Do you have to cut the Dipladenia in autumn? Which shoots are shortened so that the plant sprouts again next year? And how much do you have to cut back a Mandevilla before overwintering?
The Dipladenie(Mandeville)is a very frost-sensitive plant that cannot overwinter outside in our latitudes. It is important that you bring the Mandevilla to its winter quarters in good time. In some cases, however, you shouldbefore overwinteringcut the Dipladenia. In the article we explain why this is so important and how to do it correctly.
When and how to cut the Dipladenia?
Since Dipladenia is a tropical plant, it thrives best in pots. This is a real permanent bloomer that can bloom from April until the first frost. Since the Mandevilla is a climbing plant, it can grow very high – up to six meters. An interesting fact is that plants sold in garden centers are usually contained with an artificial compression agent so that they remain small and compact. However, the effect of this remedy wears off after overwintering and the plant can quickly shoot up in the second year.
To ensure that the Dipladenia thrives and produces plenty of flowers, you should cut it at the right time. As a rule, there are a few times when you should cut the Dipladenia:
- In late winter or spring to stimulate new growth
- In summer to shape the plant and clean out any dead flowers
- In the fall before overwintering, plants that are too large are cut back
A note in advance: If you cut your Dipladenia for one of the following reasons, be sure to wear gloves when cutting it back. When cut, the plant releases a toxic milky sap that can irritate the skin. The flow of sap can easily be stopped with a little water.
Prune at the beginning of the season
Anyone who has successfully overwintered their Dipladenia should cut back the plant before the growing season begins. The ideal time for pruning is spring or the months of February and March. After this cut, new growth is stimulated. At this point you can cut the plant into the desired shape. It is also necessary to remove all dead shoots. Otherwise, both the side shoots and the main shoots are cut in half, depending on how large the plant is. If the plants are not too large, you can only shorten the side shoots to maintain the height of the main shoot. Always make the cut over a bud.
Tipp:The cut shoots of dipladenia in spring can be rooted in water and used to propagate the plant.
Summer pruning
In summer, a Dipladenia can shoot up quickly and grow many shoots out of the row in a short time. At this point, topiary is beneficial. You can cut off any protruding shoots that cannot be supported on the trellis.
Prune young plants
For young plants it can also be beneficial to pinch the shoots. This means that you break off the shoot tips under the first pair of leaves with your fingers, so it's not a matter of making a cut. This care measure ensures that the young plant branches well.
Cut Dipladenia in the fall before overwintering
After flowering and before overwintering, it also makes sense to cut back the Mandevilla. In particular, unwieldy plants that have grown too much during the growing season should at least be cut to save space. If the winter quarters are rather dark, then more pruning is necessary.
Cut diseased shoots of Dipladenia
If your Mandevilla was attacked by aphids or whiteflies in the summer, the easiest way to identify and remove the diseased shoots is in late winter. If pruning is carried out in this way, no additional care pruning is usually necessary in the spring.
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Where can you overwinter Dipladenia?
As a tropical plant, your Dipladenia cannot spend the winter in the garden or on the balcony. Most varieties are not hardy and cannot tolerate frost. They therefore need a bright, frost-free place to overwinter, with a temperature between 8 and 12 °C. Cool but bright rooms such as a greenhouse, winter garden or possibly a bright garage are best. Make sure the room has enough light, but avoid direct sunlight. The Dipladenia also needs light during the winter break so as not to wither away. Maintain a constant temperature and avoid drafts.
When to bring Dipladenia into winter quarters?
It is important that you start preparing on time. The right time is in autumn, before the temperatures drop too much. If the night temperatures are 8 to 10 °C, then the plant should be put away.
In which cases does wintering make sense?
Small dipladenias from garden centers are often offered as annuals and are discarded after flowering in October. For small plants in a balcony box, overwintering is not always advisable - the care required is often high and it is easier to buy a new plant in spring. If you already have a large dipladenia on the terrace or want to grow the plant larger, then overwintering is worth it.
If you have decided to overwinter, there are a few things you should consider.
- Prune before wintering: cut back both in height and width, but not more than half. If you have enough space in the winter quarters, light pruning is sufficient.
- Move the pot to a frost-proof glasshouse or a cold winter garden.
- In winter quarters you should water and spray the Dipladenia occasionally so that it does not dry out. Since the plant is evergreen, it needs light and moisture all year round.
- Stop fertilizing completely during the winter months.
- To prevent pest infestation, ventilate the winter quarters on frost-free days and increase the humidity through regular spraying or a humidifier. Check the leaves for lice and mites and use suitable sprays or soapy water if necessary.
- Do not clear out the plant until May, preferably after the Ice Saints, to avoid frost damage.
Although Dipladenia is a tropical plant, you can successfully get it through the winter with these tips. Please note: Overwintered specimens usually bloom a little later - the first flowers often only appear from June onwards.
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