The oleander is one of the most popular potted plants. Proper care in autumn and winter is crucial so that it gets through the cold season well. When it comes to oleander care in the fall, cutting and overwintering are on the agenda. We explain what you should pay attention to.
Oleander care in autumn: Be sure to cut it before overwintering
Autumn is the right time to prepare the Mediterranean plant for the coming winter. This also includes a caring cut. Old plants are thinned out - no more than 30% of the old shoots may be removed. The remaining branches are shortened to the first bud. In addition, theOleander also on pestsand diseases are checked; sick and dead plant parts are removed immediately.
If the oleander hasn't bloomed as vigorously as it used to for a few years, you can rejuvenate it in January. However, you must expect that the plant will recover next year and not produce any flowers.
Cut off the seed pods
If you want to extend the flowering period of the oleander, you should cut off the green seed pods. Do not allow the seeds to ripen, but cut off the fruits immediately after formation. In this way you can encourage renewed flowering. Removing the seeds is also recommended because otherwise the tree will put its energy in the seed capsules and then react more sensitively to frost.
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Overwintering oleanders: the most important questions answered
The oleander is a true sun worshiper. It thrives best in full sun locations and requires protection from wind and rain in summer. As long as the weather permits, you should leave it outside even in September. The exotic is overwintered before the first night frost. He can't tolerate sub-zero temperatures very well.
Can you overwinter the exotic species outside?
The exotic is widespread in the Mediterranean region and cannot tolerate rain, snow and low temperatures. Overwintering outdoors is therefore out of the question. Prepare winter quarters and bring him into the apartment or house in mid-October. In September the plant is placed close to the house and watered only when necessary. The bucket is wrapped with fleece and so onFrost protected.
Overwintering in the dark basement or garage: Is that possible?
The oleander is a container plant, but it can grow quickly. Perennial plants take up a lot of space and are also heavy. You then ask yourself whether the oleander can perhaps be overwintered in the cellar or garage. The problem is that the exotic needs a sunny place even in winter. The garage and basement offer enough space, but are too dark and poorly ventilated.
However, a short stay in the garage or basement cannot harm the plant. In regions with a mild climate, the tree can be left outside all year round. It is best to place it near the wall of the house, as protected from wind and rain as possible. Place the bucket on a Styrofoam coaster and wrap it with antifreeze film. If the temperatures drop below -5 degrees Celsius for just a short time, you can take it into the garage.
Oleander care: Overwintering in the apartment
A winter garden or greenhouse offers optimal conditions for sun worshipers. Place the bucket on Styrofoam coasters and wrap it with fleece if you overwinter the oleander in the greenhouse. Scatter a layer of mulch over the surface.
An unheated room in the apartment or house is also suitable as winter quarters. However, make sure that the oleander is not too warm. Temperatures should be between 8 and 12 degrees Celsius. If the oleander is in a dark room, it should be overwintered at 8 degrees Celsius. Vice versa - if it is sunny, then it can be overwintered at temperatures down to 12 degrees Celsius.
Oleander care: water and fertilize in autumn
You can stop fertilizing at the beginning of September. The oleander does not need fertilizer to get through the winter. Even the other way around - fertilizers can stimulate growth and young shoots are particularly sensitive to frost. They are also more often attacked by pests in the fall.
When it comes to watering, the rule of thumb is: water the plant sparingly but regularly. The soil must never dry out; the exotic prefers moderately moist soil.
The right room temperature for winter storage
Overwintering the oleander is particularly important for wintering out. Basically, plants that spend the winter in a cold room can be moved outside in March or April. The adjustment period is very important. The exotic animal needs time to feel comfortable in the garden again.
Plants that have been kept warm over the winter are only allowed outside after the Ice Saints. Even then, the exotic animal needs some time to adapt to the lighting conditions outside.
Oleander care in autumn and winter includes measuresaround winteringand the cut. Starting in mid-September, you should slowly prepare the exotic animal for the coming winter and choose the right winter quarters. Before the first frost, around mid-October, it will overwinter warm and bright.
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