green leaves and forms delicate, white flowers. This hanging growing plant reduces formaldehyde from the air and also has a high transpirate rate. The green lily prefers medium to light light and needs very little water. As a rule, it is sufficient to water them once a week.

English ivy (Hedera Helix)

The ivy is not only suitable as a rapid growingPrivacy screen to the neighbor,but also as a houseplant. Studies have shown that he has one of the highest transpirate rates. This makes it a good option to increase the relative humidity and remove carbon monoxide from the room air.

The English ivy likes light light and a slightly dry floor. Check the floor to ensure that it is almost dry before watering again. It will grow as long and lush as they allow it to him. It is recommended to cut the climbing plant back twice a year.

Einblatt (Spathiphyllum)

And here is another flowering perennial with a high transpirate rate. The single sheet usually blooms all year round with beautiful white flowers. The main flowering period is from March to September. The plant prefers a light to partially shaded location and a slightly moist floor. The single sheet also removes manyPollutants, such as benzene, Alcohols, acetone, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene. Just make sure that you keep the plant outside the range of cats and dogs because it is poisonous for them.

Rubber tree (ficus elastica)

The rubber tree is one of the most famous Ficus varieties and can become up to 3 meters high. The name comes from the milky and white juice in the leaves and stems. He prefers a light to partially shaded place and constantly warm temperatures of at least 18 degrees. Pour this plant economical and let the floor dry between the water gibbing to get a robust, healthy air purifier and humidifier.

Piston thread (Aglaonema)

The piston thread also shows excellent moisturizing and cleaning performance. With its shiny, green-white leaves, it is one of the most attractive leaf flashing plants. The plant originally from the tropics of Indonesia is extremely easy to care for, with low demands on light and water. It thrives best at a shady location without direct sun.

Bogenehanf (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

The archer is another houseplant with air cleaning properties. It tolerates adverse conditions such as lack of light and high temperature fluctuations and easily forgives care errors such as irregular irrigation. This houseplant is ideal for bedrooms because it also produces oxygen at night.

Drachenbaum (Dracaena)

The dragon tree also works as a humidifier and pollutant filter at the same time. It reduces chemical pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene and creates a harmonious energy climate in the room. Over 100 species are currently being distinguished in the Drachenbaum genus. The fragrant dragon tree (Dracaena deremensis) and the terraced dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) ideal.

With their shiny green leaves with red border, they would probably choose the Marginata alone because of their appearance. However, this slowly growing plant offers a few other advantages. The Marginata prefers light, indirect light. It also copes with less light, but its leaves will then grow thinner.

Bergpalme (Chamaedorea elegans)

The mountain palm also increases the air humidity and reduces large amounts of pollutants. It ensures exotic flair and vacation mood in her own four walls, but remains nice and small. The easy -care mountain palm thrives in a bright, but not too sunny.

Tips for air humidification through plants

The larger the houseplants, the better your moisturized performance. Group your humidifier plants to increase the air humidity and help your plants thrive. In a room with 20 sqm you need at least 3-4 larger houseplants so that the ideal humidity of 45 to 55 percent can be achieved.

To increase the moisture potential of the plants, you can put the pots on water -filled pebbles. Place a layer of pebbles in a tablet with a high edge or a saucepan and add so much water that half the pebbles are covered. When the water evaporates, it increases the humidity around the plant. Empty and clean the subdivet letters frequently to prevent algae or undesirable bacterial growth.