In a residential area consisting of several houses, every homeowner strives to have suitable privacy protection that guarantees sufficient privacy without making the property appear too cramped and also stylish. For this purpose, attractive masonry was chosen as a privacy screen for the Staab Residence, which is partly completely closed and on other sides has a semi-open design with a mesh look. In this way, the connection to the nature surrounding the house remains.
The masonry as a privacy screen will also be continued for the construction of the house. The stone-on-stone construction ensures a solid construction that guarantees an attractive interior wall design with a gray concrete look. This design is combined with modern,minimalist furniturefor kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. In addition, the flooring has a gray color both inside and outside, creating a monochrome interior. There is also an impressive steel kitchen that matches the shiny floor.
While the lower floor was used for outdoor space with a terrace and pool, the second floor of the modern house aims to take advantage of the impressive views. Large window fronts create bright rooms from which you can enjoy the attractive surroundings. We've put together a gallery to give you a closer look at home design. The property is located in Scottsdale, Arizona and was designed and completed by Chen + Suchart Studio in 2013.
Design byChen + Suchart Studio.