Whether exotic for the terrace or native beauties for the balcony: raised bed and potted plants are sensitive to frost due to the small volume of soil. To make it through the winter well, you need additional protection. This is where bubble wrap comes to the rescue. In today's post we will explain how you can use them as winter protection.
Use bubble wrap correctly as winter protection
At the end of October the temperatures drop permanently. The onset of winter in November and the night frosts are very dangerous, especially for potted and raised bed plants. In contrast to outdoor plants, which tolerate ground frost well, potted plants are very sensitive to frost and cold. Exotics andMediterranean speciescan freeze to death even in unheated winter quarters. Therefore, bucket insulation is an absolute must for them. But hardy plants that grow in pots, such as box trees, roses and grasses, also need protection in order to get through the winter well. Especially if the pot is made of plastic - the material has no insulating properties and must be insulated from all sides.
Bubble wrap is a cost-effective and effective protective material. It repels rainwater and lets sunlight through. However, it is tight - which means that it does not let air in. If the entire plant is covered with bubble wrap, it can mold and shrink. That's why you only wrap it around the root area.
The advantages of bubble wrap at a glance:
1. It has good insulating properties and can be used in multiple layers for even better results.
2. It is a very flexible material that can be easily laid over corners and curves.
Frost protection for potted plants
No matter whether outdoors or in the winter garden – potted plants need extra frost protection. You proceed as follows:
1. Plants that will spend the winter outside should be placed protected from the wind, ideally directly in front of the house or apartment wall.
2. AtPlants in winter quartersThe bucket is first cleaned and then any ailing parts of the plant are cut off.
3. Place the bucket on a Styrofoam coaster or a plate made of synthetic rubber and wrap it with bubble wrap.
4. Finally, you can also mulch the plants and, if necessary, pack the above-ground plant parts (trunk, stalk, shoots) with jute. You tie the jute fabric loosely around the plants.
Prepare the balcony box for winter
The procedure for the balcony box is similar to that for the bucket. First the box is cleaned, then wrapped with bubble wrap. It is then placed on a warm, southern wall of the apartment. It is also very important that the balcony box is protected from the wind. For this purpose, you can also insulate screens, partitions and railings with bubble wrap. To protect the earth from drying out, cover it with giant. Above-ground plant parts are wrapped with fleece.
The plants overwinter in the raised bed
One of the biggest advantages of air protection film is that it does not allow rainwater to pass through. This way you can protect the wooden bed from the elements and prevent rot and weathering. In this case, the bubble wrap is ideal, as it is tear-resistant and robust. Like air protection film, it is also sold by the meter and you can cut it as desired. The material is very flexible and easy to attach. Pay special attention to the knobs, which must always be aligned with the wooden walls. This allows air circulation
In the fall, the raised bed is planted with winter vegetables. To shorten the ripening time, you should also mulch the soil.
Protect growing pots from the cold
Many plants are propagated through seedlings in the fall. If the young plants are planted in nursery pots, they should also be protected from frost. It is best to wrap the cultivation pots with bubble wrap. That's basically enough to get you through the winter. In the cold months, most plants stop growing anyway. They only need more warmth from February onwards to grow.
When to install winter protection?
For exotic plants, you should apply bubble wrap at the end of October. However, this is only necessary if the winter quarters are unheated. Large potted plants on the patio that spend the winter outside will be wrapped next - in early November. Flower boxes and plant pots must be protected from frost by mid-November at the latest.
Local plants can then be unpacked from mid-April. Exotic and Mediterranean plants are only brought into the garden or onto the balcony after the Ice Saints.
Bubble wrap is a cost-effective protective material that can be used to protect pots, boxes and raised beds from rain, wind and frost. This keeps the root balls warm and prevents rot and mold. In any case, you should use the foil correctly. This only protects the root area. The above-ground parts of the plant can also be wrapped with fleece.